imxrt1176 EVK is not getting detected

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imxrt1176 EVK is not getting detected

655 次查看
Contributor II


We are using mimxrt1176 EVK board, the board is not getting detected in MCUXpresso, IAR EW and NXP-MCUBootUtility. We tried the connections with both the modes in XIP and SDP by using the switch combinations.

Also, from hardware side, we checked the voltage levels as below
1. VDD_SNVS_IN :- 3.3 (OK)
2. VDD_SNVS_ANA :- 1.8 (OK)
3. System voltage :- 3.3 dc (not getting this voltage level).

It seems like CPU is in power down mode as we are not getting the "System voltage" level as 3.3v.

Can anybody tell us why this is happening or any other options to get it out from power down mode? OR

how can we make it able to detect?

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638 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @pratiknaphade2 ,

Can you take a photo of the EVK board when you connect it to PC?




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634 次查看
Contributor II


Please find below attached the EVK board image after powering it ON and connecting to PC.



We had checked it with CMSIS-DAP and JTAG (segger Jlink debugger), the behaviour is same in both the cases.

Note: The virtual COM port is getting detected when we connect the board to PC, but when we try to access the core using debugger it doesn't allow us to do this.

Thanks and regards,


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630 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @pratiknaphade2 ,

The red led D34 isn't bright. This is mostly like DCDC is not work. I guess this is because other device is power on earlier than RT1170 and their high voltage signal drain into RT1170 GPIO. Thus DCDC_PSWITCH goes high same as or earlier than DCDC_IN. It violates the DCDC power on sequence.  




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624 次查看
Contributor II


Thanks for your response.

We are also on the same point like LED is not glowing, it means core is not getting the power supply and thats why it is not getting detected into PC.

This means core(micro-processor) is now damaged because of high voltage signal and can't be recovered now (except changing the imxrt1170 MPU IC on EVK board).


Thanks and Regards,


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598 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @pratiknaphade2 ,

Is there a misunderstanding? I never mean RT1170 is damaged. You should let RT1170 power on earlier than other devices in the system or you can use resistor to limit the sink current from gpio.




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