FreeRTOS SDK example - Heap Usage not displayed

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FreeRTOS SDK example - Heap Usage not displayed

Senior Contributor I

I see many other threads on this topic, but without any definitive resolution.

I am using MCUXpresso 10.2 with SDK 2.3.0 on Mac OS X 10.14.3 with J-Link debugger on the RT1050 EVK.

Using just the FreeRTOS sdk sample for "Hello World" unchanged, the FreeRTOS TAD is not able to show heap usage.

I see the same behaviour in my custom application.  I have verified/set the memory scheme in both FreeRTOSConfig.h and freertos_tasks_c_additions.h to "4", but TAD shows the following:


I also see the following error in the TAD debug log:


Is there something that needs to be done (even to the hello world example)?


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2 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Jack,

I suggest that you move to the MCUXpresso IDE version V10.3 as this had several things improved with the FreeRTOS heap handling. This is that I am using and this works fine for me with all the different FreeRTOS Heap schemes. The extended and improved Heap view is mentioned in New NXP MCUXpresso IDE V10.3.0 Release.

Other than that: check that the heap scheme in 'freertos_task_c_additions.h' is matching your FreeRTOSconfig.h setting, and that configINCLUDE_FREERTOS_TASK_C_ADDITIONS_H is set to 1.

See section "FreeRTOS Plugins" in MCUXpresso IDE 10.2.1.

I hope this helps,


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Senior Contributor I

I tried 10.3, but it seems to have a host of other issues at the moment. I did get it to work a few times, and the FreeRTOS Heap Usage does show correctly when it is working.

I had to modify permissions (per another post) to get the FreeRTOS TAD to show up at all. 

I also am having problems with my J-Link (V6.42c) working reliably under MCUXpresso 10.3, most of the time it doesn't seem to execute from the correct address (when linking to RAM).  The same project works reliably under MCUXpresso 10.2 with the same J-Link config.

Also, includes with workspace based variables for gcc seem to behave differently from 10.2...  the compiler can't find some header files


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