ARM for beginners

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ARM for beginners

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by thiennv0109 on Mon Jul 25 21:15:13 MST 2011
Now, I started to learn about the arm
hope you have experience in arm with contributions
Thank you,
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8 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by thiennv0109 on Tue Jul 26 03:36:55 MST 2011
Last visit I did not understand so much more to
All problems would be wrong to ignore
Hope to receive your guidance
thank you

p / s: knowledge concerning this subject, please you help me and send me here or gmail: [email][/email]. ok. thanks
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Rob65 on Tue Jul 26 01:34:53 MST 2011

sorry but I still do not understand why this forum, it uses vBulletin, is unable to use its own search. vBulletin works like a charm and I know other forums powered by vBulletin that have no problem at all with the search function.

So I may have answered my own question but this still does not explain why there is no focus on getting this fixed.

I own and maintain a few websites myself and I think that if you provide some functionality on a site it should work. If things don't work they should be removed - otherwise it is just confusing people.

If a noob - or anybody else for that matter - searches the forum using the available search and nothing comes up then they start asking question.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by TheFallGuy on Tue Jul 26 01:18:42 MST 2011


But why (I think I have been asking this for the last year or so) do we need to go to google to search this site.
There is a Search item in the menu above each page that does result in absolutely useless information.

You've answered your own question! Basically, the forum software being used by NXP has very poor searching (and they have configured it to have a minimum search term length of 4 when virtually all the peripherals are TLAs - three letter acronyms - making it even worse!), so it is much better to use Google. Of course, this only works reliably if Google are crawling the forum regularly - but it seems that they are.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Rob65 on Tue Jul 26 00:55:26 MST 2011

the sticky from CodeRed contains some nice information.
But why (I think I have been asking this for the last year or so) do we need to go to google to search this site.
There is a Search item in the menu above each page that does result in absolutely useless information.

But why is it that no one seems to read manuals anymore.
Really, you have to deselect a tick mark during installation in order [I]not[/I] to read the Getting Started. It is that simple :eek:
And the welcome page in the LPCXpresso tools contains also references to the web and to datasheets.
And the help system of the LPCXpresso tools also contains viable information.

So there are enough resources to check out before asking questions like "how do I start" or "where can I find example programs".

I am answering more questions that asking them.
Partly because I do find the solution for my own problems when browsing through this forum (with a little help from Goole's Site search).
But also because reading about other problems and investigating and discussing those helps me to understand the lpc1xxx controllers even more.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by serge on Tue Jul 26 00:22:07 MST 2011
Why not just split the forum in 3 parts? One for beginners, one for problems related to the installation of the developmentsuite (I see lots of problems related to linux etc etc) and one for the real arm-cortex related problems.:D

And of course i know that this discussion should not be held here in this thread ...:rolleyes:
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by TheFallGuy on Mon Jul 25 23:22:27 MST 2011
Did you try the new search that coderedsupport posted and is now a sticky thread at the top of the forum? Works great for me.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Rob65 on Mon Jul 25 23:10:32 MST 2011
Ehh ?

RTFM (Read The Manual :rolleyes:)

Seriously, there are tons of questions like this.
How do I start, where can I find examples, how do I start a new project.

It is all explained in the getting started and the LPCXpresso's help system.

Please please please, read these all carefully before asking questions.

Oh, and a question to NXP:
Would it be possible to remove all these beginner question where the answers are just RTFM ?
It is becoming harder and harder to find proper threads in all the balls of wool.

And is it possible to add a beginners section where beginners can read some extra info provided by the knowledgeable members of this forum. I've provided proper answers at least a dozen of times but even I have problems finding those ...

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by thiennv0109 on Mon Jul 25 21:20:28 MST 2011
1. compiler tools: use tools?
2. ARM should be started on what type?
3. reference should read?
4. samples related?

hope you contribute here?
Thank you
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