Hardfaults when using internal flash XIP MIMXRT1064DVJ6a

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Hardfaults when using internal flash XIP MIMXRT1064DVJ6a

Contributor I

I have a project that works fine on another board that has a 1064DVL6A on it. The project runs fine in the internal flash via XIP. On my new board that has a 1064DVJ6A, the same project randomly hardfaults (of many different kinds) after a random period of time (only) when the program runs from internal flash. However, if I run the project from the off-chip memory, the project does not hard fault anymore.

I believe my boot switches are correct. Below is a dump of the two following boot switch registers after boot-up time. They look correct to me. Is there something special about the DVJ6A package that I need a special configuration for?

SBMR1 00000000000000000000000000000000
SBMR2 00000010000000000000000000001001

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @max3 ,

   This issue is duplicated with your cases which I have replied you, so just reply you again:

Thank you for your interest in the NXP MIMXRT product, I would like to provide service for you.
I checked the MIMXRT1064DVL6A and MIMXRT1064DVJ6A, just the package difference.
VJ:196MAPBGA, 12 x 12 mm, 0.8 mm pitch
VL:196MAPBGA, 10 x 10 mm, 0.65 mm pitch
Others are the same.
You mentioned, if you run the project from the off-chip memory, no hardfault, please tell me what do you mean off-chip memory? External QSPI flash or the internal RAM?
Do you debug the code, when the hardfault happens, which detail code cause the issues?
BTW, do you use external SDRAM? Do you enable cache? Can you try to disable cache, then test it again in the internal XIP flash memory, whether it can be improved or not?
Do you try to run the simple project, eg, led_blinky or the hello_world, whether that can generate the hardfaults or not?
When you boot, you use the fuse not the external GPIO as the BOOT_CFG to boot?
Do you write the fuse?
Please give me the updated information, thanks.

Best Regards,


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