Bricked FRDM boards , Fourth phase

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Bricked FRDM boards , Fourth phase

Contributor I

Well , my 4 boards went back to Freescale in the States four months ago for checking , nothing heard as to what was wrong or whatever ,  So...... having heard about the ability to use the FRDM board with mbed I thought I'd give it a try as I now have a new PC with a fresh XP installation and thought surely nothing can go wrong  , $9 later Element 14 delivered a new board ,  Plugged into the PC demo program runs as "on the lable"   

PEMicro/Freescale - CDC Serial port message appears and unit enumerates as FRDM-KL25Z (F:) so far so good ! , checking contents shows blank ( not so good) properties ,  0 free space, 0 used space , 0 capacity 

Try repowering  FRDM , and it comes up as BOOTLOADER(F:)  but with a windows warning "Windows - Delayed Write Failed"  and no green LED ( but demo program still running well) 

Repower again and it shows as INVALID(F:)

So now I seem to have yet another bricked board , I beginning to feel that Freescale has a personal vendetta  :-)  , I have TI 430 Launchpads (2) , TI stellaris launchpads (2)  an STM32F4 discovery , various Arduinos, PICs etc  , never had a problem with any of them, despite some fairly rough usage   I  use Freescale BDM programmed 8 bit and 16 bit processors in several products with no problems at all !!

Is it just me or are these boards so very touchy ?   five out of five failures seems to defy logic

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2 Replies

Contributor I

Final posting :-

Zahar Raskin emailed a new bootloader installer ...... All AOK , board now operates as expected , Under  both XP and Linux , even set it up on MBED , so it's all systems go  and many thanks to Zahar

Just a pity I sent the previous boards back to Freescale when the solution was so simple :-)

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Contributor IV

Hi Chop,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I am sorry you are having problems with your FRDM-KL25z boards.

We at P&E Micro would definitely like to take at one of the boards that exhibits described issues and fix/replace it for you. Please contact me offline at zahar 'at" pemicro 'dot' com and I will provide you the shipping information for sending this board in.

Thank you in advance!



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