Why is MACA cc_nc3 interrupt being generated for MC13224 radio ISR?

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Why is MACA cc_nc3 interrupt being generated for MC13224 radio ISR?

Contributor II

I am investigating some issues I am seeing with packet corruption in a mesh stack based on Freescale's SMAC code.

This appears to be related to the way the RX buffers are being setup for the MC13224 part.

As I look at the operation of this process I was expecting

- prepare RX buffer

- pass to MC13224

- kick off RX (e.g. with no timeout)

- eventually get data indication interrupt

- handle packet data

What seems to actually be happening is

- prepare x buffer

- pass to MC13224

- kick off RX (e.g. with no timeout)

- get action complete interrupt with cc_nc3 set (annotated "PLL unlock" in the code)

- mesh stack then fails on RX and loops around again

It strikes me this may well be affecting RX of packets for our system and I'd like to understand what this cc_nc3 interrupt is, and how it is affecting the RX process.


Alex Lennon

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Senior Contributor I

Dear Alex,

Please provide further details about your application so we could have a better context of the problem.

First of all, what SMAC codebase version and application template are you using? Are you able to reproduce this issue with Freescale development boards? If so, please describe how so we could replicate it. Also, are you modifying SMAC application in a significant way, or it is possible to reproduce it without major changes? 

Furthermore, does this problem happen all the time or just sometimes? Is it at normal operation or only under specific conditions? Please describe the scenario where it normally occurs. Any additional information would be helpful when trying to find a root cause.



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