68HC908 Convert frequency to cycle duration doesn't work

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68HC908 Convert frequency to cycle duration doesn't work

Contributor II



I wanna convert a frequency in Hz to its cycle duration in µs. Example, frequency is 440, result shall be 2273


I tried this:


int round(double number){

  return (number >= 0) ? (int)(number + 0.5) : (int)(number - 0.5);



int FrqGetUs(int frq){

  double period;


  return (round(period));





but it doesn't work. In circuit, the µC appears to be caught in a reset-loop, and while in debugger, the µC freezes somewhere in ASM on the calculation of  period=(1/frq)*100000; debugger reports "Communication with target lost".


Whats wrong with it?

Original Attachment has been moved to: pdeclaration.h.zip

Original Attachment has been moved to: MCUinit.c.zip

Original Attachment has been moved to: MCUinit.h.zip

Original Attachment has been moved to: drehteller_v2.zip

Original Attachment has been moved to: lib_hc08c_device_include.zip

26 返答(返信)

Senior Contributor II

I would also check the possibility of stack corruption (either due to program error, or insufficient stack allocation) which might also cause resets (e.g., due to illegal opcode or address). Although this does not seem to explain the difference in real vs debugger, but it's worth investigating (e.g., is the debugger version the exact same binary?)

0 件の賞賛

Contributor II

Hey you guys, thanks for helping. Im just within this debugger issue and found out: If I remove some code, it works. If I remove some other code instead, it works as well. Could it be possible that I'm simply running out of flash? However, I'd expect a warning if I try to write more code than the targets size is. And well, if the debugger access via MON08 may allocate some extra address space, that could be the explaination why it works in circuit but not in debug.

(I came across this cause I added two more example for() loops to the code, making it finally failing in circuit as well).

Best regards


0 件の賞賛

Contributor II

Anybody else who can help? I hardly cannot believe that the 4k FLASH is already full. I have roughly 4K C sourcecode (including comments, formatings and stuff) and I thought that ASM is more compact than C

0 件の賞賛

Senior Contributor II

Yes, everything else being equal, ASM is always shorter than C but, in case you hadn't noticed, your code is in C, not ASM.  :smileyhappy:

It's hard to tell what your actual problem might be.

Looking at the produced map file, you should be able to tell how much room your code takes, and where (in case some falls outside valid memory ranges).

Your programmer should also warn you if you try to put code outside the specific variant's memory ranges.  (Hint: Are you using the correct variant setting in your compiler and/or programmer?)

If indeed you have an insufficient memory problem I suspect you can easily solve it by just removing the floating point library from your code.  Floating-point is notoriously expensive in terms of code size (and even execution speed).

You can always do any basic calculations (like the ones you showed) using plain integer arithmetic.  This should lower the code space needed for your app possibly enough to solve your problem.

Without having access to your full project details, it's hard for someone to offer you more advice.

Contributor II

Yes, the code is written in C. I thought it will be compiled to ASM by the IDE before its became loaded to the FLASH. However, this may not be that effective than directly coding in ASM (but the one and only time i wrote ASM was on 6502 - 20 years ago).

I've got a warning "Address out of range" sometimes during debugging, but not while programming. Probably this is an issue with the P&E interface - or better to say - it's software. The variant should be selected correctly.

I think there may be still the float library loaded, I'll doublecheck this later.

Apart from this, there is no problem to give access to the full code, it's not confidential. I can upload it later this evening.

Thanks so far.


0 件の賞賛

Senior Contributor II

>If I recall correctly, this was a branch or jump instruction where that warning appeared. The device is MC68HC908JL3ECDWE.

OK, if it's jumping to an illegal address for this MCU variant, it would cause a reset.  Or, if it jumps to an area where there is NO valid opcode (e.g., data or garbage), again it would cause a reset.

To get rid of one possible problem at a time (not necessarily in this order):

* Verify object code address range is valid (by examining the produced map file.)

* Verify the JMP instruction is jumping where it should.  If not, ask why.  E.g., if it jumps to the correct label, but it turns out to be in nowhere land, then maybe your code has wrapped around the 64K limit, or some similar problem.

* Try to remove floating point, and make needed changes to your code.

0 件の賞賛

Contributor II

And finally, the C source code, which is surely far from good:

#include <hidef.h> /* for EnableInterrupts macro */

#include "derivative.h" /* include peripheral declarations */

#include "pdeclaration.h" /* ports declarations */

void MCU_init(void); /* Device initialization function declaration */

int FrqGetUs(int frq){

  int period;


  return (period);


void delayus(int delay){




  while (TSC_TOF == 0);


  TSC_TOF = 0;                              



Calculation of correction steps:

360 degrees equals 3350 steps

Correction steps = 3350 minus (rounded (3350 divided by pictures per turn) * pictures per turn)

Correction position = rounded(3350 divided by correction steps)


void move(int picinit, int motspeed){

  int pause;

  int pics;

  int steps;

  int xtrastep = 0;

  int totalsteps = 0;

  int stepinit = 0;

  int stepmiss = 0;

  int accdcc = 0;

  stepinit = (3350 / picinit);

  if (3350 / (3350 - (stepinit*picinit))  > 0) {

    stepmiss = 3350 / (3350 - (stepinit*picinit));


  for ( pics = 0; pics < picinit;) {


    for ( steps = 0; steps < stepinit;) {

      MOTclk = !MOTclk;

      for( pause = 0; pause < motspeed; pause++);




      if (stepmiss !=0) { /* Exact 360 deg step correction routine */

        if (xtrastep == stepmiss) {

          MOTclk = !MOTclk;

          for( pause = 0; pause < motspeed; pause++);


          xtrastep = 0;




      if (BTNstop == DOWN) {  /* Stop button pressed? */

        LEDstart = 0;

        LEDstop = 1;

        while (totalsteps < 3350) {

          MOTclk = !MOTclk;

          for( pause = 0; pause < motspeed; pause++);




        LEDstop = 0;

        pics = picinit;

        steps = stepinit;



    for( pause = 0; pause < 30000; pause++); /* Placeholder for Infrared xmtr routine for DSLR control */

      pics ++;



void main(void){

int test;

int period;


  MOTrst = 1;


  for (;;) { /* main loop*/

    if (BTNstart == DOWN) {

      if (MODEword == 14){ /* SWITCH POSTITON 1 - 10 pics */

        MOTmode = HALF;

        LEDstart = 1;


        LEDstart = 0;



      if (MODEword == 13){ /* SWITCH POSTITON 2 - 20 pics */

        MOTmode = HALF;

        LEDstart = 1;


        LEDstart = 0;


      if (MODEword == 12){ /* SWITCH POSTITON 3  - 25 pics */

        MOTmode = HALF;                                   

        LEDstart = 1;


        LEDstart = 0;


      if (MODEword == 11){ /* SWITCH POSTITON 4 - 30 pics */

        MOTmode = HALF;

        LEDstart = 1;


        LEDstart = 0;


      if (MODEword == 10){ /* SWITCH POSTITON 5 - 35 pics */

        MOTmode = HALF;

        LEDstart = 1;


        LEDstart = 0;


      if (MODEword == 9){ /* SWITCH POSTITON 6 - 40 pics */

        MOTmode = HALF;

        LEDstart = 1;


        LEDstart = 0;


      if (MODEword == 8){ /* SWITCH POSTITON 7 - 45 pics */

        MOTmode = HALF;

        LEDstart = 1;


        LEDstart = 0;


      if (MODEword == 7){ /* SWITCH POSTITON 8 - 50 pics */

        MOTmode = HALF;

        LEDstart = 1;


        LEDstart = 0;


      if (MODEword == 6){ /* SWITCH POSTITON 9 - 60 pics */

        MOTmode = HALF;

        LEDstart = 1;


        LEDstart = 0;


      if (MODEword == 15){ /* SWITCH POSTITON 10 - Testmode */

        MOTmode = HALF;


        LEDstart = 1;


          for (test=0; test<1000; test++){


          MOTclk = !MOTclk;



          for (test=0; test<1000; test++){


          MOTclk = !MOTclk;


        LEDstart = 0;





0 件の賞賛

Contributor II

First of all, I cannot reproduce the warning. I'd tried so many things the past days, that I can't recall exactly under what circumstances it happens. What I know is, it was shown only in full chip simulation, while in-circuit the connection to the target gots lost instead.

Then I took a look on the project.map file (it is still the version with floating point), but thats double dutch for me. I'm going to post it here, maybe you can point on the important things for me:

Processor   : Freescale HC08

Memory Model: SMALL

File Format : ELF\DWARF 2.0

Linker      : SmartLinker V-5.0.34 Build 8120, Apr 30 2008




MC68HC908JL3.C.o                        Model: SMALL,         Lang: ANSI-C

Start08.c.o                             Model: SMALL,         Lang: ANSI-C

MCUinit.c.o                             Model: SMALL,         Lang: ANSI-C

main_v1_2.c.o                           Model: SMALL,         Lang: ANSI-C

RTSHC08.C.o (ansi.lib)                  Model: SMALL,         Lang: ANSI-C




Entry point: 0xEC8C (_Startup)

_startupData is allocated at 0xEC95 and uses 6 Bytes

extern struct _tagStartup {

  unsigned nofZeroOut     0

  _Copy    *toCopyDownBeg 0xF369

} _startupData;



Section Name                    Size  Type     From       To       Segment


.init                            149     R     0xEC00     0xEC94   ROM

.startData                        10     R     0xEC95     0xEC9E   ROM

.text                           1738     R     0xEC9F     0xF368   ROM

.copy                              2     R     0xF369     0xF36A   ROM

.abs_section_0                     1   N/I        0x0        0x0   .absSeg0

.abs_section_1                     1   N/I        0x1        0x1   .absSeg1

.abs_section_3                     1   N/I        0x3        0x3   .absSeg2

.abs_section_4                     1   N/I        0x4        0x4   .absSeg3

.abs_section_5                     1   N/I        0x5        0x5   .absSeg4

.abs_section_7                     1   N/I        0x7        0x7   .absSeg5

.abs_section_a                     1   N/I        0xA        0xA   .absSeg6

.abs_section_d                     1   N/I        0xD        0xD   .absSeg7

.abs_section_1a                    1   N/I       0x1A       0x1A   .absSeg8

.abs_section_1b                    1   N/I       0x1B       0x1B   .absSeg9

.abs_section_1d                    1   N/I       0x1D       0x1D   .absSeg10

.abs_section_1e                    1   N/I       0x1E       0x1E   .absSeg11

.abs_section_1f                    1   N/I       0x1F       0x1F   .absSeg12

.abs_section_20                    1   N/I       0x20       0x20   .absSeg13

.abs_section_25                    1   N/I       0x25       0x25   .absSeg14

.abs_section_28                    1   N/I       0x28       0x28   .absSeg15

.abs_section_3c                    1   N/I       0x3C       0x3C   .absSeg16

.abs_section_3d                    1   N/I       0x3D       0x3D   .absSeg17

.abs_section_3e                    1   N/I       0x3E       0x3E   .absSeg18

.abs_section_fe00                  1   N/I     0xFE00     0xFE00   .absSeg19

.abs_section_fe01                  1   N/I     0xFE01     0xFE01   .absSeg20

.abs_section_fe03                  1   N/I     0xFE03     0xFE03   .absSeg21

.abs_section_fe04                  1   N/I     0xFE04     0xFE04   .absSeg22

.abs_section_fe05                  1   N/I     0xFE05     0xFE05   .absSeg23

.abs_section_fe06                  1   N/I     0xFE06     0xFE06   .absSeg24

.abs_section_fe08                  1   N/I     0xFE08     0xFE08   .absSeg25

.abs_section_fe09                  1   N/I     0xFE09     0xFE09   .absSeg26

.abs_section_fe0e                  1   N/I     0xFE0E     0xFE0E   .absSeg27

.abs_section_ffff                  1   N/I     0xFFFF     0xFFFF   .absSeg28

.abs_section_21                    2   N/I       0x21       0x22   .absSeg29

.abs_section_23                    2   N/I       0x23       0x24   .absSeg30

.abs_section_26                    2   N/I       0x26       0x27   .absSeg31

.abs_section_29                    2   N/I       0x29       0x2A   .absSeg32

.abs_section_fe0c                  2   N/I     0xFE0C     0xFE0D   .absSeg33

.abs_section_ffde                 34     R     0xFFDE     0xFFFF   .absSeg34

.stack                            48   R/W       0x80       0xAF   Z_RAM

Summary of section sizes per section type:

READ_ONLY (R):         78D (dec:     1933)

READ_WRITE (R/W):       30 (dec:       48)

NO_INIT (N/I):          27 (dec:       39)



    Address     InitValue   InitFunction




     Name               Module                 Addr   hSize   dSize     Ref    Section   RLIB


MODULE:                 -- MC68HC908JL3.C.o --



     _PTA                                         0       1       1      42   .abs_section_0

     _PTB                                         1       1       1       4   .abs_section_1

     _PTD                                         3       1       1      12   .abs_section_3

     _DDRA                                        4       1       1       2   .abs_section_4

     _DDRB                                        5       1       1       2   .abs_section_5

     _DDRD                                        7       1       1       2   .abs_section_7

     _PDCR                                        A       1       1       2   .abs_section_a

     _PTAPUE                                      D       1       1       3   .abs_section_d

     _KBSCR                                      1A       1       1       0   .abs_section_1a

     _KBIER                                      1B       1       1       0   .abs_section_1b

     _INTSCR                                     1D       1       1       0   .abs_section_1d

     _CONFIG2                                    1E       1       1       1   .abs_section_1e

     _CONFIG1                                    1F       1       1       1   .abs_section_1f

     _TSC                                        20       1       1       5   .abs_section_20

     _TSC0                                       25       1       1       0   .abs_section_25

     _TSC1                                       28       1       1       0   .abs_section_28

     _ADSCR                                      3C       1       1       0   .abs_section_3c

     _ADR                                        3D       1       1       0   .abs_section_3d

     _ADICLK                                     3E       1       1       0   .abs_section_3e

     _BSR                                      FE00       1       1       0   .abs_section_fe00

     _RSR                                      FE01       1       1       0   .abs_section_fe01

     _BFCR                                     FE03       1       1       0   .abs_section_fe03

     _INT1                                     FE04       1       1       0   .abs_section_fe04

     _INT2                                     FE05       1       1       0   .abs_section_fe05

     _INT3                                     FE06       1       1       0   .abs_section_fe06

     _FLCR                                     FE08       1       1       0   .abs_section_fe08

     _FLBPR                                    FE09       1       1       0   .abs_section_fe09

     _BRKSCR                                   FE0E       1       1       0   .abs_section_fe0e

     _COPCTL                                   FFFF       1       1       0   .abs_section_ffff

     _TCNT                                       21       2       2       0   .abs_section_21

     _TMOD                                       23       2       2       1   .abs_section_23

     _TCH0                                       26       2       2       0   .abs_section_26

     _TCH1                                       29       2       2       0   .abs_section_29

     _BRK                                      FE0C       2       2       0   .abs_section_fe0c

MODULE:                 -- Start08.c.o --


     loadByte                                  EC00      17      23       5   .init      

     Init                                      EC17      75     117       1   .init      

     _Startup                                  EC8C       9       9       1   .init      


     _startupData                              EC95       6       6       6   .startData 


     __SEG_END_SSTACK                            B0       0       0       1              

MODULE:                 -- MCUinit.c.o --


     MCU_init                                  EC9F      33      51       1   .text      


     _vect                                     FFDE      22      34       0   .abs_section_ffde

MODULE:                 -- main_v1_2.c.o --


     FrqGetUs                                  ECD2      14      20       1   .text      

     delayus                                   ECE6      22      34       1   .text      

     move                                      ED08     16F     367       9   .text      

     main                                      EE77     2A9     681      68   .text      


MODULE:                 -- RTSHC08.C.o (ansi.lib) --


     _PUSH_ARGS_L                              F120      2D      45       1   .text      

     _ENTER_BINARY_L_LC                        F14D      23      35       1   .text      

     _IDIVMOD                                  F170      69     105       1   .text      

     _SPLITSIGN                                F1D9      1C      28       1   .text      

     _LDIVMOD                                  F1F5      CA     202       2   .text      

     _NEG_L_HX                                 F2BF      13      19       2   .text      

     _ABS_L_HX                                 F2D2       6       6       2   .text      

     _SPLITSIGN_L                              F2D8       A      10       1   .text      

     _LDIVS_k_is_k_div_j                       F2E2      2C      44       1   .text      

     _IMUL                                     F30E      2A      42       2   .text      

     _IDIVS                                    F338      1E      30       3   .text      

     _LDIVS_LC                                 F356       6       6       1   .text      

     _SEXT16_32                                F35C       D      13       1   .text      




  Name                                      Data   Code  Const


  MC68HC908JL3.C.o                            39      0      0

  Start08.c.o                                  0    149      0

  MCUinit.c.o                                  0     51     34

  main_v1_2.c.o                                0   1102      0

  RTSHC08.C.o (ansi.lib)                       0    585      0

  other                                       48     10      2




SECTION: ".text"

  MCU_init FrqGetUs delayus move main _PUSH_ARGS_L _ENTER_BINARY_L_LC _IDIVMOD



SECTION: ".init"

  loadByte Init _Startup

SECTION: ".abs_section_0"


SECTION: ".abs_section_1"


SECTION: ".abs_section_3"


SECTION: ".abs_section_4"


SECTION: ".abs_section_5"


SECTION: ".abs_section_7"


SECTION: ".abs_section_a"


SECTION: ".abs_section_d"


SECTION: ".abs_section_1a"


SECTION: ".abs_section_1b"


SECTION: ".abs_section_1d"


SECTION: ".abs_section_1e"


SECTION: ".abs_section_1f"


SECTION: ".abs_section_20"


SECTION: ".abs_section_25"


SECTION: ".abs_section_28"


SECTION: ".abs_section_3c"


SECTION: ".abs_section_3d"


SECTION: ".abs_section_3e"


SECTION: ".abs_section_fe00"


SECTION: ".abs_section_fe01"


SECTION: ".abs_section_fe03"


SECTION: ".abs_section_fe04"


SECTION: ".abs_section_fe05"


SECTION: ".abs_section_fe06"


SECTION: ".abs_section_fe08"


SECTION: ".abs_section_fe09"


SECTION: ".abs_section_fe0e"


SECTION: ".abs_section_ffff"


SECTION: ".abs_section_21"


SECTION: ".abs_section_23"


SECTION: ".abs_section_26"


SECTION: ".abs_section_29"


SECTION: ".abs_section_fe0c"


SECTION: ".abs_section_ffde"




     Name                                      Addr   hSize   dSize     Ref    Section   RLIB


     _PTA                                         0       1       1      42   .abs_section_0

     _PTB                                         1       1       1       4   .abs_section_1

     _PTD                                         3       1       1      12   .abs_section_3

     _DDRA                                        4       1       1       2   .abs_section_4

     _DDRB                                        5       1       1       2   .abs_section_5

     _DDRD                                        7       1       1       2   .abs_section_7

     _PDCR                                        A       1       1       2   .abs_section_a

     _PTAPUE                                      D       1       1       3   .abs_section_d

     _KBSCR                                      1A       1       1       0   .abs_section_1a

     _KBIER                                      1B       1       1       0   .abs_section_1b

     _INTSCR                                     1D       1       1       0   .abs_section_1d

     _CONFIG2                                    1E       1       1       1   .abs_section_1e

     _CONFIG1                                    1F       1       1       1   .abs_section_1f

     _TSC                                        20       1       1       5   .abs_section_20

     _TCNT                                       21       2       2       0   .abs_section_21

     _TMOD                                       23       2       2       1   .abs_section_23

     _TSC0                                       25       1       1       0   .abs_section_25

     _TCH0                                       26       2       2       0   .abs_section_26

     _TSC1                                       28       1       1       0   .abs_section_28

     _TCH1                                       29       2       2       0   .abs_section_29

     _ADSCR                                      3C       1       1       0   .abs_section_3c

     _ADR                                        3D       1       1       0   .abs_section_3d

     _ADICLK                                     3E       1       1       0   .abs_section_3e

     loadByte                                  EC00      17      23       5   .init      

     Init                                      EC17      75     117       1   .init      

     _Startup                                  EC8C       9       9       1   .init      

     MCU_init                                  EC9F      33      51       1   .text      

     FrqGetUs                                  ECD2      14      20       1   .text      

     delayus                                   ECE6      22      34       1   .text      

     move                                      ED08     16F     367       9   .text      

     main                                      EE77     2A9     681      68   .text      

     _PUSH_ARGS_L                              F120      2D      45       1   .text      

     _ENTER_BINARY_L_LC                        F14D      23      35       1   .text      

     _IDIVMOD                                  F170      69     105       1   .text      

     _SPLITSIGN                                F1D9      1C      28       1   .text      

     _LDIVMOD                                  F1F5      CA     202       2   .text      

     _NEG_L_HX                                 F2BF      13      19       2   .text      

     _ABS_L_HX                                 F2D2       6       6       2   .text      

     _SPLITSIGN_L                              F2D8       A      10       1   .text      

     _LDIVS_k_is_k_div_j                       F2E2      2C      44       1   .text      

     _IMUL                                     F30E      2A      42       2   .text      

     _IDIVS                                    F338      1E      30       3   .text      

     _LDIVS_LC                                 F356       6       6       1   .text      

     _SEXT16_32                                F35C       D      13       1   .text      

     _BSR                                      FE00       1       1       0   .abs_section_fe00

     _RSR                                      FE01       1       1       0   .abs_section_fe01

     _BFCR                                     FE03       1       1       0   .abs_section_fe03

     _INT1                                     FE04       1       1       0   .abs_section_fe04

     _INT2                                     FE05       1       1       0   .abs_section_fe05

     _INT3                                     FE06       1       1       0   .abs_section_fe06

     _FLCR                                     FE08       1       1       0   .abs_section_fe08

     _FLBPR                                    FE09       1       1       0   .abs_section_fe09

     _BRK                                      FE0C       2       2       0   .abs_section_fe0c

     _BRKSCR                                   FE0E       1       1       0   .abs_section_fe0e

     _vect                                     FFDE      22      34       0   .abs_section_ffde

     _COPCTL                                   FFFF       1       1       0   .abs_section_ffff





RTSHC08.C.o (ansi.lib):



  _ENTER_BINARY_L64_RC _LADD_k_is_k_plus_j _k_is_k_plus_j_l _k_is_k_plus_j_i

  _LSUB_k_is_k_minus_j _LAND_k_is_k_and_j _LOR_k_is_k_or_j _LXOR_k_is_k_xor_j

  _LMUL_k_is_k_mul_j _LMODU_k_is_k_mod_j _LDIVU_k_is_k_div_j






  _COPY_L _POP32 _POP64 _STORE32 _STORE64 _SEXT8_32 _CALL _Jump_Table_Addr

  _Jump_Table_Offset _Jump_Table_Header_Addr _Jump_Table_Header_Offset

  _Search_Table_16_Addr _Search_Table_16_Offset _Search_Table_8_Addr



  F_XGKL _UNPACK_k_to_K _UNPACK_k_to_K_Unary _UNPACK_j_to_L _PACK_K_to_k

  _PACK_K_to_k_Unary F_NORMK _FADD_K_is_K_plus_L _FMUL_K_is_K_times_L

  _FDIV_K_is_L_div_K _F_LONGK _F_FLOATK _FCMP_k_rel_j _FADD_Common _FSUB_Common





  _DUNPACK_k_to_K_Unary _DUNPACK_j_to_L _DPACK_K_to_k _DPACK_K_to_k_Unary

  D_NORMK_Unary D_NORMK _DADD_K_is_K_plus_L _DMUL_K_is_K_times_L


  _DADD_Common _DSUB_Common _DMUL_Common _DDIV_Common _DADD _DADD_RC _DSUB




RTSHC08.C.o (ansi.lib):

  _PowOfTwo_8 _PowOfTwo_16 _PowOfTwo_32 plus1 minus1 plus1d minus1d errno




------- ROM-ADDRESS: 0xF369 ---- SIZE       2 ---

Filling bytes inserted





Init                      USES _startupData loadByte

_Startup                  USES __SEG_END_SSTACK Init main

MCU_init                  USES _CONFIG1 _CONFIG2 _PTAPUE _DDRA _PTB _DDRB _PTD

                                _PDCR _DDRD

FrqGetUs                  USES _SEXT16_32 _LDIVS_LC

delayus                   USES _TSC _IMUL _TMOD

move                      USES _IDIVS _IMUL move _PTA _PTD

main                      USES MCU_init _PTB main _PTA _PTD move delayus




_LDIVMOD                  USES _LDIVMOD

_ABS_L_HX                 USES _NEG_L_HX

_SPLITSIGN_L              USES _ABS_L_HX


_IDIVS                    USES _SPLITSIGN

_LDIVS_LC                 USES _ENTER_BINARY_L_LC _LDIVS_k_is_k_div_j

_vect                     USES _Startup




main and _Startup Group


+- main               

|  |

|  +- MCU_init           

|  |   

|  +- move               

|  |  |

|  |  +- _IDIVS             

|  |  |  |

|  |  |  +- _SPLITSIGN         

|  |  |     |

|  |  |     +- _IDIVMOD           

|  |  |         

|  |  +- _IMUL              

|  |      

|  +- delayus            

|  |  |

|  |  +- _IMUL                (see above)

|  |    

|  +- FrqGetUs           

|     |

|     +- _SEXT16_32         

|     |   

|     +- _LDIVS_LC          

|        |

|        +- _ENTER_BINARY_L_LC 

|        |  |

|        |  +- _PUSH_ARGS_L       

|        |      

|        +- _LDIVS_k_is_k_div_j

|           |

|           +- _SPLITSIGN_L       

|           |  |

|           |  +- _ABS_L_HX          

|           |     |

|           |     +- _NEG_L_HX          

|           |         

|           +- _LDIVMOD           

|           |   

|           +- _NEG_L_HX            (see above)


+- _Startup           


    +- Init               

    |  |

    |  +- loadByte           


    +- main                 (see above)




+- _Startup             (see above)







Number of blocks to be downloaded: 5

Total size of all blocks to be downloaded: 1933

0 件の賞賛

Senior Contributor II

>First of all, I cannot reproduce the warning.

Does this also mean that your app is now functioning?

From a quick look, it seems this version (which is not the same as your original) does not use floats at all.

int FrqGetUs(int frq){

So, maybe this explains why you no longer see a problem.  Try adding a single float operation, and see if the problem re-appears. (Then, you know the culprit.)

At any rate, if with the current version you no longer see a problem, is there a reason to investigate it further?

Or are you still having a problem with the exact one you posted?

0 件の賞賛

Contributor II

Sorry, no. We're again at that stage while debugger losts conection to target while debugging, but µc working in circuit. However, since it's not yet complete, it also fails in-circuit if I add two more for() loops. So the question was am I running out of memory and (where) can i figure out this (in project.map).

I don't use floats right now, but the respective library is still loaded. I dont want to try too many things at a time, finally not knowing what in detail had which effect. So it would be really helpful to know how much memory I use and to understand the changes if I use the integer library instead (If I would know that for instance, I have 1% Flash  memory left with float and 2% with integer, I know that I need more than some cosmetic changes in order to fit the two remaining parts of code into the flash)

0 件の賞賛

Senior Contributor II

I don't have much time right now to examine everything in detail.  I will have a better look sometime tomorrow.  But, to help you get going by yourself a little bit...

If you look at your map, you will see a lot of lines that list

Section Name                    Size  Type     From       To       Segment

The From/To shows in hex what addresses each listed section occupies.

It also shows each subroutine etc where it is located.  I can see that you use Flash from EC00 to FFFF.

EDITED: WAIT A MINUTE. That's a range of 5119.  How's that possible?  (I will check more tomorrow.)

And, finally, a summary indicating you only use 1933 bytes of Flash (R = ReadOnly memory).

Summary of section sizes per section type:

READ_ONLY (R):         78D (dec:     1933)

READ_WRITE (R/W):       30 (dec:       48)

NO_INIT (N/I):          27 (dec:       39)

So, code size does not seem to be your problem.  I will have a better look tomorrow, and get back to you if I see something suspicious.  I also tried to run you app in the simulator, but unfortunately the version of CW10 I have here (which, I don't use so I don't know it well enough) does not support HC08, only S08, so I wasn't able to test-run your code.

0 件の賞賛

Contributor II

You don't need to hurry, I'm working on this since about two years or so, it's my free-evening-project, a day or a month doesn't care much :-)

But I appreciate any help I can find and I'm very pleased and thankful for your tips (i.e. now being able to figure out my code size).

0 件の賞賛

Senior Contributor II

Can you also send (attachment) the pdeclaration.h file to get a clean compilation?

0 件の賞賛

Contributor II

I've attached pdeclaration.h as well as the device initialization code to the op.

0 件の賞賛

Senior Contributor II

Still missing MC68HC908JL3E.h (and if there are more try to put them, also)

I'm sorry but I don't have any of those files, apparently.  (Hmm, shouldn't they be part of the CW6.3 installation?)

0 件の賞賛

Contributor II

I bet it should, cause it's not part of the project folder (however. I've CW 5.9 installed) I'm going to locate and attach it to the op as well.

If you private message me your email address, I could zip and send you the entire project folder as well - just in case...

Edit: Both attached to op

0 件の賞賛

Contributor II

I will send it this evening when I'm back at home.

0 件の賞賛

Senior Contributor II

OK, technically, every language is eventually translated to machine code (which, because of its one-to-one correspondence with ASM, can be considered the same as saying to ASM).  But, when we talk what language one uses we mean before the compiler does its job.  Othewise, everybody would claim to be programming in assembly language, and there would be no mention of the higher level language.

"Address out of range" during the execution of what instruction?  Can you see the disassembly (from your debugger) and post that?  Also, please mention the exact MCU variant so we know what exactly we're dealing with.

Although I do all my MCU programming 100% in ASM, and my opinion could be viewed as biased by some, I would argue that, at least for the smaller memory devices (say, up to 8K Flash), programming in C is not the right approach, except for trivial apps.  So, either get a bigger memory MCU, or switch this project to ASM.

0 件の賞賛

Contributor II

Tony Papadimitriou schrieb:

But, when we talk what language one uses we mean before the compiler does its job.  Othewise, everybody would claim to be programming in assembly language, and there would be no mention of the higher level language.

Ok for that, but that doesn't count when it is about the code size used in flash memory. I would love to code this in ASM, however it would take me years to finish since as I've learned 20 years ago, I found ASM kinda annoying. I admire everybody who can to this with ease.

If I recall correctly, this was a branch or jump instruction where that warning appeared. The device is MC68HC908JL3ECDWE. I will check for the debugger output later when I'm @home and will post the scourcecode as well. Its not a big thing, should become a control for rotary plate for 360° photography. Decodes a 10throw rotary switch, generates pulses for a stepmotor, two pushbuttons, two LEDs. It just misses the acceleration ramp and 48kHz modulated code output for infrared transmitter (camera remote).

0 件の賞賛

Contributor V

Hi Tony,

Not wanting to hijack the thread but I was interested in your comment regarding not using C in smaller memory devices. Would you elaborate as to why you'd make this choice? I presume it's simply the overhead of C and coding more efficiently in assembler? While I'm also a big fan of assembler I would perhaps question how far one would go with it before switching to C.



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