ZED Rejoin fails with error ZPS_APL_APS_E_ILLEGAL_REQUEST(0xa3)

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ZED Rejoin fails with error ZPS_APL_APS_E_ILLEGAL_REQUEST(0xa3)

Contributor I

Im using a JN5169 with stack JN-SW-4170 build 1735.
The ZED was based on JN-AN-1220 Light Sensor project.

I'm having trouble with the following basic scenario:

   * Join ZED to coordinator
   * Power down ZED and Coordinator
   * Power up ZED
   * Allow a rejoin to fail, device goes to sleep
   * Power up Coordinator
   * Device wakes and attempts rejoin - always fails!!!!

Device wakes and attempts to rejoin epid 00000000000000bb, the log contains following BDB messages:

BDB: Rejoin Cycle 1-A without Disc - on Ch Mask 0x00001000
BDB: ZPS_eAplZdoRejoinNetwork returned a3
BDB: Rejoin Cycle 1-B with Disc on Primary - on Ch Mask 0x00000000
BDB: Rejoin Cycle 1-C with Disc on Secondary - on Ch Mask 0x00001000
BDB: ZPS_eAplZdoRejoinNetwork returned a3

BDB: Rejoin Cycle 2-C with Disc on Secondary - on Ch Mask 0x00001000
BDB: ZPS_eAplZdoRejoinNetwork returned a3

BDB: vNsDiscoverNwk Ch 11 from 0x00001000 BDB_CHANNEL_MAX:26
BDB: vNsDiscoverNwk Ch 11 from 0x00001000 BDB_CHANNEL_MAX:26
BDB: vNsDiscoverNwk Ch 12 from 0x00001000 BDB_CHANNEL_MAX:26
BDB: Disc on Ch 12 from 0x00001000
BDB: APP_vGenCallback [0 10]
BDB: Unscanned channels 00000000
BDB: Ext PAN ID = 0000000000000000
BDB: Channel = 0
BDB: Stack Profile = 0
BDB: Zigbee Version = 0
BDB: Permit Joining = 0
BDB: Router Capacity = 0
BDB: End Device Capacity = 0
BDB: No suitable network! Continue Discovery

BDB: vNsDiscoverNwk Ch 13 from 0x00001000 BDB_CHANNEL_MAX:26
BDB: vNsDiscoverNwk Ch 13 from 0x00001000 BDB_CHANNEL_MAX:26
BDB: vNsDiscoverNwk Ch 14 from 0x00001000 BDB_CHANNEL_MAX:26
BDB: vNsDiscoverNwk Ch 15 from 0x00001000 BDB_CHANNEL_MAX:26
BDB: vNsDiscoverNwk Ch 16 from 0x00001000 BDB_CHANNEL_MAX:26
BDB: vNsDiscoverNwk Ch 17 from 0x00001000 BDB_CHANNEL_MAX:26
BDB: vNsDiscoverNwk Ch 18 from 0x00001000 BDB_CHANNEL_MAX:26
BDB: vNsDiscoverNwk Ch 19 from 0x00001000 BDB_CHANNEL_MAX:26
BDB: vNsDiscoverNwk Ch 20 from 0x00001000 BDB_CHANNEL_MAX:26
BDB: vNsDiscoverNwk Ch 21 from 0x00001000 BDB_CHANNEL_MAX:26
BDB: vNsDiscoverNwk Ch 22 from 0x00001000 BDB_CHANNEL_MAX:26
BDB: vNsDiscoverNwk Ch 23 from 0x00001000 BDB_CHANNEL_MAX:26
BDB: vNsDiscoverNwk Ch 24 from 0x00001000 BDB_CHANNEL_MAX:26
BDB: vNsDiscoverNwk Ch 25 from 0x00001000 BDB_CHANNEL_MAX:26
BDB: vNsDiscoverNwk Ch 26 from 0x00001000 BDB_CHANNEL_MAX:26


> Device then goes back to sleep.

If I power reset the end device, it joins the coordinator almost right away.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi David,

First of all, could you please update the SDK version that you are working on? The last version is JN-SW-4170 Version 1745. JN-AN-1220 Version 1003

Now, Could you please follow the next document? Updating JN-AN-1229 for compatibility with the SDK Version JN-SW-4170v1745 and JN-SW-4270v1746 

Note: As you know, the document is the reference to the JN-AN-1229. You have to look other files and add the missing code

For example:

-The document is mentioned, the app_comon.h, You have to look at (JN-AN-1220) app_main.h file, in this case.

-The ZPS_tsAplAib structure has been changed. JN-AN-1220, app_zcl_sensor_task.c

-app_main.c for the JN-AN- 1220 for the new queue MCPS_DCFM_QUEUE_SIZE.

-Comment the    // ZPS_vDefaultKeyInit();

-All references to BDB_vSetKeys should be replaced with ZPS_vSetKeys.

-ZPS_eAplAibSetApsUseExtendedPanId(0); needs to be added to APP_vFactoryResetRecords();


This is my sniffer log, and after I turn off the coordinator, the SED start to sent data request and beacon. Then, I turn on the coordinator and the device send the join request.

Hope it helps.
