codewarrior 10.4 builds stall

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codewarrior 10.4 builds stall

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Contributor III



When I do a "build all" with CW 10.4, the progress meter stops ant 7% and stays there for several minutes.  If I cancel that build and immediately start another build, it might finish in a few seconds.  Sometimes it stalls again, and needs to be restarted twice.


I removed and reinstalled CW 10.4, but nothing changed.  My guess is that there is something corrupt in the workspace.  Has anybody else had a problem like this?




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1 Solution
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

hi Michael,

it seems that there are some problems with your workspace configuration.

removing the .metadata folder in the workspace and then re-start CW might help.

if the problem still remains, then, could you please upload your project and a screen-shot for further investiagation?

View solution in original post

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6 Replies
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Michael,

It would be helpful to know what processor/toolchain you are using, I'm assuming Kinetis with gcc?

And no, I have not seen this, but here are some ideas to try out or to check:

  1. Do you have Cygwin installed? I have seen weird problems with Cygwin and earier versions of Eclipse (although not with MCU10.4). So if you have Cygwin (usually in c:\cygwin), rename that cygwin folder so the make utility does not find it and see if it makes a difference
  2. Yes, workdspaces could get corrupted, or the configuration of Eclipse. Start Eclipse (cwide.exe) with the -clean option (e.g. from a DOS shell): this will rescan the plugins and cleanup the internal data. You only need to do this once. Maybe this helps.
  3. I have seen reports on problems with the Discovery Options. The discovery option in gcc scans for path and symbols. Go into the project settings > C/C++ Build > Discovery Options, and then press the 'Clear' button for the assembler and for the compiler. You might try to disable the 'Automate discovery of paths and symbols'.
  4. Open the 'Progress' view (Window > Show View > Progress). This one shows what is stalling your build. Additionally open the Console View. Maybe there is an indication what the make is doing?
  5. Is it a Processor Expert project? If so, could it be that it takes so long to genrate the code? You should see this in the Progress view too.

I hope this helps.

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Contributor IV

We tried all of the suggestions here and still get the same issue.  If we cancel, sometimes we get the build to go through in several seconds and sometimes it just goes to the next c file in the list.  The detailed progress is that it is building a file in the workspace.

This cost us tons of time in 10.2 as well and it appears not fixed.

In windows the process that locks up is mingw32-make.exe.  The same one that locked up the same way in 10.2.  Kill the process or cancel and rerun it and the next 3 or 4 times it will likely get through the entire make.

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Contributor IV

We have the same problems described here with the start and stopping. When we went to 10.4 we started with a clean workspace so I dont see how deleting the meta data folder  will help but I guess we can try.

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Contributor III

Hi Erich:

Thanks for the reply.

The mcu is 9s08qe32.  I don't think I did anything to change the tool chain.  I was hoping the something like your "cwide -clean" would help, but no change.

I also get a variety of odd behaviour,  Such as:

     cw says null pointers causing problems

     cw unable to find $(ProjDirFile)

     message "errors in project, continue launch?" when the Console tab and Problems tab don't show any error I can find.

     i get warning about "file system out of sync" when I export a project.

     the Progress pane shows one task   "build before launch - building dct.abs"

     the debugger complains about  "no application".  The Main tab of the debugger configuration dialog shows the correct file.

A stalled build will stay stalled for hours.  If I cancel a build and start another build it will either finish in seconds or stall again.  I don't think I have ever needed more than two restarts.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

hi Michael,

it seems that there are some problems with your workspace configuration.

removing the .metadata folder in the workspace and then re-start CW might help.

if the problem still remains, then, could you please upload your project and a screen-shot for further investiagation?

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Contributor III

Haven't had a "stall" since deleteing the .metadata.



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