Mirror display 3.14 kernel mx6

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Mirror display 3.14 kernel mx6

2,265 次查看
Contributor III

I am trying to get a mirrored display between the LVDS and HDMI.  ldb is mxcfb0 and hdmi is mxcfb1.

if i do not add video=mxcfb0:off in bootargs then the ldb shows up and there is nothing on the HDMI. In this case I can test HDMI by dumping some pixels onto the HDMI frame-buffer by using echo command ..like
echo "hello nxp community" > /dev/fb2.

If I add video=mxcfb0:off in the command line then the primary display is HDMI and there are no frambuffers for the LDB device.

I have already tried "Can I mirror a LVDS channel on HDMI? " but it did not prove any good.

Do i need to do something else to support a mirrored display between the two framebuffers ?

PS: ldb is using ipuID=1 displayID=0 ("overlayed") and HDMI is using ipu1 displayID=1.

Moreover what do these kernel parameters do "di0_primary ldb=di1"


I have already asked this question here

mirror display in imx6

But there was no response to this. So asking it again

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969 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi have been in toich with the experts and it seems that there might be few  impediments. Getting 2 displays working, they come up as 2 separete displays 0:1 and 0:0 instead of only 0:0. The RANDR X11 server extensions are not going to help because the two screens come up as separate displays rather than both on :0.0.

One possible solution is to use Xinerama to clone the HDMI and LVDS displays, but it will be necessary to first build your own X server.

Best Regards,


969 次查看
Contributor III

Alejandro. Thanks it was very helpful. I was able to get a mirror display between LVDS and Parallel display using the following xorg.conf file

Section "InputDevice"

        Identifier "touchscreen"

        Driver "evdev"

        Option "Device" "/dev/input/event0"

        Option "DeviceName" "touchscreen"

        Option "MinX" "0"

        Option "MinY" "0"

        Option "MaxX" "32767"

        Option "MaxY" "32767"

        Option "ReportingMode" "Raw"

        Option "Emulate3Buttons" "false"

        Option "Emulate3Timeout" "50"

        Option "SendCoreEvents" "On"


Section "Device"

  Identifier  "i.MX Accelerated Framebuffer Device"

  Driver      "vivante"

  Option      "fbdev"     "/dev/fb0"

  Option      "vivante_fbdev" "/dev/fb0"

  Option      "HWcursor"  "false"


Section "Device"

        Identifier      "Parallel"

        Driver          "vivante"

  Option       "fbdev"     "/dev/fb4"

  Option       "vivante_fbdev" "/dev/fb4"

  Option       "HWcursor"  "false"


Section "Monitor"

        Identifier      "LVDS Monitor"


Section "Monitor"

        Identifier      "Parallel Monitor"


Section "Screen"

        Identifier      "LVDS Screen"

        Monitor         "LVDS Monitor"

        Device          "i.MX Accelerated Framebuffer Device"


Section "Screen"

        Identifier      "Parallel Screen"

        Monitor         "Parallel Monitor"

        Device          "Parallel"


Section "ServerLayout"

        Identifier      "Dual Layout"

        Screen 0        "LVDS Screen"

        Screen 1        "Parallel Screen" Absolute 0 0

        Option          "Xinerama"  "on"


Section "ServerFlags"

  Option "BlankTime"  "0"

  Option "StandbyTime"  "0"

  Option "SuspendTime"  "0"

  Option "OffTime"  "0"


I am using Trusty Ubuntu December 2015​. But with these settings now I cannot play any qt demo. not even chromium browser.

I was able to run Qt demo's before i added this xorg.conf file. So I am wondering if the hardware acceleration is somehow gone. Also there is no mouse pointer on the second display. Is there something which I can add/remove in the mentioned xorg.conf to make things run smoothly ?

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969 次查看
Contributor III

In the /var/log/Xorg.0.log there is a message

(WW) VIVANTE(0): Direct rendering is not supported when Xinerama is enabled

I guess Graphic Acceleration is not supported on the display's where Xinerama is turned on.

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969 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


I am asking internally. I will get back to you as soon as I get something useful.

Best Regards,


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