CW 10.6 / TWR-KL25Z48M / kl25_sc_rev10 Problems

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CW 10.6 / TWR-KL25Z48M / kl25_sc_rev10 Problems

Senior Contributor II

Hello CW Team,


I was visiting a customer today has just downloaded and installed CodeWarrior 10.6 for MCU.  We are using the TWR-KL25Z48M.  We have downloaded kl25_sc_rev10 and we are using the bare metal CW platinum project.  I have run the identical software on my laptop (mine was sitting next to the customer's) and I have perfect results.  The problem we see on his at build time is


**** Build of configuration FLASH for project platinum ****

"C:\\Freescale\\CW MCU v10.6.4\\gnu\\bin\\mingw32-make" -j16 all

mingw32-make: *** No rule to make
target `C:/Users/b18357/Desktop/Leupold/kl25_sc_rev10/klxx-sc-baremetal/src/projects/platinum/platinum.c',needed by `project/platinum.o'.  Stop.


I have not seen this error before.  Can anyone suggest what causes this on one laptop and not another?  Both are running Win7-64 SP1.


I then created a simple LED blinky program with PEx.  This builds and runs on my laptop.  It builds properly on my customer's computer however, when starting the debugger, it throws this error:


We downloaded the P&E drivers from their website today and installed them.  I am not sure if these problems are related.


I was at the keyboard with both my laptop and the customer's computer so the customer didn't do something wrong; it's all me.


I do have one hint, at least for the second problem.  The customer's computer has a previous installation of Atmel's tools, which also uses OpenSDA.  I'm wondering if we have some conflicting .dll files installed.


I appreciate any help that you can provide!




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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Jim,

the P&E dialog indicates that there indeed could be a driver problem. I wrote back some time an article about the different aspects and parts of USB drivers needed:

Fixing the USB Drivers | MCU on Eclipse

Maybe this helps identifying the problem?


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