Is there any tool could flash hex to RT1060 EVKB or convert hex to bin file?

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Is there any tool could flash hex to RT1060 EVKB or convert hex to bin file?

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Contributor II


My EVK is RT1060 EVKB.

I checked the GUI flash tool only support bin or axf file.

How could I flash compiled *.hex file to RT1060?

or is any tool could convert hex file to bin file, then using GUI flash to flash bin to RT1060?

Thank you.


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1 Solution
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi @antoniohsu888 ,
Thank you for your interest in NXP Semiconductor products and for the opportunity to serve you.
To provide the fastest support, please try the GUI tool.
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5 Replies
Contributor II

Hi, Jay & Jeremy:

Thanks for you reply.

I download the GUI tool v5 version, but can't install on my PC.

So I change to v3 verison, it can be installed.

But the GUI still can't open the hex file.

That OK, I use the python bincopy or another tool, it woks fine with my test hex file gernerate from axf file.


I have another problem is, there is a hex file built from NXP RT1060 matter project.

But seems there is some problem for the output hex file.

I use hex2bin tool to test the hex (from axf->hex) to binary and dowload to RT1060 EVKB, it works fine.

Here is the covert log.

hex2bin v2.5, Copyright (C) 2017 Jacques Pelletier & contributors

Lowest address: 60000000
Highest address: 60005E83
Starting address: 60000000
Max Length: 24196

Binary file start = 60000000
Records start = 60000000
Highest address = 60005E83
Pad Byte = FF


But for the chip-rt1060-all-cluster-example.hex

All with error.

hex2bin v2.5, Copyright (C) 2017 Jacques Pelletier & contributors

Error in line 1 of hex file
Error in line 2 of hex file
Error in line 3 of hex file
Error in line 4 of hex file
Error in line 5 of hex file
Error in line 6 of hex file

Is there any way to analyze or check what wrong for the hex file ?

(It is the RT1060 with MATTER project, from NXP private git,

because it was built without any error, but it can't be coverted to bin file)


BR, Antonio.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Thanks for your reply.
Just as Jay shows, the various IDE can support generating different formats of the image, about the chip-rt1060-all-cluster-example.hex, it definitely has trouble, because the MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning tool indicates the address is not valid, I think you'd better check the setting of the IDE prior to generating another hex。



Have a great day,

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Contributor II

Hi, Jeremy:


Thanks for you test.

I find the hex is not intel-hex format, so it needs ohter image tool.


for k32w matter project, there is same issue for the built hex file.

It uses to convert hex to bin file.

Thanks your help.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

You can convert .axf to hex/srec/bin under MCUX


For hex to bin, you need additional tool/library, below python bincopy library may be helpful to you

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi @antoniohsu888 ,
Thank you for your interest in NXP Semiconductor products and for the opportunity to serve you.
To provide the fastest support, please try the GUI tool.
Have a great day,

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- We are following threads for 7 weeks after the last post, later replies are ignored
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