Jump to kernel from bootloader

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Jump to kernel from bootloader

Contributor II

Hello all, I write due to a big question I have. I am using a custom board of imx6 with a custom bootloader and I am trying to copy the zimage from pnor to ram. There is no problem copy the information and then I want to jump to the memory address of the kernel to start its execution but it doesn work.

I found this same process in the u-boot file like the following: 

int do_sh_zimageboot (cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char * const argv[])
ulong (*zboot_entry)(int, char * const []) = NULL;
char *s0, *s1;
unsigned char *param = NULL;
char *cmdline;
char *bootargs;


if (argc >= 3) {
/* argv[1] holds the address of the zImage */
s0 = argv[1];
/* argv[2] holds the address of zero page */
s1 = argv[2];
} else {
goto exit;

if (s0)
zboot_entry = (ulong (*)(int, char * const []))simple_strtoul(s0, NULL, 16);

/* empty_zero_page */
if (s1)
param = (unsigned char*)simple_strtoul(s1, NULL, 16);

/* Linux kernel command line */
cmdline = (char *)param + COMMAND_LINE;
bootargs = getenv("bootargs");

/* Clear zero page */
/* cppcheck-suppress nullPointer */
memset(param, 0, 0x1000);

/* Set commandline */
strcpy(cmdline, bootargs);

/* Boot */
zboot_entry(0, NULL);

return -1;

So if the address of my kernel is 0x4000000 how should I jump to that address? Can someone explain me how this is working to do the jump? 

zboot_entry = (ulong (*)(int, char * const []))simple_strtoul(s0, NULL, 16);

In internet i found this to jump to a memory address:

unsigned long address=0x80;
void (*func_ptr)(void) = (void (*)(void))address;
but how exactly does it work?
Thanks for the help.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Jaime

in general this may be debugged using AN4553 Using Open Source Debugging Tools for

Linux on i.MX Processors
and may be recommended to post this to uboot mail list

U-Boot Info Page 

Best regards
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