Typical Power Consumption SABRE SDB

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Typical Power Consumption SABRE SDB

835 次查看
Contributor II


I am working with an i.MX6Q and using the SABRE SDB as my platform.  When looking at the schematics on pg.19 of 25 I see the Current consumption for the power rails on the PF0100.  My question is: SW1A & SW1B (VDDCORE) has a current consumption of 2155mA for the processor, but SYS_4V2 which is supplying power to the entire board has a current draw of only 1001mA for that rail.  It might be a stupid question, but if I total up the current consumption for the board we total 7375mA and right next to it they show "Total system Current Requirements" of 4454mA for SYS_4V2.  How can this be?

Current Consumption.JPG

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722 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Joseph

typical power consumption data measured on real board is given in

AN4509 i.MX 6Dual/6Quad Power Consumption Measurement

datasheets gives max. theoretical values often not reachable in real applications.

Best regards



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722 次查看
Contributor II

Hey Igor,

I saw this App note, thanks for that. My question would be if you add up all the power under current drawn we get around 7375mA but the schematic only has around 4454mA for total system current requirement. The power supply that comes with the SABRE card also is only 5A.  Where does all the extra power come from?

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722 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Joseph

7375mA is max. available (max. per datasheet), not reachable in real applications.


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