PXP testing

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PXP testing

2,892 次查看
Senior Contributor II

Hi all,

We've had an ongoing discussion on the meta-freescale list about how to test the Pixel Pipeline (PXP) device.

In short, it appears that the unit_test program for the PXP is broken and not well documented, though the
gstreamer-1.0 pxp elements are partially functional.

Carlos used the gstreamer elements to perform a very thorough test of all pixel formats that are advertised by the driver:


It appears that support for many are broken.

Please join the conversation if you have knowledge in this area.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I did forward the community thread on and waiting for a reply from the team that owns PXP.

PXP (includdng unit test cases) will have updates in next release but not sure if that addresses this issue you reported.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

I tested PXP unit-test with the latest imx7D release and I faced exactly the same error.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

OtavioSalvador, can you please comment on this?

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1,260 次查看
Senior Contributor II

Hi James,

Otavio is the one who pointed out that we weren't including PXP in our device tree!

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