Bluetooth not turning on

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Bluetooth not turning on

Contributor I

In android when I turn on Bluetooth the check box states "turning on..." then goes back to the off state.


Has any one had Bluetooth working or know the solution to this problem?

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4 Replies

Contributor III

Hi Daiane Angolini,

My Plat form is : IMX6SL

bluedroid on adroid kitkat 4.4.3

  I have  2 issues one while data transfer, the other while enabling via GUI.

   1) After enabling bluetooth, while transferring file from third party mobile to IMX_6SL board, file is getting transferred(TX), but vice versa (RX) is not happening, it is giving the error message :

   File not Received

   File : sample.jpg

   Reason : Storage issue

  2) And presently I am inserting my driver via GUI, I am getting an error message while enabling bluetooth via GUI   ie Operation not permitted while loading .ko (driver)Please suggest me what to do?? whether I need to install my driver at boot by adding in init.rc?? if I do it always on boot bt will be in ON State only??  OR Do i need to build my driver along with android source code??? OR Do I need to change some permissions of the .ko ??if it is the case where to change the permissions.

Please suggest me how to proceed further???

Thanks and Regards,

Mutyala Rao.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Your error is:


01-02 00:04:27.550: INFO//system/bin/hciattach(2660): Can't initialize device: No such file or directory


Why hciattach cannot find the file? Which file?


Are you booting from SDcard? Via NFS? Or something else? How is your root file system?

 Maybe you have the file, but it has some bad permission

0 Kudos

Contributor I

Any help would be great.  Thanks

01-02 00:01:44.120: WARN/KeyCharacterMap(2511): Can't open keycharmap file
01-02 00:01:44.120: WARN/KeyCharacterMap(2511): Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/FSL_MPR121_Touchkey.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.65538.devname='FSL MPR121 Touchkey'
01-02 00:01:44.120: WARN/KeyCharacterMap(2511): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
01-02 00:01:44.169: INFO/ActivityManager(2235): moveTaskToBack: 3
01-02 00:01:44.310: WARN/InputManagerService(2235): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@2b230210
01-02 00:01:45.630: WARN/KeyCharacterMap(2331): Can't open keycharmap file
01-02 00:01:45.630: WARN/KeyCharacterMap(2331): Error loading keycharmap file '/system/usr/keychars/FSL_MPR121_Touchkey.kcm.bin'. hw.keyboards.65538.devname='FSL MPR121 Touchkey'
01-02 00:01:45.630: WARN/KeyCharacterMap(2331): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
01-02 00:01:46.800: INFO/ActivityManager(2235): Starting: Intent { act=android.settings.SETTINGS flg=0x10200000 } from pid 2331
01-02 00:01:46.819: INFO/SurfaceFlinger(2235): mHw->getFormat() 4
01-02 00:01:47.020: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2235): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1011K, 45% free 4276K/7751K, external 4540K/5537K, paused 51ms
01-02 00:01:47.060: INFO/SurfaceFlinger(2235): mHw->getFormat() 4
01-02 00:01:47.270: INFO/ActivityManager(2235): Displayed +433ms
01-02 00:01:52.380: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2331): GC_EXPLICIT freed 64K, 46% free 3034K/5575K, external 2249K/2730K, paused 56ms
01-02 00:01:55.170: INFO/ActivityManager(2235): Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN } from pid 2503
01-02 00:01:55.260: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2503): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 161K, 47% free 2998K/5575K, external 957K/1038K, paused 56ms
01-02 00:01:55.290: VERBOSE/NFC(2503): this device does not have NFC support
01-02 00:01:55.310: INFO/SurfaceFlinger(2235): mHw->getFormat() 4
01-02 00:01:55.630: INFO/ActivityManager(2235): Displayed +448ms
01-02 00:02:03.870: DEBUG/BluetoothService(2235): Bluetooth state 10 -> 11
01-02 00:02:03.890: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(2503): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
01-02 00:02:04.020: INFO/bluedroid(2235): Starting hciattach daemon
01-02 00:02:04.040: INFO//system/bin/hciattach(2652): [ATH_INFO] (external/bluetooth/bluez/tools/hciattach.c) <init_uart>: Serial port is opened
01-02 00:02:04.040: INFO//system/bin/hciattach(2652): [ATH_INFO] (external/bluetooth/bluez/tools/hciattach.c) <init_uart>: Port settings is gotten
01-02 00:02:04.040: INFO//system/bin/hciattach(2652): [ATH_INFO] (external/bluetooth/bluez/tools/hciattach.c) <init_uart>: Port settings is set
01-02 00:02:04.040: INFO//system/bin/hciattach(2652): [ATH_INFO] (external/bluetooth/bluez/tools/hciattach.c) <init_uart>: Initial baud rate is set
01-02 00:02:04.040: INFO//system/bin/hciattach(2652): [ATH_INFO] (external/bluetooth/bluez/tools/hciattach.c) <init_uart>: Break is sent
01-02 00:02:04.040: INFO//system/bin/hciattach(2652): Can't initialize device: No such file or directory
01-02 00:02:04.040: INFO/logwrapper(2652): /system/bin/hciattach terminated by exit(1)
01-02 00:02:09.060: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2474): GC_EXPLICIT freed 107K, 49% free 2777K/5379K, external 716K/1038K, paused 54ms
01-02 00:02:14.080: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2511): GC_EXPLICIT freed 156K, 47% free 3030K/5639K, external 1119K/1617K, paused 69ms
01-02 00:02:14.140: ERROR/bluedroid(2235): bt_enable: Timeout waiting for HCI device to come up
01-02 00:02:14.140: DEBUG/BluetoothService(2235): Bluetooth state 11 -> 10
01-02 00:02:14.150: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(2503): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED



and a 2nd try


01-02 00:04:27.380: DEBUG/BluetoothService(2235): Bluetooth state 10 -> 11
01-02 00:04:27.400: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(2503): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
01-02 00:04:27.540: INFO/bluedroid(2235): Starting hciattach daemon
01-02 00:04:27.550: INFO//system/bin/hciattach(2660): [ATH_INFO] (external/bluetooth/bluez/tools/hciattach.c) <init_uart>: Serial port is opened
01-02 00:04:27.550: INFO//system/bin/hciattach(2660): [ATH_INFO] (external/bluetooth/bluez/tools/hciattach.c) <init_uart>: Port settings is gotten
01-02 00:04:27.550: INFO//system/bin/hciattach(2660): [ATH_INFO] (external/bluetooth/bluez/tools/hciattach.c) <init_uart>: Port settings is set
01-02 00:04:27.550: INFO//system/bin/hciattach(2660): [ATH_INFO] (external/bluetooth/bluez/tools/hciattach.c) <init_uart>: Initial baud rate is set
01-02 00:04:27.550: INFO//system/bin/hciattach(2660): [ATH_INFO] (external/bluetooth/bluez/tools/hciattach.c) <init_uart>: Break is sent
01-02 00:04:27.550: INFO//system/bin/hciattach(2660): Can't initialize device: No such file or directory
01-02 00:04:27.550: INFO/logwrapper(2660): /system/bin/hciattach terminated by exit(1)
01-02 00:04:32.560: DEBUG/dalvikvm(2474): GC_EXPLICIT freed 40K, 49% free 2751K/5379K, external 716K/1038K, paused 52ms
01-02 00:04:37.650: ERROR/bluedroid(2235): bt_enable: Timeout waiting for HCI device to come up
01-02 00:04:37.650: DEBUG/BluetoothService(2235): Bluetooth state 11 -> 10
01-02 00:04:37.660: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(2503): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED

0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I have already saw bluetooth working on sabre board.


Can you share logcat?

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