i.MXRT1050 Product Lifetime Usage Estimates

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i.MXRT1050 Product Lifetime Usage Estimates

1,134 次查看
Contributor III

I have a question about application note AN12170, "i.MXRT1050 Product Lifetime Usage Estimates".

Why is the lifetime estimate for the industrial qualified part different than the commercial part for the same exact operating conditions?  Here are the conditions:

DCDC Enabled
ARM core speed: 528 MHz
ARM core operating voltage: 1.15V

Commercial Qualification
These conditions are represented by the green curve in Figure 1 of AN12170.  Let's pick an arbitrary point that can be used to compare to the Industrial graph.  At a Junction Temperature of about 91.5 degrees C, the Power-On Hours is estimated at 95,000 hours.

Industrial Qualification
These conditions are represented by Figure 3 of AN12170.  At a Junction Temperature of about 91.5 degrees C, the Power-On Hours is estimated at 195,000 hours.

If the DCDC power mode, frequency, voltage, and packages are exactly the same, why is there such a large difference in the estimated lifetime of these devices?



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1 解答
1,005 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Greg,

     About the question,  I got response from PE team, see below, please!


Even for the same condition as customer listed below,

For commercial parts, our qualification HTOL stress time is 534 hours, we use this
value to calculate life time is 534*’LifeTimeFactor’ = 76379 hours.

For industrial parts, our qualification HTOL stress time is 1108 hours, then the
calculated life time is 1108*’LifeTimeFactor’ = ~160000 hours.


Hope above information can help you.

Have a nice day!

NXP TIC Weidong Sun


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2 回复数
1,005 次查看
Contributor III

Thank you very much.  That answers my question.

You have a nice day too!


0 项奖励
1,006 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Greg,

     About the question,  I got response from PE team, see below, please!


Even for the same condition as customer listed below,

For commercial parts, our qualification HTOL stress time is 534 hours, we use this
value to calculate life time is 534*’LifeTimeFactor’ = 76379 hours.

For industrial parts, our qualification HTOL stress time is 1108 hours, then the
calculated life time is 1108*’LifeTimeFactor’ = ~160000 hours.


Hope above information can help you.

Have a nice day!

NXP TIC Weidong Sun

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