Single x32 DDR3 Module for i.MX6

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Single x32 DDR3 Module for i.MX6

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Contributor II


I am busy sketching a system draft using i.MX6DL with x32bit DDR3 memory. As far as my research goes only the LPDDR3 memories have x32 bit data width but unfortunately i.MX6 devices don't support LPDDR3. The DDR3 and LVDDR3 memories have x16 bit data width only. I know I could use 2 LV/DDR3 modules but space is one of the biggest challenges in the design, that's why I would like to keep it to a single memory module, if possible. Could anyone suggest a direction to go?


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1 Solution
Contributor II

Hello Cahit

basically you are right, DDR3(L) comes in a x16 organisation only, for x32 you need at least a LPDRAM like LPDDR2 or LPDDR3.

You didnt write anything about the capacity you need in total, and nothing about the Flash component, which I guess its an eMMC but you wrothe something about space saving as a criteria.

There is one single option, which I normally wouldn't suggest to anybody, as that its for sure a single source, but take a look here where you could find a single package DDR3 with 256Mx32 (1GB in one chip): 1GB – 256M x32 High Density DDR3 SDRAM – 1.5V – 168 PBGA MCP | DDR3 SDRAM | Memory | Products

I'm not a distributor of MicroSemi, but that package could help you for your specific design.....

or additionally, you could use an eMCP (combing LPDDR2 x32 and eMMC), but depending on what you need for capacity on both components. Hope that could help you!

BR Lars

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8 Replies
Contributor II

there also exists a combination of DDR3 and NAND SLC, but only 4Gbit DDR3 and 2Gbit SLC, I guess, that is not enough for you....

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Contributor II

DDR3 size would be sufficient but for Flash I need at least 8GB. 2 Gb is unfortunately not sufficient.

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Contributor II

Hello Cahit

depending on what you need exactly for eMMC, there is also a possinility of have a eMCP based on LPDDR2 and eMMC.

what temperature Grade do you need... if industrial Temp (-40°/+85°C) is needed, there are only a few manufacturer, which could support that. And depending on the application you have, it could make sense using the pseudoSLC Mode, which most of the manufacturer are supporting. that mode increases your relaibility by approx. factor 10 (from 3K P/E Cycles to roughly 30K P/E cycles) but decreasing your overall capacity to half of the original size (depending on how much you re-format from MLC to pSLC)

let me know, if you need further help with your design!

have a nice weekend! BR Lars

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Contributor II

Hi Lars,

Thank you for the extra information. eMCP would have been a nice solution for high integration but I want to stick to the DDR3 standard. If you know any eMCP based on DDR3 or DDR3L, that would be very helpful.

Thanks and you too have a nice weekend!



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Contributor II

Hello Cahit

basically you are right, DDR3(L) comes in a x16 organisation only, for x32 you need at least a LPDRAM like LPDDR2 or LPDDR3.

You didnt write anything about the capacity you need in total, and nothing about the Flash component, which I guess its an eMMC but you wrothe something about space saving as a criteria.

There is one single option, which I normally wouldn't suggest to anybody, as that its for sure a single source, but take a look here where you could find a single package DDR3 with 256Mx32 (1GB in one chip): 1GB – 256M x32 High Density DDR3 SDRAM – 1.5V – 168 PBGA MCP | DDR3 SDRAM | Memory | Products

I'm not a distributor of MicroSemi, but that package could help you for your specific design.....

or additionally, you could use an eMCP (combing LPDDR2 x32 and eMMC), but depending on what you need for capacity on both components. Hope that could help you!

BR Lars

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Contributor II

Hi Lars,

Thank you very much for the suggestions! That is exactly what I was looking for :smileyhappy:

As capacity I need between 1GB-2GB and eMMC as flash memory, as you guessed. eMCP would also be a nice solution but not possible for my case, because I want to stay by DDR3 and LPDDR3 is not supported by i.MX6.

Thanks again!

Best regards,


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Cahit,

    According to your requirements, you will have to select LPDDR2.

    i.MX6DL supports DDR3/LVDDR3/LPDDR2, not supports LPDDR3.

Hope above suggestion can help you!



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Contributor II

Hi Weidong,

I am trying to avoid DDR2, that's why I cannot use LPDDR2. I thought maybe there are x32 DDR3/LVDDR3 chips that I am not aware of or another NXP processor that supports LPDDR3 and have the features of imx6. I know imx7 supports LPDDR3 but doesn't have the 2D/3D graphics capabilities.

I guess you can't have all you want in this world :smileyhappy:



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