Fail to Porting Emwin into i.MX RT

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Fail to Porting Emwin into i.MX RT

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Contributor II

I porting emwin speedometer into i.MX RT and choose booting from external QSPI.

I always get the space not enough information like these.

I double it is problem of scatter file.

I saw emwin demo's scatter in lpc54608 is like this following.

Which way I need to modify scatter file to make it workable

How about I solve this problem.

sdram_debug\emwin_gui_demo.out: Error: L6406E: No space in execution regions with .ANY selector matching heap_4.o(.bss).
sdram_debug\emwin_gui_demo.out: Error: L6406E: No space in execution regions with .ANY selector matching emwin_support.o(.bss).


#! armcc -E

#define Stack_Size 1024
#define Heap_Size 0

; must use "VECTOR_RAM", "RW_m_data", "VECTOR_ROM" as names to work with "InstallIRQHandler()" API

LR_Flash 0 512*1024 { ; load region size_region

; >>> RO regions
VECTOR_ROM +0 0x200 { ; vector table

TEXT_ROM +0 { ; load address = execution address
* (InRoot$$Sections)
.ANY (+RO)
; <<<

; >>> RAMX regions
; RAM vector table, unless "InstallIRQHandler()" is called, not used
VECTOR_RAM 0x04000000 EMPTY 0x200 { ; RAM vector region (in RAMX)


; Generic fast RAM for performance critical code and/or data
FAST_RAM +0 EMPTY 32*1024-0x200-16-Stack_Size { ; Fast RAM region (in RAMX)

; Main stack
ARM_LIB_STACK +0 EMPTY Stack_Size { ; Stack region growing down (in RAMX)
; <<<

; >>> AHB RAM (2 cycles access) regions, main R/W
RW_m_data 0x20000000 (64+64+32)*1024 { ; RW data
.ANY (+RW +ZI)
; <<<

; >>> SDRAM >>>
RW_FB 0xA0000000 UNINIT 1024*1024 {

RW_SDRAM 0xA0100000 EMPTY UNINIT (32-1)*1024*1024 {
; <<<

LR_SPIFI 0x10000000 2048*1024 {

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1,036 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


There are emWin examples as part of the i.MX RT MCUXpresso SDK. Please refer to the following link to generate the proper SDK package according with the desired features/used IDE:


In case of having specific emWin issues, you could directly contact Segger:


Hope this will be useful for you.
Best regards!

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