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This blog post will present the architecture of the i.MX6SoloX and i.MX7D processors and explain how to build and run the FreeRTOS BSP v1.0.1 on the MCU. Both processors are coupling a Cortex-A with a Cortex-M4 core inside one chip to offer the best of MPU and MCU worlds (see i.MX7D diagram). Content below will apply for our Nit6_SoloX and Nitrogen7 platforms. For the impatient You can download a demo image from here: 20160804-buildroot-nitrogen6sx-freertos-demo.img.gz for Nit6_SoloX 20160804-buildroot-nitrogen7-freertos-demo.img.gz for Nitrogen7 As usual, you’ll need to register on our site and agree to the EULA because it contains NXP content. The image is a 1GB SD card image that can be restored using zcat and dd under Linux. ~$ zcat 20160804-buildroot*.img.gz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=1M For Windows users, please use Alex Page’s USB Image Tool. This image contains the following components: Linux kernel 4.1.15 U-Boot v2016.03 FreeRTOS 1.0.1 demo apps Please make sure to update U-Boot from its prompt before getting started: => run clearenv => run upgradeu After the upgrade, the board should reset, you can start your first Hello World application on the Cortex-M4: => run m4update => run m4boot Architecture As an introduction, here is the definition of terms that will be used throughout the post: MCU: Microcontroller Unit such as the ARM Cortex-M series, here referring to the Cortex-M4 MPU: Microprocessor Unit such as the ARM Cortex-A series, here referring to the Cortex-A9/A7 RTOS: Real-Time Operating System such as FreeRTOS or MQX The i.MX6SX and i.MX7 processors offer an MCU and a MPU in the same chip, this is called a Heterogeneous Multicore Processing Architecture. How does it work? The first thing to know is that one of the cores is the "master", meaning that it is in charge to boot the other core which otherwise will stay in reset. The BootROM will always boot the Cortex-A core first. In this article, it is assumed that U-Boot is the bootloader used by your system. The reason is that U-Boot provides a bootaux command which allows to start the Cortex-M4. Once started, both CPU are on their own, executing different instructions at different speeds. Where is the code running from? It actually depends on the application linker script used. When GCC is linking your application into an ELF executable file, it needs to know the code location in memory. There are several options in both processors, code can be located in one of the following: TCM (Tightly Coupled Memory): 32kB available OCRAM: 32kB available If not using the EPDC, 128kB can be used but requires to modify the ocram linker script DDR: up to 1MB available QSPI flash (not available for ou Nit6_SoloX): 128kB allocated on Nitrogen7 Note that the TCM is the preferred option when possible since it offers the best performances since it is an internal memory dedicated to the Cortex-M4. External memories, such as the DDR or QSPI, offer more space but are also much slower to access. In this article, it is assumed that every application runs from the TCM. When is the MCU useful? The MCU is perfect for all the real-time tasks whereas the MPU can provide a great UI experience with non real-time OS such as GNU/Linux. We insist here on the fact that the Linux kernel is not real-time, not deterministic whereas FreeRTOS on Cortex-M4 is. Also, since its firmware is pretty small and fast to load, the MCU can be fully operating within a few hundred milliseconds whereas it usually takes Linux OS much longer to be operational. Examples of applications where the MCU has proven to be useful: Motor control: DC motors only perform well in a real-time environment since feedback response time is crucial Automotive: CAN messages can be handled by the MCU and operational at a very early stage Resource Domain Controller (RDC) Since both cores can access the same peripherals, a mechanism has been created to avoid concurrent access, allowing to ensure a program's behavior on one core does not depend on what is executed/accessed on the other core. This mechanism is the RDC, it can be used to grant peripheral and memory access permissions to each core. The examples and demo applications in the FreeRTOS BSP use RDC to allocate peripheral access permission. When running the ARM Cortex-A application with the FreeRTOS BSP example/demo, it is important to respect the reserved peripheral. The FreeRTOS BSP application has reserved peripherals that are used only by ARM Cortex-M4, and any access from ARM Cortex-A core on those peripherals may cause the program to hang. The default RDC settings are: The ARM Cortex-M4 core is assigned to RDC domain 1, and ARM Cortex-A core and other bus masters use the default assignment (RDC domain 0). Every example/demo has its specific RDC setting in its hardware_init.c. Most of them are set to exclusive access. The user of this package can remove or change the RDC settings in the example/demo or in his application. It is recommended to limit the access of a peripheral to the only core using it when possible. Also, in order for a peripheral not to show up as available in Linux, it is mandatory to disable it in the device, which is why a specific device tree is used when using the MCU: imx7d-nitrogen7-m4.dts The memory declaration is also modified in the device tree above in order to reserve some areas for FreeRTOS and/or shared memory. Remote Processor Messaging (RPMsg) The Remote Processor Messaging (RPMsg) is a virtio-based messaging bus that allows Inter Processor Communications (IPC) between independent software contexts running on homogeneous or heterogeneous cores present in an Asymmetric Multi Processing (AMP) system. The RPMsg API is compliant with the RPMsg bus infrastructure present in upstream Linux 3.4.x kernel onward. This API offers the following advantages: No data processing in the interrupt context Blocking receive API Zero-copy send and receive API Receive with timeout provided by RTOS Note that the DDR is used by default in RPMsg to exchange messages between cores. Here are some links with more details on the implementation: RPMsg_RTOS_Layer_User's_Guide.pdf https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/rpmsg.txt Where can I find more documentation? The BSP actually comes with some documentation which we recommend reading in order to know more on the subject: FreeRTOS_BSP_1.0.1_i.MX_7Dual_Release_Notes.pdf FreeRTOS_BSP_for_i.MX_7Dual_Demo_User's_Guide.pdf FreeRTOS_BSP_i.MX_7Dual_API_Reference_Manual.pdf Getting_Started_with_FreeRTOS_BSP_for_i.MX_7Dual.pdf Build instructions Development environment setup In order to build the FreeRTOS BSP, you first need to download and install a toolchain for ARM Cortex-M processors. ~$ cd && mkdir toolchains && cd toolchains ~/toolchains$ wget https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded/4.9/4.9-2015-q3-update/+download/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q3-20150921-linux.tar.bz2 ~/toolchains$ tar xjf gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q3-20150921-linux.tar.bz2 ~/toolchains$ rm gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q3-20150921-linux.tar.bz2 FreeRTOS relies on cmake to build, so you also need to make sure the following packages are installed on your machine: ~$ sudo apt-get install make cmake Download the BSP The FreeRTOS BSP v1.0.1 is available from our GitHub freertos-boundary repository. ~$ git clone https://github.com/boundarydevices/freertos-boundary.git freertos ~$ cd freertos Depending on the processor/board you plan on using, the branch is different. For Nit6_SoloX (i.MX6SX), use the imx6sx_1.0.1 branch. ~/freertos$ git checkout origin/imx6sx_1.0.1 -b imx6sx_1.0.1 For Nitrogen7 (i.MX7D), use the imx7d_1.0.1 branch. ~/freertos$ git checkout origin/imx7d_1.0.1 -b imx7d_1.0.1 Finally, you need to export the ARMGCC_DIR variable so FreeRTOS knows your toolchain location. ~/freertos$ export ARMGCC_DIR=$HOME/toolchains/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q3/ Build the FreeRTOS apps First, here is a quick overview of what the FreeRTOS BSP looks like: All the applications are located under the examples folder: examples/imx6sx_nit6sx_m4/ for Nit6_SoloX examples/imx7d_nitrogen7_m4/ for Nitrogen7 As an example, we will build the helloworld application for Nitrogen7: ~/freertos$ cd examples/imx7d_nitrogen7_m4/demo_apps/hello_world/armgcc/ ~/freertos/examples/imx7d_nitrogen7_m4/demo_apps/hello_world/armgcc$ ./build_all.sh ~/freertos/examples/imx7d_nitrogen7_m4/demo_apps/hello_world/armgcc$ ls release/ hello_world.bin hello_world.elf hello_world.hex hello_world.map The build_all.sh script builds both debug and release binaries. If you don't have a JTAG to debug with, the debug target can be discarded. You can then copy that hello_world.bin firmware to the root of an SD card to flash it. Run the demo apps Basic setup First you need to flash the image provided at the beginning of this post to an SD Card. The SD Card contains the U-Boot version that enables the use of the Cortex-M4 make sure to update it as explained in the impatient section. By default, the firmware is loaded from NOR to TCM. You can execute m4update to upgrade the firmware in NOR. It will look for file named m4_fw.bin as the root of any external storage (SD, USB, SATA) and flash it at the offset 0x1E0000 of the NOR: => run m4update If you wish to flash a file named differently, you can modify the m4image variable as follows: => setenv m4image While debugging on the MCU, you might wish not to write every firmware into NOR so we've added a command that loads the M4 firmware directly from external storage. => setenv m4boot 'run m4boot_ext' Before going any further, make sure to hook up the second serial port to your machine as the one marked as "console" will be used for U-Boot and the other one will display data coming from the MCU. In order to start the MCU automatically at boot up, we need to set a variable that will tell the 6x_bootscript to load the firmware. To do so, make sure to save this variable. => setenv m4enabled 1 => saveenv This blog post only considers the TCM as the firmware location for execution. If you wish to use another memory, such as the OCRAM or QSPI or DDR, you can specify it with U-Boot variables. => setenv m4loadaddr => setenv m4size Note that the linker script must be different for a program to be executed from another location. Also, the size reserved in NOR right now is 128kB. Hello World app The Hello World project is a simple demonstration program that uses the BSP software. It prints the "Hello World" message to the ARM Cortex-M4 terminal using the BSP UART drivers. The purpose of this demo is to show how to use the UART and to provide a simple project for debugging and further development. In U-Boot, type the following: => setenv m4image hello_world.bin => run m4update => run m4boot On the second serial port, you should see the following output: Hello World! You can then type anything in that terminal, it will be echoed back to the serial port as you can see in the source code. RPMsg TTY demo This demo application demonstrates the RPMsg remote peer stack. It works with Linux RPMsg master peer to transfer string content back and forth. The Linux driver creates a tty node to which you can write to. The MCU displays what is received, and echoes back the same message as an acknowledgement. The tty reader on ARM Cortex-A core can get the message, and start another transaction. The demo demonstrates RPMsg’s ability to send arbitrary content back and forth. In U-Boot, type the following: => setenv m4image rpmsg_str_echo_freertos_example.bin => run m4update => boot On the second serial port, you should see the following output: RPMSG String Echo FreeRTOS RTOS API Demo... RPMSG Init as Remote Once Linux has booted up, you need to load the RPMsg module so the communication between the two cores can start. # modprobe imx_rpmsg_tty imx_rpmsg_tty rpmsg0: new channel: 0x400 -> 0x0! Install rpmsg tty driver! # echo test > /dev/ttyRPMSG The last command above writes into the tty node, which means that the Cortex-M4 should have received data as it can be seen on the second serial port. Name service handshake is done, M4 has setup a rpmsg channel [0 ---> 1024] Get Message From Master Side : "test" [len : 4] Get New Line From Master Side RPMsg Ping Pong demo Same as previous demo, this one demonstrates the RPMsg communication. After the communication channels are created, Linux OS transfers the first integer to FreeRTOS OS. The receiving peer adds 1 to the integer and transfers it back. The loop continues infinitely. In U-Boot, type the following: => setenv m4image rpmsg_pingpong_freertos_example.bin => run m4update => boot On the second serial port, you should see the following output: RPMSG PingPong FreeRTOS RTOS API Demo... RPMSG Init as Remote Once Linux has booted up, you need to load the RPMsg module so the communication between the two cores can start. # modprobe imx_rpmsg_pingpong imx_rpmsg_pingpong rpmsg0: new channel: 0x400 -> 0x0! # get 1 (src: 0x0) get 3 (src: 0x0) get 5 (src: 0x0) ... While you can send the received data from the MCU on the main serial port, you can also see the data received from the MPU on the secondary serial port. Name service handshake is done, M4 has setup a rpmsg channel [0 ---> 1024] Get Data From Master Side : 0 Get Data From Master Side : 2 Get Data From Master Side : 4 ... That's it, you should now be able to build, modify, run and debug
Timesys can help you build your custom BSP/SDK in minutes with FREE LinuxLink web edition   Use LinuxLink Web Edition to build a custom BSP/SDK for your board within a few minutes. Start your application development with the free version of our Eclipse-based TimeStorm IDE. Browse a sub-set of our vast documentation library. Get notified via email of any updates to the Linux kernel and middleware/packages for your BSP/SDK   Click here to start building your custom BSP/SDK.  
On mid Oct 2017, researchers revealed details of a new exploit called KRACK that takes advantage of vulnerabilities in Wi-Fi security to let attackers eavesdrop on traffic between computers and wireless access points.It takes advantage of several key management vulnerabilities in the WPA2 security protocol, the popular authentication scheme used to protect personal and enterprise Wi-Fi networks. Google has already fixed the problem for customers running supported versions of Android version 5,6,7 and 8. The formal patches has already released in 2017-11-06 security patch. The URL is:    Android Security Bulletin—November 2017    And these patches are listed in  chapter 2017-11-06 security patch, System section. Please all i.mx series devices that use the security patch level  earlier than 2017-11-06 must include all applicable patches to fix this wifi vulnerability on Android. Here these patch has been applied for imx Android mm6.0 and ng7.0 release, to avoid this wifi vulnerability, it is recommended to have these patches in this attach applied, which should be applied to external/wpa_supplicant_8.
http://www.eefocus.com/bbs/index.php freescale i.mx53 i.mx6x second domestic:  first family of solutions of wince7 platform based freescale imx6s/d/q. 项目 性能介绍 CPU Freescale i.MX6 Solo ARM Cortex A9(1.0 GHz,512KB L2 Cache) Freescale i.MX6 Dual ARM Cortex A9(2 x 1.0 GHz,1MB L2 Cache) Freescale i.MX6 Quad ARM Cortex A9(4 x 1.0 GHz,1MB L2 Cache) Freescale i.MX6 DualLite ARM Cortex A9(2 x 1.0 GHz,512KB L2 Cache) 内存 高达1 GB的板载LV-DDR3内存,1066 MT/s Up to 4GB LV-DDR3(可选) 图形 Integrated in Freescale i.MX6 Series Video (VPU), 2D Graphics (GPU2D) and 3D Graphics (GPU3D), 3D graphics with 4 shaders up to 200MT/s dual stream 1080p/720p decoder/encoder. OpenGL 2.0, OpenVG 1.1 processing unit 视频解码 HDMI1.4 HDMI interface (resolution up to 1080p) 2个LVDS(1×18位)/1个LVDS(2×24位)Up to 1920x1200 支持18位和24位双通道高达WUXGA1920x1200@60Hz 支持的视频格式 MPEG2 MP, HP MPEG4 SP H.264 VC-1 DivX 大容量存储 eMMC 4GB ,Up to 32GB(可选) 1 x SATA II(3GB/s) (only with i.MX6D and i.MX6Q) 以太网 1 x Gbit Ethernet 10/100/1000BaseT 接口资源 1 x USB OTG 4 x USB 2.0 HOST 2 x SDIO(1个SD Card Slot,1个SDIO作为WiFi通信接口) 1 x PCIe 2.0 (1 lanes) 3 x I2C Bus 1 x SPI Bus 1 x CAN Bus 5 x UART(UART4,5 With HW Flow control) 1 x 8*8 Matrix keyboard 1 x HDMI 2 x LVDS(3 Lanes) 1 x DSI(2 Lanes) 1 x I2S 1 x ONFI(NAND Flash IO) 1 x CSI-2(2 Lanes) (可选,通过FFC排线引出) 1 x Camera interface(parallel 8bit)(可选,通过FFC排线引出) 1 x 16/24bit LCD TTL Level(通过FFC排线引出) GPIO 音频 I2S RFID 13.56MHz频段天线一体化模块,简单的只读卡号模块,支持串口协议 其它 看门狗定时器 内置看门狗复位电路 JTAG调试接口 CAN接口 SPI NOR Flash 4MB (Bootloader) 操作系统 Windows CE7.0 Linux 温度 工作温度:  -20°C to +70°C (opt. -40 to +85°C) 存储温度:  -40 to +85°C 湿度 工作湿度: 10 to 90% r. H. non cond. 存储湿度: 5 to 95% r. H. non cond. 电源 DC +12V ± 5% 尺寸 180 x 130 mm 深圳市科通通信技术有限公司 Comtech Communication Technology(ShenZhen)Co.,Ltd josephwang 王伟 深圳市南山区高新技术产业园南区创维大厦C15 9/F,Tower C,Skyworth Building,High Tech Industrial Park,Nanshan Shenzhen,518057,PRC 电话:+86755-26013210  +8613128865181 mail:106224654@qq.com   josephwang@comtech.com.cn
From past few years wireless technology is booming to drive the innovations in the medical field. iWave is providing wireless video streaming solution on iWave’s i.MX6 Pico-ITX platform for various medical applications. iWave has expertise in HD video streaming of intraoral camera over the Wi-Fi network. The RTSP/RTP protocols (Real Time Streaming Protocols) are used for streaming between iWave’s Pico ITX board and the host PC which support VLC or Mplayer. Picture: Wireless Video Streaming Solution based on i.MX6 Video streaming platform features: Pico ITX board with i.MX6 quad CPU 720x480p/30FPS USB Intraoral Camera 802.11bgn Wi-Fi Module OS: Linux In addition to i.MX6 Pico ITX SBC iWave also offers following i.MX6 boards / products: i.MX6 Qseven SOM i.MX6 Qseven Development Board i.MX6 MXM SOM i.MX6 MXM Development Kit Windows Embedded Compact 7 BSP for i.MX6 Platforms For further information, please write to mktg@iwavesystems.com website: www.iwavesystems.com
iWave's new Freescale i.MX6 Dual Lite/Solo based Pico ITX SBC integrates all standard interfaces into a single board with ultra-compact yet highly integrated platform that can be utilized across multiple embedded PC, system and industrial designs. It has got all the necessary functions that the embedded world demands on a single board. It also provides an expansion header through which interfaces can be used according to their applications. Measuring just 100mm x 72mm, the Pico-ITX is currently the smallest complete ARM Cortex A9 main board in the industry, smaller than all existing ATX, BTX and ITX form factors. More Info: http://www.iwavesystems.com/product/development-platform/i-mx6-pico-itx-sbc/i-mx6-pico-itx-sbc.html E-mail: mktg@iwavesystems.com Submit your enquiry here: iWave Order Form | iWave Systems
pin mapping not available in NXP provided datasheet
iWave Systems Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a leading innovative Embedded Product Engineering Services company headquartered in Bangalore, launches “i.MX 6 SBC - Industry's latest Pico ITX Board around Freescale Semiconductor’s i.MX 6 Solo/Dual Lite processor which is iWave’s 4th i.MX 6 based design” on 26-02-2013 in Embedded World 2013 Nuremberg Germany. Measuring just 10cm x 7.2cm, iWave’s i.MX6 SBC is a highly integrated platform for increased performance in “Intelligent Industrial Control Systems, Industrial Human Machine Interface, Ultra Portable Devices, Home Energy Management Systems and Portable Medical Devices”. The i.MX 6 Solo/Dual Lite with ARM Cortex™-A9 single/dual cores running up to 1.0 GHz includes 2D and 3D graphics processors, 1080p video processing, and integrated power management. Each processor provides 32/64-bit DDR3/LVDDR3/LPDDR2-800 memory interface and a number of other interfaces for connecting peripherals, such as WLAN, Bluetooth™, GPS, hard drive, displays, and camera sensors. iWave’s new i.MX6 Solo/ Dual Lite based Pico ITX SBC integrates all standard interfaces into a single board with ultra-compact platform that can be utilized across multiple embedded PCs, systems and industrial designs. The i.MX6 SBC from iWave with its features like DDR3 RAM, Dual Display, Dual camera inputs, Gigabit Ethernet, Micro SD & SD slots, Dual USB 2.0 hosts, USB 2.0 OTG, Audio Out/In & serial interfaces, enables developers/users to quickly develop/implement their application needs around i.MX6 processor and optimize the “development effort and time to market” of their products. The i.MX6 SBC from iWave helps to reduce system cost, supports ultra-small form factor, wide operating temperature range from -20 0 C to +85 0 C and is backed with a minimum five years longevity support. Highlights of iWave’s i.MX6 SBC: ARM Cortex A9@ 1GHz Dual Lite/Solo core 10cm x 7.2cm Pico-ITX form factor Single Board Computer HD 1080p encode and decode,3D video playback in high definition Includes HDMI v1.4, MIPI and LVDS display ports, MIPI camera, Gigabit Ethernet, multiple USB 2.0 and PCI Express Comprehensive security features include cryptographic accelerators, high-assurance boot and tamper protection Technical &quick customization support with 5+ years, Long term support About iWave Systems: iWave has been an innovator in the development of “Highly integrated, high-performance, low-power and low-cost i.MX6/i.MX50/i.MX53/i.MX51/i.MX27 SOMs”. iWave helps its customers reduce their time-to-market and development effort with its products ranging from System-On-Module to complete systems. The i.MX6 Pico ITX SBC is brought out by iWave in a record time of just 5 weeks. Furthermore, iWave’s i.MX6/i.MX50/i.MX53/i.MX51/i.MX27 SOMs have been engineered to meet the industry demanding requirements like various Embedded Computing Applications in Industrial, Medical & Automotive verticals. iWave provides full product design engineering and manufacturing services around the i.MX SOMs to help customers quickly develop innovative products and solutions. For more details, please visit: http://www.iwavesystems.com/product/development-platform/i-mx6-pico-itx-sbc/i-mx6-pico-itx-sbc.html email: mktg@iwavesystems.com
Freescale’s comprehensive home health hub (HHH) reference platform is designed to speed and ease development for emerging telehealth applications using seamless connectivity and data aggregation to provide remote access and improved healthcare management. It provides multiple connectivity options to obtain data from commercially available wired and wireless healthcare devices such as blood pressure monitors, pulse oximeters, weight scales, blood glucose monitors, etc. The HHH reference platform incorporates broad capabilities so that design engineers have flexibility in their next generation remote monitoring designs. In addition to connectivity for collecting data from healthcare devices, the HHH reference platform also provides connectivity to take action with the collected data by sharing it through a remote smart device with a display such as a tablet, PC or smartphone or through the Cloud. This connectivity gives the person being monitored and caregivers (including family, friends and physicians) a way to track and monitor health status as well as provide alerts and medication reminders. Most importantly, this interface delivers a real-time connection to caregivers to bring ease of mind and offers comfort and safety to the person being monitored. Features Automatic reporting of vital sign measurements Cloud connectivity and secure integration into medical vaults Pervasive mobile device access Daily activity alarms, security alarms and passive monitoring of safety sensors for early detection of injury or security risks Anytime consultation with monitoring center, medical staff, family and friends Anytime and intuitive access to trusted health resources Compelling user interface for a remote display  
i.CORE M6S/DL/D/Q i.Core M6S/DL/D/Q is the latest powerful i.MX6 SOM solution provided by Engicam. Equipped with single,dual light,dual or quad Cortex-A9 core, i.Core M6 is the smallest low-cost SOM for high-end multimedia applications. The full scalability of modules allows to create multiple products with different performance in a very short time to Market. The i.Core M6 family is now enhanced by the Dual Light version, and by commercial versions for powerful low-cost applications. Features Memories 1GB 64bit DDR3-1066  for i.Core M6Q 512MB 64bit DDR3-1066  for i.Core M6D 512MB 64bit DDR3-800  for i.Core M6DL 256MB 32bit DDR3-800 for i.Core M6S 256MB NAND Flash Graphics and Multimedia 1x Parallel LCD 18bit output 2x LVDS output 1x HDMI output Up to four simultaneous display driving support ( i.Core M6Q/D only) Up to two simultaneous display driving support ( i.Core M6S/DL only) Dual display up to WUXGA (1920x1200) and HD1080 OpenGL/ES 2.x 3D accelerator with OpenCL/EP support and OpenVG1.1 acceleration Multi-format HD1080 video decode and encode Parallel Camera Interface input Touch screen Peripherals 2x SD Card interface USB OTG HS, USB HS HOST, Uart, I2C, I2S, PCI Express SATA 3Gbps (i.Core M6Q/D only) Ethernet 10/100 Dimensions Standard SODIMM footprint 67,4x31.9 mm PCB size Very Low Profile Module ENGICAM - i.Core M6S/DL/D/Q
NXP MCU-level face recognbition solution is implemented by using i.MX RT106F, which makes the developers add face recognition capabilities to their MCU-based IoT products. This ultra-small size, integrated software algorithm and hardware solution can facilitate developers for rapid evalution and proof of concept development. This solution minimizes time to market, reduces risk and reduces development work, which can make it easier for many OEMs to add face recogtion functions. It provides advanced user interface and access control functions for smart homes, smart appliances, smart toys and smart industries without the need for Wi-Fi and cloud connectivity, solving the privacy issues of many consumers. i.MX RT106F is a member of the i.MX RT1060 series. It will be officially mass-produced in April 2020. It is mainly aimed at low-cost face recognition applications. It is based on the Arm Coretx-M7 core and a high-performance real-time processor with a frequency up to 600MHz. In addition to the face recognition function, the i.MX RT106F also has a large number of available peripherals, which can be used as the main chip for a variety of applications. i.MX RT106F has been licensed to run NXP OASIS runtime for face recognition, including: ● Camera Driver ● Image capture and preprocessing ● Face Detection ● Face Tracking; ● Face Contrast; ● Face Recognition; ● Anti-fraud; ● Face Configuration; ● Confidence; ● Face recognition authenticat results; ● Built-in secure bootloader, application verification; ● Automatic Verification Script; ● Support MCUXpresso SDK, IDE and configuration tools. Hardware Framework Software Framework Core Process of Software
Starting from $52, the VAR-SOM-MX6 sets the bar for unparalleled design flexibility The VAR-SOM-MX6 goes one step further and not only ensures scalable and simplified development, but also extends the product life-cycle. Thanks to four CPU core assembly options, customers can apply a single System on Module in a broad range of applications to achieve short time-to-market for their current innovations, while still accommodating potential R&D directions and marketing opportunities. Key features include: Freescale i.MX6 1.2GHz quad/dual/single core Cortex-A9             2GB DDR3, 1GB SLC NAND Flash             Full HD 1080p video encoding/decoding capability             Vivante GPU providing 2D/3D acceleration             Simultaneous multiple display support             Gigabit Ethernet             TI WiLink™ 6.0 single-chip connectivity solution (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth®)             PCI-Express 2.0, S-ATA 3.0             Camera interface             USB 2.0: Host, OTG             Audio In/Out             Dual CAN Bus Supporting the leading OS: Linux, Win EC and Android This versatile solution's -40 to 85°C temperature range and Dual CAN support is ideal for industrial applications, while 1080p video and graphics accelerations make it equally suitable for intensive multimedia applications. The impressive scalability of the VAR-SOM-MX6 satisfies the needs of the most demanding future application requirements whether faster processing power, enhanced algorithms or improved graphics and video performance to name just a few. The VAR-SOM-MX6 is an all-round solution with broad connectivity and sophisticated video and acceleration graphic capabilities, delivering a range of middle to high end assembly options all from the same product. Oded Yaron from Variscite explained the need for a scalable System on Module that can carry a product through several incarnations. "The VAR-SOM-MX6 has removed the need for lengthy and costly redesign to support different market options. At Variscite we understand that a product concept is dynamic and evolves according to market drivers, consumer need and overall corporate strategy. As such we've developed the VAR-SOM-MX6 high performance System on Module, allowing customers to create optimized products for target markets: Add functionality for a more sophisticated offering, or scale down for a simpler lower cost alternative." About Variscite:   In less than a decade Variscite has taken a leading position in the System-on-Modules (SoM) design and manufacturing market. A trusted provider of development and consulting services for a variety of embedded platforms, Variscite transforms clients’ visions into successful products. Learn more about Variscite by visiting: www.variscite.com or contacting: Variscite Sales, sales@variscite.com , +972-9-9562910
Hi All, One of my recent work with IMXRT Series MCU's, A Simple Drum Pad Proto designed with IMXRT Crossover platform MCU's and Capsense touch. For more details about the project and source. checkout here https://www.hackster.io/ashokr/imx-rt-drum-pad-a8c1cd Thanks Ashok R Embedded Club (@embeddedclub) • Instagram photos and videos #nxp 
iWave Systems, AI/ML demo shows a low power smart door running eIQ heterogeneously on NXP i.MX 8M Mini Development kit. The demo application is built around the Django framework running on the board. In addition to face recognition, the MPUs are able to run a Django server to manage the user’s database, a QT5 application for the graphical interface, and perform training on the edge.
MYD-JX8MX development board based on NXP i.MX8M quad processors provides powerful multi-media functions including dual displays, dual cameras, high-quality audio, etc. The target applications scale from consumer home audio to industrial building automation and mobile computers requiring high-performance and low-power processors. Highlights: - MYC-JX8MX CPU Module as Controller Board - NXP i.MX 8M Quad Application Processor - 1GB / 2GB LPDDR4, 8GB eMMC Flash, 256Mbit QSPI Flash - RS232, 4 x USB 3.0 Host, 1 x USB 3.0 Host/Device, PCIe 3.0 (x4) NVMe SSD Interface, TF Card Slot - Supports Gigabit Ethernet, WiFi/BT and 4G LTE - 2 x MIPI-CSI, HDMI, 2 x LVDS, MIPI-DSI, Audio Input/Output
Watch the demo of Color Segmentation using e-CAM130_iMX8 - 13MP Autofocus Camera Board for i.MX8. e-CAM130_iMX8 is a 13MP 4-lane MIPI CSI-2 autofocus color camera board for i.MX8 family of processors. The e-CAM130_iMX8 camera board is interfaced directly to the CSI-2 MIPI interface on the Variscite's DART-MX8M Evaluation kit (VAR-DVK-DT8M). The iHDR (interlaced High Dynamic Range) support helps to capture good quality images in both high and low illumination. e-CAM130_iMX8 also comes with a high-performance Image Signal Processor (ISP) that performs all the Auto functions (autofocus, auto white balance, auto exposure control).
Are you looking to build a 3D video streaming & recording system that can be used in Stereo Dental Cameras, Obstacle Detection in Robotics, 3D Virtual tours, etc. Look no further, watch this demo of 3D video streaming & recording using Meissa, eSOMiMX6-micro RDK & Dual Cameras. eSOMiMX6-micro is a high performance micro system on module based on NXP/Freescale i.MX6 Quad/Dual Core ARM® Cortex™-A9 in an ultra-small form factor of 54mm x 20mm with just 10mA in suspend current. eSOMiMX6-micro System on Module also supports Wireless LAN and Bluetooth module. OS support – Linux, Android Marshmallow* (* – Under Development). Meissa, the powerful evaluation kit has the smallest carrier board in the industry; it’s just the size of a credit card. Try it and let us know your feedback.
MYIR launches a 7-inch HMI display panel with capacitive touch screen, the MYD-Y6ULX-CHMI, which runs Linux on NXP’s i.MX6 ULL ARM Cortex-A7 processor, is specially designed for HMI system like POS, intelligent access control and more other applications. It provides many peripheral interfaces and much software resources. Know more at MYD-Y6ULX-CHMI | 7-inch HMI Display Solution based on NXP i.MX 6UL/6ULL-Welcome to MYIR 
MYIR launches a 7-inch HMI display panel with capacitive touch screen, the MYD-Y6ULX-CHMI, which runs Linux on NXP’s i.MX6 ULL ARM Cortex-A7 processor, is specially designed for HMI system like POS, intelligent access control and more other applications. It provides many peripheral interfaces and much software resources. Know more at MYD-Y6ULX-CHMI | 7-inch HMI Display Solution based on NXP i.MX 6UL/6ULL-Welcome to MYIR 