imx 8m - writing to SD Card twice causes u-boot to fail

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imx 8m - writing to SD Card twice causes u-boot to fail

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Contributor I

I'm using the i.MX 8M nano evk with the SD Card for booting the board.  I built the 5.4.70-2.3.1 release image and loaded the sd card image onto a card using the 

sudo dd if=<image>.wic of=/dev/sdb bs=1M conv=fsync

command from the IMX_YOCTO_PROJECT_USERS_GUIDE.pdf.


The first time I execute the dd command on a new SD Card, the image boots into Linux just fine.  But if I run the command a second time, the boot process results in a u=boot> prompt and I can never get into Linux again.

I've tried to dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sdb  to wipe out the card and start again, but still unsuccessful.  Is there a way to recover the card after rewriting the image to the card?


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