unable to open file '/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf': No such file or directory

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unable to open file '/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf': No such file or directory

Contributor III

Hi All,

   After Porting Bluetooth driver in android platorm, we enabled Bluetooth from GUI. We were able to BT devices and pair/unpair, data transfer is working properly. But we couldn't see BLE devices in Scan results and We are getting BLE configuration file is not found.


01-01 00:44:32.687   538   555 D BluetoothManagerService: Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@c8eca97:true
01-01 00:44:32.687  1238  1238 D BluetoothAdapterState: make() - Creating AdapterState
01-01 00:44:32.690  1238  1250 I BluetoothAdapterState: Entering OffState
01-01 00:44:32.696  1238  1238 I bt_bluedroid: init
01-01 00:44:32.732  1238  1251 I bt_bte_conf: bte_load_ble_conf attempt to load ble stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf
01-01 00:44:32.754  1238  1251 E bt_osi_config: config_new unable to open file '/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf': No such file or directory
01-01 00:44:32.754  1238  1251 I bt_bte_conf: bte_load_ble_conf file >/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf< not found
01-01 00:44:32.755  1238  1251 I bt_stack_config: init attempt to load stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf
01-01 00:44:32.764  1238  1238 I bt_bluedroid: get_profile_interface socket
01-01 00:44:32.779  1238  1254 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Address is:00:23:A7:69:6C:BC
01-01 00:44:32.781  1238  1254 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Name is: iMX6
01-01 00:44:32.800  1238  1238 I bt_bluedroid: get_profile_interface sdp
01-01 00:44:32.811  1238  1249 I bt_bluedroid: config_hci_snoop_log
01-01 00:44:32.812   538   555 D BluetoothManagerService: Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceUp() to 5 receivers.
01-01 00:44:32.820  1238  1250 D BluetoothAdapterState: Current state: OFF, message: 0
01-01 00:44:32.827  1238  1250 D BluetoothAdapterProperties: Setting state to 14
01-01 00:44:32.827  1238  1250 I BluetoothAdapterState: Bluetooth adapter state changed: 10-> 14
01-01 00:44:32.829  1238  1250 D BluetoothBondStateMachine: make
01-01 00:44:32.830  1238  1255 I BluetoothBondStateMachine: StableState(): Entering Off State
01-01 00:44:32.834  1238  1238 I BtGatt.JNI: classInitNative(L912): classInitNative: Success!
01-01 00:44:32.834  1238  1250 I BluetoothAdapterState: Entering PendingCommandState
01-01 00:44:32.842  1238  1238 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@f162c4e
01-01 00:44:32.842  1238  1238 D BtGatt.DebugUtils: handleDebugAction() action=null
01-01 00:44:32.843  1238  1238 D BtGatt.GattService: Received start request. Starting profile...
01-01 00:44:32.843  1238  1238 D BtGatt.GattService: start()
01-01 00:44:32.850  1238  1238 I bt_bluedroid: get_profile_interface gatt
01-01 00:44:32.851  1238  1238 D BluetoothAdapterService: getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@f162c4e
01-01 00:44:32.851  1238  1238 D BtGatt.AdvertiseManager: advertise manager created
01-01 00:44:32.857  1238  1238 V BluetoothAdapterState: isTurningOff()=false
01-01 00:44:32.857  1238  1238 V BluetoothAdapterState: isTurningOn()=false
01-01 00:44:32.857  1238  1238 V BluetoothAdapterState: isBleTurningOn()=true
01-01 00:44:32.869  1238  1238 V BluetoothAdapterState: isBleTurningOff()=false
01-01 00:44:32.876  1238  1250 D BluetoothAdapterState: Current state: PENDING_COMMAND, message: 4
01-01 00:44:32.876  1238  1250 I bt_bluedroid: enable
01-01 00:44:32.876  1238  1251 D bt_stack_manager: event_start_up_stack is bringing up the stack.
01-01 00:44:32.889  1238  1251 I bt_hci  : start_up

Could anyone help to enable BLE and How to get ble_stack.conf file ?.



Thanaraj Subramani
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2 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Thanaraj,

    Our android BSP doesn't use ble_stack.conf, but bt_stack.conf & bt_did.conf.

Have a great day,
TIC  weidong sun

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Contributor III

Hi Weidong Sun,

   Do you mean to say BLE is not supported, only BT support is there ?

   Eventhough we were not able to see BLE scan results. Can you please tell, how to enable BLE if Android supports BLE ?



Thanaraj Subramani
0 Kudos