I've been using CW for the HCS12X and and migrating over to ColdFire. Oddly enough the CW IDE for ColdFire has some differences and I'm confused by a few things.
*> The user's manual for the M52233Demo board says that you should run and debug your code in internal ROM before migrating over to flash for regular use. But I do not see anything explaining that process.
*> The HCS12X version of CW debugged in a separate simulation window. Is anything like this available for ColdFire?
*> I get strange errors trying to compile the default projects that get created by the IDE. A C++ project will only compile if I pick Console as the target. For example if I pick 'UART Debug' or 'Internal ROM' I get these errors:
Error : declaration syntax error
Int_handlers.c line 14 extern "C" {
Error : declaration syntax error
Int_handlers.c line 191 }
Error : ')' expected
fec.c line 193 nif->receive = (void (*)(NIF_t*))&fec_receive;
Error : declaration syntax error
mcf5xxx.c line 10 extern "C" {
Error : declaration syntax error
mcf5xxx.c line 511 }
Error : declaration syntax error
mcf52233_sysinit.c line 340 }
Are there some other project settings I have to set somewhere to use these other modes?
*> A C project will compile under any mode, but if I run it under 'Internal ROM' I get an error when I try to step through the code. The first line it starts with is
jmp _asm_startmeup
and I get a Windows pop-up error box with the message
Exception vector name : Address error
Any thoughts on this one?
I'm also puzzled as to what manual I should be using to learn to program the MCU on the board. I'd thought we had the MCF52233, but no chip on the board has that name. I see an MC9S12UF and a PCF52233CAF60, neither of which I see manuals for. Freescale's product page for the demo board lists a manual for a genenric chip family.