CW ColdFire 7.2. Eval "ColdFire gdi Protocol Adapter: can't connect"

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CW ColdFire 7.2. Eval "ColdFire gdi Protocol Adapter: can't connect"

Contributor I

Hello everyone, this is my first post on this forum, unfortunately already with a problem.


I seem to be experiencing the same problem as the one mentioned in this thread, only this one is with CW 7.2. Coldfire.


I'm trying to use M52259DEMOMCU which I received last week. Since the CD that is attached to the package is being held by the person who ordered the board and sent it to me, I downloaded the CW_ColdFire_7.2_Eval and pateches 7.2.1 and 7.2.2.  I also installed FSLMQXOS_3_6_2 and tried to connect the board with the bootloader cable.


The problem is, everytime I want to go "by the book" (i.e. like the Quick Guide says) and I come to the point where I am either to run I get the same message:  ColdFire gdi Protocol Adapter: can't connect; when I try to erase flash, I get Error: Can't connect.


I checked all the threads I could find to try and apply found solutions, but to no avail.

When I try to use the JM60 USB GUI to connect with the board, I can't and it shows that I am not connected by USB bootloader.


I tried installing different USB drivers, even downloaded them from Pemicro, but it doesn't seem to help. The device shows it has proper drivers installed and that it is working properly, which it obviously is not. (current drivers data is: LibUSB-Win32 Devices, date 2008-08-15, driver version


I'm using Win7 32-bit, I also tried it on another PC with Win XP 32-bit.


If anyone has any piece of advice on how to overcome this problem, please help, I would be grateful.

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2 Replies

Contributor I

I'm having the same problem with a Tower Mech. board (CF52259). I've tried all the logical things (drivers, CW re-install etc.) I can accesss the board with the P&E Firmware Updater, just not with CW v7.2.2. Hope someone has the answer because I can't spend too much more time on this...


John Pavlick

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Contributor II
  I have same problem. Trying to load something via OSBDM interface to the M52259DEMO board.   Fistly, I followed the Quick Start Guide but it did not work. It was also wasting time to try with MQX 3.7. Then I switch to MQX 3.0. But i did not succes. Finally I decided to load example application but this time I have an gdi dll error for OSBDM interface.  I t was too time wasting to understand easy quick setup board on my side.


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