Trouble Copying Examples

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Trouble Copying Examples

Contributor III

I've been able to import a few examples successfully and I can build and debug them.


But I notice that any changes I make to the source files actually change the original example program.


I assume that the way to keep a fresh copy of the original example is to click the "Copy Projects into Workspace" box. But when I do that, I get a bunch of warnings: " Invalid project path: Include path not found (C:\lib\twrk60d100m.cw10\debug\psp)."


And an error: "mingw32-make: *** No rule to make target `C:/mqx/examples/gpio/gpio.c', needed by `Source/gpio_c.obj'."



I'm assuming I need to do something with default paths? Can anyone get me pointed in the right direction?





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7 Replies

Contributor III

Hi Marius,

Thanks for the suggestion. But no luck - at least not with what I'm trying to do.

But in digging, I think maybe I'm trying to do something that's not really legit.

I'm trying to copy an Example Project. That is, I'd like to play with an example project, but leave the original alone. But the more I dig, the more it seems like example projects are not really complete projects, but instead they are templates or something that create a project when I import it into my workspace. Does that sound plausible?

Much of my confusion is due to unfamiliarity with the Eclipse-based IDE and the way it handles workspace, folders, projects, etc. So I'm reading up on that. Thanks for your replies.


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi LMG, I still insist suggesting you confirm if the path is correct. check link resource as below screenshot. if path checking is not correct. it will show something like below screenshot. how about yours?

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Contributor III

Thanks for the replies. But I'm still a bit lost. Basically, I don't have a grasp of the overall structure of workspace, project, files, etc. Nor do I understand where in the IDE, these things are specified.

Jun, I followed your suggestions and I do see two lists of paths. One under C/C++ General, and the other under Resource. But I still don't really understand what they mean or which ones I need to change.

Fiona, I like the way your response starts . . ."The simple way . . ". But when I copy the example project folder into my workspace folder using Explorer, CW does not seem to recognize that anything changed. That is, the project window does not contain the new example project - just the library files that  I already had in the workspace.

More suggestions please? Thanks for your help.

And I see that I forgot to mention:

Win 8

CW 10.4

MQX 4.0.1

Target is TWRK60D100M


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


Maybe is a too simple question, but after you copied the projects into your workspace, did you try to make a refresh (F5) in CW or to re-start CW?



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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

The simple way to copy the project is just copy-paste it into workspace folder in Windows Explorer. Then open the projct in CodeWarrior, and click on 'Project' menu-> 'Clean' to remove the object file and build the project. If there's any error like 'path not found', please check the project properites as Jun's advise in above.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

from your discription, it seems the project path setting has problem. please go to project properties setting, "C/C++ General", "Paths and Symbols". please also check properties setting "Resource", "Linked Resources", "Path Variables" check if the path setting is consistent with the project/system path.

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