how to build image with video support (gnome-desktop) for iMX53

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how to build image with video support (gnome-desktop) for iMX53

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Contributor I

Has anyone been able to build an image with gnome-desktop support?

I have been able to build with ltib and the latest downloads from freescale, the version Im able to build does not include any graphical support.

The only graphical image is the one already built. 

Any hint is greatly appreciated.

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2,960 次查看
Contributor I

Hello xizhou,


It works fine with new 11.09 BSP ! thank you for your help.


Best Regards,

Philippe Cavenel.

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2,960 次查看
Contributor I
Hello xizhou,

Thank you for the information and the log file.

I am going to download new 11.09 BSP in order to make a try and I come back to you.

Best Regards,


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Contributor II


Build the gnome profile in the new 11.09 BSP for the i.MX53 QSB. It worked fine on the VGA by default with USB mouse support. See attached Log file.

There are differences compare with 1101 BSP.

  • CPU clock default to 800Mhz instead of 1000MHz
  • CONFIG_MXC_OTG and CONFIG_USB_OTG can not be choose together
  • The touch screen is /dev/input/event1.

how to set the clock to 1000Mhz


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2,960 次查看
Contributor I

LTIB setting should not impact boot logo - pengium. You can disable touch screen in /usr/bin/start (referring to mx51 setting).

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2,960 次查看
Contributor I

Thank you for your time.

I checked my setting and now when I run startx, I just have a fatal error "no screens found", and I have no image on VGA display output even at boot time. I guess my problem is in ltib setting, but I don't know what are the good parameters and I don't know where to find this information. I attached new boot log.


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2,960 次查看
Contributor I

You log showed the following failure:

Fatal server error:
Segmentation fault caught

matchbox-panel: failed to open displaymatchbox-desktop: unable to open display !
matchbox: can't open display! check your DISPLAY variable.
ts_open: No such file or directory


So please check the settings in /usr/bin/startx is right nor not.

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2,960 次查看
Contributor I

I found the solution for DHCP by selecting the right  option in kernel configuration, but I still have the same problem for the output display. I activated some option, but without result.

I am wondering why it is so difficult to get a VGA display output when an UBUNTU image works fine on the same board. Is there a specific missing driver in ltib distribution ?


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2,960 次查看
Contributor I
Hello Lily,

I rebuilt my FSL gnome kernel  and I formated and partitioned the sd card from scratch in order to eliminate unknown side effect. The penguin image at boot time is no more present (I don't know why) but the problem is still the same. I can't get output on VGA screen. You will find traces in boot.trace.txt file. When I launch startx I got errors as you can see.

I don't use touch screen. I only connect a VGA screen on VGA port.

Many thanks in advance for your help.

Best Regards,

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2,960 次查看
Contributor I
Please give your boot log. Did you configure touch screen device well etc?
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2,960 次查看
Contributor I


My VGA screen is working correctly with UBUNTU on my iMX53 board. But when I build my own kernel with ltib I can't get an image. I just have a root access on serial output. I am trying to get a VGA image with FSL gnome release package profile. I can see penguin image at boot time for some seconds  and that's all. Do you know what I have to do to get a desktop environment that works fine ? (setting, packages version, test functions, and so on). 

I would like to know also how to set the network to get an IP address ?

Last question, do you know if there is a function such as apt-get or zypper that we can use to install packages on that board with ltib environment ? 

Help or link will be appreciate. 



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2,960 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi, HR,


Have you built image with FSL gnome release package profile? Then, you need to enable, at least, fsl-mm-codec-libs and gstreamer-fsl-plugins in package list.

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2,960 次查看
Contributor I
The gap between embedded and desktop is narrowing or perhaps already cross over ! The HP laptop which I am using now can't even play HD 1080p video but HD video is already inside iMX53 's genetic. I see iMX5/6 as a piece of bit processing chip, most of the desktop cpu is needed due to 3D Gaming (of course you still need to spend for a good 3D graphic card), if we have iMX supporting > 4GB RAM + SATA 2/3+ great 3D and HD video/audio engine built in with only a fraction of cost (not to mention about the low power consumption which mean you can run with battery) the old perception of "desktop" will be in the history.  I can already visualize iMX is everywhere, we shall make it happen anyway,we are.
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Contributor IV



What exactly do you want to do? Gnome is a framework for desktop machines, but MX53 is an embedded system, and most embedded scenarios I know have single application requirements, which are pretty much far away from a full blown gnome or kde desktop.



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