Multiple Shells? - Virtualisation - IVSHMEM demo

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Multiple Shells? - Virtualisation - IVSHMEM demo

1,354 次查看
Contributor III

How do I start multiple shells for the  IVSHMEM demo?

"uio_read and uio_send need to be started in different shells."

I have Hyperterminal on COM3 where I start U-boot and run jh_mmcboot

"Open two shells, using SSH to log into the board. Execute uio_read in one shell and execute uio_send in the other shell.
#uio_send /dev/uio0 [count] 0 0
#uio_read /dev/uio0 [count]"

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1 解答
1,333 次查看
Contributor III

I've figured out how to connect a SSH shell using the Ethernet port on the i.MX8 eval board.

In the COM port shell

$ ifconfig eth0 up 

$ ifconfig

Look for the IP address after inet addr


eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:04:9f:07:15:9a
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:


Then I start another terminal e.g. I'm using Tera Term to the IP address above

The username is root 


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5 回复数
873 次查看
Contributor III

Where are the "uio*" executables? They are not in the LF_v5.15.32-2.0.0_images_IMX8MQEVK download, but I got the Linux jailhouse demo working (after some work).


Is someone going to update the IMXVIRTUG document?

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1,349 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

You can use ssh connection to open second shell

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1,345 次查看
Contributor III

Does this mean I use an Ethernet port to ssh into the i.MX8 board rather than the serial port?

Or this can be done using the existing COM4 port?

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1,334 次查看
Contributor III

I've figured out how to connect a SSH shell using the Ethernet port on the i.MX8 eval board.

In the COM port shell

$ ifconfig eth0 up 

$ ifconfig

Look for the IP address after inet addr


eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:04:9f:07:15:9a
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:


Then I start another terminal e.g. I'm using Tera Term to the IP address above

The username is root 

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1,329 次查看
Contributor III
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