Encapsulating Communication HC08

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Encapsulating Communication HC08

Contributor I


First of all let me apologize if my English isn’t very good, I am from Venezuela and is kind of hard to write in English for me.

I will like to know if anyone has any information about Encapsulation of communication, I am using a MC68HC08GP32A, and my problem is that I have some sensor connected to the HC08, from there I have to send the data to a computer, but I don’t a way to differentiate which information correspond to which sensor, so what I will like to know if there is a way to create some sort encapsulation so I can send the data with an identification etiquette.

I really appreciate your help. Thanks

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2 Replies

Contributor II
Supongo que la interfaz de transmision la esta realizando de forma serial con el modulo SCI del microcontrolador, podria añadir un encabezado al valor sensado en el mesaje,
1 byte: NumerodelSensor
2..nbytes: Resultado de la medicion del respectivo sensor.
con el primer bytes del mensaje puede determinar cual es el sensor al que corresponde.
Saludos, Hermano Bolivariano.
I suppose that the interface of transmission this making of serial form with I modulate SCI of the microcontroller, podria to add heading to the value sensado in the mesaje, 1 byte: NumerodelSensor 2..nbytes: Result of the measurement of the respective sensor. with first the bytes of the message it can determine as it is the sensor to which it corresponds. Greetings, Bolivariano Brother.

Message Edited by NLFSJ on 2007-10-20 09:36 AM
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Contributor IV
It sounds like you are communicating between devices/programs that are specific to you.  If so it seems like you just need to come up with some sort of communication protocol.  Since, from the way it I read it, you are writing the code for the sender and the receiver you can use whatever you like to differentiate between which sensor the data is from. 
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