MY-IMX6 Linux 3.0.35 development instruction

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MY-IMX6 Linux 3.0.35 development instruction

Contributor II

MY-IMX6 Linux 3.0.35 development instruction( system LOGO )

u-boot LOGO modification


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  • pathname
    1_system_Linux-3.0.35 > 04_development instruction > 01_ system LOGO
  • file instruction
    exe:to convert BMP to .c file。
    myzr.bmp:sample image file(8 bit BMP)。
    myzr.c:sample.c file。


prepare LOGO

prepare LOGO image file

prepare BMP format(8 bit)image file。

data conversion

convert image file to C file with Bin2C.exe。

modify code

modify C file

  • modify variable name to be consistent with code in u-boot,to ensure data to be transfered correctly
    compile the c file created above,modify
    unsigned char acmyzr[] = {

    const unsigned char myzr_bmp_logo[] = {
  • add definition of data size
    insert in previous row of“End of file”
    int myzr_bmp_logo_size = sizeof(myzr_bmp_logo);


replace C file
change myzr.c to be named as myzr_bmp_logo.c,then replace board/myzr/common/myzr_bmp_logo.c in u-boot source code with it


refer to《MY-IMX6 Linux-3.0.35 compilation manual


renew system to the new u-boot。
re-boot and LOGO needed will be shown on LCD screen of evaluation board。


kernel modify LOGO


the guide for kernel modify LOGO is easily found in internet, so it is ignored here。

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