DSP56F8346, "Core not responding"

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DSP56F8346, "Core not responding"

Contributor I
Hi all,

During one of my projects, I had to move from a DSP56F805 to a DSP56F8346. All the processor expert beans have been updated and the code works fine, uploaded from the serial bootloader. But since this change, impossible to use the paralell JTAG interface... The error message received is "CCSProtocolPlugin: CCS: Core not responding".
I also have some bugs with processor expert now, if I use it too much (more than 5 minuts), CodeWarrior is not responding and I have to restart, and of course I loose all my changes.
I have re-installed CodeWarrior, but I still have the same problems.

I have also tried to go in "Remote Debugging" to access the "connection Settings" for my JTAG problem, but everything is gray and it is written "no connection available" in front of Connection.

I must confess I am a bit lost...

I am using CodeWarrior 56800/E Hybrid Controllers version 7.3, Processor Expert version 2.97 for Freescale 56800/E family, CW Plug-In IDE version 3.74 L2.

Can someone help me?
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10 Replies

Contributor I

I  meet problem like you,but I solve it .

This dialog box appears means your flash has been locked, you can do as my method.

1. Open codewarrior

2. choose "Debug"000000 at menu bar

3. choose "DSP56800E"

4. to click on "Unlock Flash"

5. that is all

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
What is the version used ?
Is it the free version  or another one ?
In case of free version, can I suggest you to install the new one: DSC 8.2 ?
You can download this version on our web site via the link:
The Special edition license is installed by default.
You can have several versions installed on the same PC.
There is only one restriction: install them on separate folder.
Please backup your project before to try it with this new version.
If you will meet some compatibility issue you could back to the older version without problem.
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Contributor I

Thank you for the answer. No I am not using the free version, it is the full version. I actually remember that the interface did work for the new DSp on the first prototype i had, so i have tried again on the old prototype to see if it could make a difference (even if nothing changed on the JTAG part...) but it actually does not work anymore.
I have checked the hardware of the interface but it seems to work. I do not understand what is wrong. I have re-installed twice the CodeWarrior but it does not make any difference.
And this bug with processor expert is also very annoying... But re-installing does not fix anything... Could it be linked to the problem with the JTAG interface?
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Thanks for the info.

We experienced several problem when the parallel on host was used with a sample parallel cable or via the wiggler interface.

To avoid them an USBTap can be used.

For details, please have a look to our web site:




Some customer meets a problem similar to your issue due to the voltage of the Parallel port.

See below details:

Customer engineers examined the parallel port and found that the voltage supplied to the wiggler through the parallel port was about 1v. At least 3v must be supplied to the wiggler for proper operation.

Several users meet the same problem.

Can you please check it on your side ?

See below some tips fixing XP problems.

> (A) In windows XP/2000, the parallel port dialog checkbox entitled

> "Enable Legacy Plug and Play" should be checked. This setting is

> located

> in the Control Panel-->System-->Hardware->Device

> Manager->Ports->Printer

> Port (LPTX) dialog.


> (B) Here are the steps to modify the parallel port registry key

> appropriately:


> 1. save the winxp1.reg file to your hard drive

> 2. make sure you are logged in as the system administrator

> 3. run the winxp1.reg file (by double clicking on it)

> 4. A question will be displayed "Are you sure you want to add the

> information in c:\winxp1.reg to the registry?"

> 5. Click the Yes button

> 6. A message will display "Information in c:\winxp1.reg has been

> successfully entered into the registry."

> 7. restart your computer to apply the new changes



Try the following steps in the CCS Console window:

1. ‘show wdv’ à"WinDriver V5.05b Jungo (c)2002 Build Date: Aug 4 2002 X86 SYS"

2. Start à Settings à Control Panel à System à Hardware à Device Manager

Ports à Printer Port(LPT1) double click on this and on the window go to the Resources tab.

Look at the I/O Range. The first I/O range is the address of the parallel port.

3. delete all

config cc parallel:0x0378

After doing this you should connect to the board without any problems.

This error was appearing when a customer would try to connect to the debugger.






Message Edited by t.dowe on 2009-09-04 10:44 AM
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Contributor I

Thanks. I have tried what you said about the XP configuration, but it is worst than before, the message now is "Can't debug this executable because no appropriate debugger nub can be found", and the CW icon in the windows bar is now mixed with a kind of red sign, like "no parking". I can just close the icon, and if I let the mouse on it, it is written "parallel port open failed (invalid port number?) "

The USB TAP is 249 dollars, so i would prefer if i can fix this problem... I will check the voltages and see if I have 3V.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Strange issue.
Can I suggest to re-install the tool ?
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Contributor I

I have done that twice and never managed to get it work.
So is it possible then to use the license.dat file on another PC to try? Or do we need to ask for another license to do so?
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
The installation contains the special edition license.dat file.
With this license you can test the connection.
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Contributor I

After a few tests, I think I know a bit more about the problem. So here is what i did:
Uninstall code warrior using the add/remove windows program.
-Go in Regedit and remove all the "Metrowerks" and "freescale" registers.
-Remove the folders in program files (Metrowerks and Freescale).
-Install again CodeWarrior 7.0

At this point, the parallel JTAG is working. I can debug, program, access the memory. Everything is fine.

-I install the 7.3 patch.

After that, the parallel JTAG does not work (core not responding) and the USBTAP gives the same result (core not responding).
I have dowloaded the software called "56800E Flash Programmer.exe" and both the parallel and USB are working fine with this software. Even if the 7.3 patch is installed for codewarrior.

-I install the ROHS patch for the USBTAP

It is even worst, I have sometime some messages like "wrong parameters" or things like this.

So it seems that the upgrades make my installation unstable, or whatever. I can only work with the Parallel jtag with the 7.0 version...

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Thanks for the details.
I've never met similar problem.
Can you lease try if the problem is fixed by the DSC 8.2 ?
I know you don't have the license for this version but I just want to check if the problem is solved with this version.
The special edition license will allow you to test the connection.
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