Can't access data from the MCUXpresso project on Free Master

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Can't access data from the MCUXpresso project on Free Master

Senior Contributor I


I took frdm_ke15z SDK adc12_polling demo project and tried to enable Free Master functionality. I included "freemaster.h" in my main file header as well as the functions calls (void)FMSTR_Init(); after BOARD_InitDebugConsole(); and FMSTR_Poll(); in main while loop, as well as all Freemaster common and platform files into the project. I opened Free Master and defined a variable which is receiving ADC result value in main loop. I created a sub-block and added this variable to the list of watched variables. But, I can't see the variable, there is a page asking me to specify URL pages and can't walk out of this. Attached is my .pmp file as well as my frdm_ke15z SDK adc12 polling demo modified. Maybe somebody can help me and tell me where I went wrong.

The SDK demo is for MCUXpresso.

Thanks and bet regards,

Marco Coelho

DFAE - Siletec Eletronica

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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Marco Coelho,

I did some modifications to your main source file:

-Enabled LPUART interrupt and added the ISR that calls FMSTR_Isr() which is needed by the freemaster driver interrupt mode selected in freemaster_cfg.h. See section 2.4.4 Driver interrupt modes from FreeMASTER Serial Communication Driver - User Guide.

-Added the LPUART base address to the freemaster driver.

-Removed PRINTF and GETCHAR calls, as they interfere with the freemaster driver communication.

With these changes, I was able to connect to the COM port with freemaster and view the updated variable in the watch window.

Additionally, you can refer to the demo_apps_touch_sensing demo included in the KE15Z SDK for a more complete freemaster driver implementation.

I hope this helps.



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