Programming LPC11U24

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Programming LPC11U24

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by nlcomputers on Fri Oct 04 08:11:54 MST 2013
Good Afternoon,

I am after a little advice, I have designed a circuit and had a PCB produced. The PCB is now populated with an LPC11U24/401 48pin and the required passives.

The problem comes after the device has been programmed (with FlashMagic), in that the code never seems to run.

Flash magic can successfully read the serial number and bootloader version. It also sends the program and can verify it. I have sent a simple program (set output high then low of port 0,15).

Oscilloscope sees nothing on the port, nor the crystal.

Can anyone offer any advice or tests I can perform to help diagnose this issue?


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2 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by nlcomputers on Sun Oct 06 10:02:42 MST 2013

Thanks for responding.

I had some time to debug this issue today and it turned out to be a short between crystal capacitors! Remove this and everything operated as expected!

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by NXP_Paul on Fri Oct 04 08:31:21 MST 2013
Are you using one of the example projects that are available on LPCware?  It is always best to try a simple "blinky" project to confirm the hardware is working correctly.
The device boots using the internal RC oscillator, so if you are stuck in the bootloader, or if your code has caused a exception before it reaches the code which enables the crystal oscillator, you will not see anything on the crystal pins.

Make sure the ISP pin (PIO0_1) is high, or else you could enter ISP mode.
The checksum at memory location 0x1C must be valid.  FlashMagic should calculate the checksum and program this memory location, so this is probably not the issue.

You will probably need to use a debugger to help you isolate the problem.

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