Unable to step into/over source in CodeWarrior for MobileGT v9.2 IDE

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Unable to step into/over source in CodeWarrior for MobileGT v9.2 IDE

Contributor I




We are working on CodeWarrior for MobileGT v9.2. we are facing problem in step into/over after modifying memory in the memory window of the Debugger, i.e. once after modified the content of the target memory on the custom hardware via CodeWarrior IDE we are unable to go to the next instruction, in this situation we observed that

  1. IDE doesn’t hangs
  2. we are able to click the step over/into/out button (no response)
  3. IDE doesn’t get crash & doesn’t creates *.dump files under /../bin directory
  4. re-installation of whole IDE did not help us
  5. But making use of the ”Hardware diagnostics” tool, we are able to read/write into the required memory location


Note: - On very rare occasions (1 out of 50 times) the same process works fine.


Please suggest & revert back if you require any further info from us.


Thanks in Advance!



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3 Replies

Contributor I



Thanks for the reply! Since,the example *.cfg & *.mem files are avilable in CodeWarrior for the Freescale reference platforms. I hope it could be possible to customize those files for my mpc5200B custom board. Since im new to this, kindly let me know is there any documentation available to write our own cfg/mem file.


Please help!

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Specialist I

That is precisely why external files are used to perform the hardware/debugger setup. You can edit these files to match your board's hardware configuration. First, make a copy of the .cfg file that is the closest match to your board, name that to your board's name. Next, edit the commands within the file so that they properly configure the board and interface. The Targeting Manual should have a chapter on Target Initialization Files that describes the various commands. The same technique is applied to the .mem file. Note that the purpose of the .mem file is to describe the board's memory map to the debugger so that it can catch out-of-bounds accesses and attempts to write to non-volatile memory. Information on how to edit the .mem file can be found in the Memory Configuration Files chapter of the Targeting Manual.


You will need to have the Verify writes option checked in the debugger settings panel. Successful memory writes will tell you when you have configured the hardware/debugger interface properly.



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Specialist I

The CodeWarrior debugger uses an .init or .mem file to set up its communications parameters with the hardware. What .init or .mem files are you using with the debugger? (These files can be found in one the Debugger settings panels.) Sorry, I don't have MobileGT and can only guess based on what I know about the Power Architecture tools.



Message Edited by J2MEJediMaster on 2010-01-04 08:38 AM
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