Dbug12 loading probelm

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Dbug12 loading probelm

Contributor III

I wonder if anybody can shed any light on my problem...


I have been developing an app using gcc on a windows machine, and using NoICE to load and debug it into my target using a Tech Arts uBDM12SX pod.  So far so good.  NoICE will accept both the .elf and the .s19 files and successfully burn the flash on a 9S12C128.  The S19 file generated is really an S2 file with 24 bit addressing. My target start address is 0xC000 and the address portion of the first line in the S19 file shows that it is using 0x0FC000 as the load address.


I haven't figured out how to load flash using use gdb, but that doesn;t matter since I have loaded flash before using moinicom and doing an ascii transfer with a klow enough baud rate.  So I am trying to get flash propgramm by using FLOAD ;b and sending the file.


Immediately it starts to load, I get an 'address out of range' error from the dbug pod and it will never give me the asterisk or return to the prompt.  When I reset the dbug pod, I see that no memory is written.


I tried converting the S19 file to non-banked format using m6811-elf-objcop and it completely ignores all data, i.e. it won't write top flash, but returns the prompt when finished.


Any help appreciated, this is a hobby project!  I use Codewarrior at work!




Nigel Johnson

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Contributor III

First, you need to download a copy of "Reference Guide for D-Bug4 Ver 4.x.x". In the Appendix A there is a table
of "MCS12DP256 PPAGE to S-Record Address Mapping" which shows linear addresses for ppage values. Note that address
$FC000 is the linear address for ppage $3F, the un-banked page you are trying to download to with code starting
at ORG $C000. FLOAD 0000 ;np will download your .S19 file that starts at 0x0FC000. This is the OFFSET mode of
FLOAD with an offset of 0000.

I have been converting the .S19 files from my assembler with SRecCvt-Gui with settings: Input = Banked, Output = Linear.
Then downloading to FLASH with BDM POD using the FLOAD 0000 ;np command.

Un-banked page $3E can also be loaded with BDM POD. Start your code with ORG $4000. SRecCvt-Gui settings:
Input = Linear, Output = Linear, and check the box "Linear $4000 - $bfff to Paged". The converted .S19 file
will show address: F8000. Then FLOAD 0000 ;np will load it in 0xF8000.

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