Feeding watch dog on LPC11U24

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Feeding watch dog on LPC11U24

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Tobias Zvonc on Thu Sep 25 08:19:32 MST 2014

I'm working on a second bootloader for LPC11U24, which uses USB HID for writing application to flash. I'm using LPCopen driver for LPC11Uxx.

To make long story short, I initialize USB interface, watch dog and SysTick timer. The idea was to feed watch dog timer from SysTick interrupt handler every 100 ms (Watch dog timer constant is for 2 seconds WD timer period). However, if I do that, microcontroller is reseted for 2, 3 or more times as soon as it initializes. The worst part is that this varies - sometimes after reset everything is good, sometimes MCU is reseted for 2 or more times in a row.

If I remove feeding watch dog from SysTick interrupt handler and feed it from while() loop in main(), everything is good. And if I remove feeding watch dog, MCU is reseted exactly every two seconds, and that confirms that watch dog is initialized correctly.

Does anybody have experience with this? I spent a day an a half trying to figure this out, and it doesn't make sense at all.

Here is relevant part of the code:

void WDT_IRQHandler(void)
    if(Chip_WWDT_GetStatus(LPC_WWDT) & WWDT_WDMOD_WDTOF)

void SysTick_Handler(void)
    // If we feed Watch dog from here, reset happens 2 or 3 (or more) times
    // in a row (every time different).

    if ( _g_IAPStarted ){
        Chip_GPIO_SetPinToggle(LPC_GPIO, PIN_LED2_RED);

int main(void)
    uint16_t calculatedCRC;
    volatile unsigned int delay;
    /* Initialize board and chip */
    // LED signals we are in bootloader.

    #ifndef DEBUG
    SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock/10); // frequency of SysTick interrupt is 10 Hz (period = 100 ms)

    // Wait 5 seconds before attempting to start user-application
    while( _g_BootloaderTimeout_100ms ){

} /* end main() */

void WatchdogInitialize(void)
    #define WD_TIMEOUT_SEC  ( 2 )
    // Clear WD timeout flag
    Chip_WWDT_ClearStatusFlag(LPC_WWDT, WWDT_WDMOD_WDTOF);
    /* Watchdog config */
    // WD clk source - IRC oscilator (12 MHz)
    // wd_clk_freq = 12 MHz / 4 = 3 MHz
    // Watchdog timeout set to WD_TIMEOUT_SEC second
    Chip_WWDT_SetTimeOut( LPC_WWDT, (3000000*WD_TIMEOUT_SEC) );
    Chip_WWDT_SetWarning( LPC_WWDT, 0 );
    // Don't reset MCU, only generate an interrupt
    Chip_WWDT_Start(LPC_WWDT);    // (sets WD option WDEN)

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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by Tobias Zvonc on Sat Sep 27 02:57:05 MST 2014
Problem solved. :D

Watch dog feed from while() loop in main() was interrupted by feed from SysTick handler, which resulted with incorrect feed, leading to system reset. :)
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