Problem with using UART in EVK - RT 1064

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Problem with using UART in EVK - RT 1064

1,680 次查看
Contributor I


I am using MIMXRT1064 - EVK.

I had imported bootloader_example - Flashloader sdk for reference to my bootloader implementation.

In this sample code, I am not able to use UART drivers and also not able to see debug message in terminal. 

Please check and help me with the issue of UART.


Function not working is 


After this function executes, not able to see print on terminal.

Also, Can I get any tutorial or document which explains about the activities/steps done in SDKs provided by NXP.

Being new in this field, this can help me understand the SDKs better specially for bootloader.

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1,559 次查看
Contributor I


I am facing issue while jumping to application code.

I am using below logic:




But after executing above mentioned code, My code is going to some unknown state.

I need to know if I am doing something wrong?

1. Can some one help me out with this?

2. Is it possible to blink LED or give any indication in RESETISR() code? To know after jump if control is going to RESETISR() or not?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Thanks for your reply.
I'd highly recommend you create a ticket for this question, then send me the link.
Thanks for your understanding.
Have a great day,

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1,541 次查看
Contributor I

Thanks for the reply.

I had raised a separate ticket for the last question asked and linked to you.

Kindly check and revert for the same.

Looking forward for your support.



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1,623 次查看
Contributor I


Thanks for the reply. I had ported the UART from opensource bootloader SDK available in SDK list and is working fine for me.

As I understand, Flashloader SDK runs on SRAM on i.MX RT1064 EVK board after flashing.

I have few doubts:

1. Is there any way to flash binaries of flashloader SDK to internal ROM of 4 MB?

2.My requirement is to use internal memory of 4MB for both bootloader code and application code. At power on, Control shall go to boot code and after checking few flag device shall decide to either be in bootmode or to jump to application mode which is also present in internal memory of 4MB. If required in bootmode , device shall be capable to write the new application image in certain memory address of internal flash successfully and then jump to Application mode. 

   - My question is for this requirement, will flashloader SDK is helpful to refer or any other reference?



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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


Thanks for your reply.
1) My question is for this requirement, will flashloader SDK is helpful to refer or any other reference?
-- In my opinion, the flashloader is hard to meet all your requirements, as it can't detect the application and update it automatically, further, can't automatical jump to the updated application after completing the updating process.
So I'd like to highly recommend you to refer to the FOTA solution, as the SBL not only like flashloader can program the flash but also can manage the updating process.
Meanwhile, the SBL can run in the Flash.
Have a great day,

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1,610 次查看
Contributor I


Thanks for the reply.

I have few questions:

1. Do we have SDKs available which supports FOTA Solution. If yes, Can I use that SDK on i.MX RT1064 EVK board?

2. If we use this SDK, Do we need to do any modification in the SDK for i.MX RT1064 EVK board?

3. What I understand with the document that this solution is dedicated for i.MXRT1010-EVK board and i.MXRT1020 and both the controllers don't have internal memory(Dedicated flash)?

Please provide your inputs on the same.
EVK board.



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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

1. Do we have SDKs available which supports FOTA Solution. If yes, Can I use that SDK on i.MX RT1064 EVK board?
-- No, the SDK library hasn't integrated the SBL & SFW, they're only provided in the Github until now.
- SBL(Secure Bootloader) -
- SFW(Secure Firmware) -
2. What I understand with the document that this solution is dedicated for i.MXRT1010-EVK board and i.MXRT1020 and both the controllers don't have internal memory(Dedicated flash)?
-- The FOTA is suitable for all i. MX RT series MCU.
Hope this is clear.
Have a great day,

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1,674 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Thank you for your interest in NXP Semiconductor products and for the opportunity to serve you.
In default, the flashloader doesn't support the UART prinf function, it needs to developer to port or modify code.
Have a great day,

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1,666 次查看
Contributor I


Thanks for the reply.

1. Can you provide any reference to port UART ?

2. Can I get any tutorial/document which explains about the application in SDKs provided by NXP? Being new in this field, this can help me understand the SDKs better specially for bootloader.

3. Can I get a reference/demo for flashloader SDKs?

4. I can see a Opensource bootloader SDK also, Will I get support for that SDk also?

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1,655 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Thanks for your reply.
Regarding to your requirement, I'd like to highly recommend you to refer to the FOTA solution, it's easy to deploy the RT series MCU even without any code modification, further, it's able to print out some information in default.
Have a great day,

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