Crash when stepping into routines - Codewarrior 9.5 (Build 1809) for Macintosh OS 10.5

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Crash when stepping into routines - Codewarrior 9.5 (Build 1809) for Macintosh OS 10.5

Contributor I
I have taken on a project that uses CodeWarrior 9.5 in Mac OS 10.5
When debugging, if I step into a routine that is unique it works fine.
But if the routine is a method that is overriding other methods then it crashes.
If I switch CodeWarrior into Mixed view mode in the debugger, and step via assembly language, stepping over the glue routines, I can arrive at the correct subroutine and switch back to source mode and continue debugging.
But this is horribly time consuming.
I read somewhere that that someone said this started happening after a Mac OS X upgrade.
Does anyone have any more information on this or a work around so I can get back to work.
Thankyou so much.
-- Bill.

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2 Replies

Specialist I
CodeWarrior hasn't supported desktop programming for Mac OS and Windows for several years now. Sorry. I'm amazed that CodeWarrior even works at all on Leopard.


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Contributor I
I'm sorry. I made a mistake.
I'm running this project on OS 10.4.11 - Tiger, not Leopard.
Code Warrior works mostly fine.
In my regular "C" project it is prefect.
It is only in the "C++" project that it fails to step into overloaded methods where there is "glue" code (which I can see in assembly language view).
-- Bill

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