Please advise us out-going test of system which uses NT3H1201.

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Please advise us out-going test of system which uses NT3H1201.

Senior Contributor I


To verify NTAG I2C device which is integrated in product works correctly at assembly line,

Our customer is looking for the best way for that purpose.

One possible way is to read the tag data from NTAG I2C device via NFC reader at their assembly line.

If they can read the correct (expected) tag data from their products,

I think that they can judge NTAG I2C device in their system works correctly.

Could you advise us any recommended NFC reader or tools in the market for this purpose?

And if you have any other ways that make sure that NTAG I2C works correctly at our customer's assembly line?


Norihiro Michigami


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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Norihiro Michigami:

The most basic test would be to validate that a connection can be established between an NFC Reader and the NTAG I2C device (like a fail/pass test). In this sense actually any reader should help, with a write-then-read operation. The product with the NTAG I2C should be placed at the minimum expected reading distance. For this test you can use an NFC enabled phone or if there is a PC in the assembly line then there are readers in the market which connect via USB port and can be controlled by scripts.

For more advanced quality tests and if it can be afforded then there are production tester devices to measure parameters such as frequency response (resonance) and Rx sensitivity.

I am not mentioning brands to avoid advertising but you can find the kind of devices mentioned above with a simple search in the web (e.g. with NFC USB Reader and NFC Production Tester).


Jorge Gonzalez

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