MCUXpresso-generated blinky doesn't run on RT1024

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MCUXpresso-generated blinky doesn't run on RT1024

Senior Contributor I

Background: New custom board using MIMXRT1024CAG4B. After correcting my previous errors, the board powers up and the processor is recognized by Windows via USB as an "SE Blank RT Family", so the CPU is running the ROM bootloader AOK. Segger J-Link happily recognizes and programs the part, but Windows still recognizes it as blank.

I'm trying to get a simple "blinky" app running on the board with no joy. I created an application in MCUXpresso and its config tools, but when I try to debug it, the processor immediately loops in the ROM area of the processor. I suspect the project created by MCUXpresso is not properly filling in the boot header. I did create the DCD, but the boot header prior to the DCD seems to be just filler from the linker script. The application is linked as expected (to run from the flash).

Question: That's wrong with the application / project (attached)? How do I get the complete set of header and drivers for execute-from-flash? Why did MCUXpresso create a project that does not run? @mjbcswitzerland ?

Thanks in advance for any help,
Best Regards, Dave

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20 Replies

Senior Contributor I

Update: The problem was, as I suspected, the MCUXpresso generated project failed to properly initialize the boot header.
To get this project to run, I did the following:

  • copied the files evkmimxrt1024_flexspi_nor_config.h/c from a working project (running on EVK),
  • defined as 1 the symbols XIP_BOOT_HEADER_ENABLE and XIP_EXTERNAL_FLASH
  • Note: no changes to hardware BOOT_MODE pins were required.

Please Note: MCUXpresso bug - failed to properly set up execution from internal flash in generated project.
The complete buggy generated project was attached to the original post above.

I've attached the nor config files below. Can you tell me:
Are the settings in the code below correct for MIMXRT1024CAG4B (different processor from 5B on EVK)?

Best Regards, Dave





 * Copyright 2020 NXP
 * All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "fsl_common.h"

/*!  Driver version */
/*! @brief XIP_BOARD driver version 2.0.1. */

/* FLEXSPI memory config block related defintions */
#define FLEXSPI_CFG_BLK_TAG     (0x42464346UL) // ascii "FCFB" Big Endian
#define FLEXSPI_CFG_BLK_VERSION (0x56010400UL) // V1.4.0
#define FLEXSPI_CFG_BLK_SIZE    (512)

/* FLEXSPI Feature related definitions */

/* Lookup table related defintions */
#define CMD_INDEX_READ        0
#define CMD_INDEX_WRITE       4

#define CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ        0
#define CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_WRITE       9

#define CMD_SDR        0x01
#define CMD_DDR        0x21
#define RADDR_SDR      0x02
#define RADDR_DDR      0x22
#define CADDR_SDR      0x03
#define CADDR_DDR      0x23
#define MODE1_SDR      0x04
#define MODE1_DDR      0x24
#define MODE2_SDR      0x05
#define MODE2_DDR      0x25
#define MODE4_SDR      0x06
#define MODE4_DDR      0x26
#define MODE8_SDR      0x07
#define MODE8_DDR      0x27
#define WRITE_SDR      0x08
#define WRITE_DDR      0x28
#define READ_SDR       0x09
#define READ_DDR       0x29
#define LEARN_SDR      0x0A
#define LEARN_DDR      0x2A
#define DATSZ_SDR      0x0B
#define DATSZ_DDR      0x2B
#define DUMMY_SDR      0x0C
#define DUMMY_DDR      0x2C
#define DUMMY_RWDS_SDR 0x0D
#define DUMMY_RWDS_DDR 0x2D
#define JMP_ON_CS      0x1F
#define STOP           0

#define FLEXSPI_1PAD 0
#define FLEXSPI_2PAD 1
#define FLEXSPI_4PAD 2
#define FLEXSPI_8PAD 3

#define FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(cmd0, pad0, op0, cmd1, pad1, op1)                                                              \

//!@brief Definitions for FlexSPI Serial Clock Frequency
typedef enum _FlexSpiSerialClockFreq
    kFlexSpiSerialClk_30MHz  = 1,
    kFlexSpiSerialClk_50MHz  = 2,
    kFlexSpiSerialClk_60MHz  = 3,
    kFlexSpiSerialClk_75MHz  = 4,
    kFlexSpiSerialClk_80MHz  = 5,
    kFlexSpiSerialClk_100MHz = 6,
    kFlexSpiSerialClk_133MHz = 7,
} flexspi_serial_clk_freq_t;

//!@brief FlexSPI clock configuration type
    kFlexSpiClk_SDR, //!< Clock configure for SDR mode
    kFlexSpiClk_DDR, //!< Clock configurat for DDR mode

//!@brief FlexSPI Read Sample Clock Source definition
typedef enum _FlashReadSampleClkSource
    kFlexSPIReadSampleClk_LoopbackInternally      = 0,
    kFlexSPIReadSampleClk_LoopbackFromDqsPad      = 1,
    kFlexSPIReadSampleClk_LoopbackFromSckPad      = 2,
    kFlexSPIReadSampleClk_ExternalInputFromDqsPad = 3,
} flexspi_read_sample_clk_t;

//!@brief Misc feature bit definitions
    kFlexSpiMiscOffset_DiffClkEnable            = 0, //!< Bit for Differential clock enable
    kFlexSpiMiscOffset_Ck2Enable                = 1, //!< Bit for CK2 enable
    kFlexSpiMiscOffset_ParallelEnable           = 2, //!< Bit for Parallel mode enable
    kFlexSpiMiscOffset_WordAddressableEnable    = 3, //!< Bit for Word Addressable enable
    kFlexSpiMiscOffset_SafeConfigFreqEnable     = 4, //!< Bit for Safe Configuration Frequency enable
    kFlexSpiMiscOffset_PadSettingOverrideEnable = 5, //!< Bit for Pad setting override enable
    kFlexSpiMiscOffset_DdrModeEnable            = 6, //!< Bit for DDR clock confiuration indication.

//!@brief Flash Type Definition
    kFlexSpiDeviceType_SerialNOR    = 1,    //!< Flash devices are Serial NOR
    kFlexSpiDeviceType_SerialNAND   = 2,    //!< Flash devices are Serial NAND
    kFlexSpiDeviceType_SerialRAM    = 3,    //!< Flash devices are Serial RAM/HyperFLASH
    kFlexSpiDeviceType_MCP_NOR_NAND = 0x12, //!< Flash device is MCP device, A1 is Serial NOR, A2 is Serial NAND
    kFlexSpiDeviceType_MCP_NOR_RAM  = 0x13, //!< Flash deivce is MCP device, A1 is Serial NOR, A2 is Serial RAMs

//!@brief Flash Pad Definitions
    kSerialFlash_1Pad  = 1,
    kSerialFlash_2Pads = 2,
    kSerialFlash_4Pads = 4,
    kSerialFlash_8Pads = 8,

//!@brief FlexSPI LUT Sequence structure
typedef struct _lut_sequence
    uint8_t seqNum; //!< Sequence Number, valid number: 1-16
    uint8_t seqId;  //!< Sequence Index, valid number: 0-15
    uint16_t reserved;
} flexspi_lut_seq_t;

//!@brief Flash Configuration Command Type
    kDeviceConfigCmdType_Generic,    //!< Generic command, for example: configure dummy cycles, drive strength, etc
    kDeviceConfigCmdType_QuadEnable, //!< Quad Enable command
    kDeviceConfigCmdType_Spi2Xpi,    //!< Switch from SPI to DPI/QPI/OPI mode
    kDeviceConfigCmdType_Xpi2Spi,    //!< Switch from DPI/QPI/OPI to SPI mode
    kDeviceConfigCmdType_Spi2NoCmd,  //!< Switch to 0-4-4/0-8-8 mode
    kDeviceConfigCmdType_Reset,      //!< Reset device command

//!@brief FlexSPI Memory Configuration Block
typedef struct _FlexSPIConfig
    uint32_t tag;               //!< [0x000-0x003] Tag, fixed value 0x42464346UL
    uint32_t version;           //!< [0x004-0x007] Version,[31:24] -'V', [23:16] - Major, [15:8] - Minor, [7:0] - bugfix
    uint32_t reserved0;         //!< [0x008-0x00b] Reserved for future use
    uint8_t readSampleClkSrc;   //!< [0x00c-0x00c] Read Sample Clock Source, valid value: 0/1/3
    uint8_t csHoldTime;         //!< [0x00d-0x00d] CS hold time, default value: 3
    uint8_t csSetupTime;        //!< [0x00e-0x00e] CS setup time, default value: 3
    uint8_t columnAddressWidth; //!< [0x00f-0x00f] Column Address with, for HyperBus protocol, it is fixed to 3, For
    //! Serial NAND, need to refer to datasheet
    uint8_t deviceModeCfgEnable; //!< [0x010-0x010] Device Mode Configure enable flag, 1 - Enable, 0 - Disable
    uint8_t deviceModeType; //!< [0x011-0x011] Specify the configuration command type:Quad Enable, DPI/QPI/OPI switch,
    //! Generic configuration, etc.
    uint16_t waitTimeCfgCommands; //!< [0x012-0x013] Wait time for all configuration commands, unit: 100us, Used for
    //! DPI/QPI/OPI switch or reset command
    flexspi_lut_seq_t deviceModeSeq; //!< [0x014-0x017] Device mode sequence info, [7:0] - LUT sequence id, [15:8] - LUt
    //! sequence number, [31:16] Reserved
    uint32_t deviceModeArg;    //!< [0x018-0x01b] Argument/Parameter for device configuration
    uint8_t configCmdEnable;   //!< [0x01c-0x01c] Configure command Enable Flag, 1 - Enable, 0 - Disable
    uint8_t configModeType[3]; //!< [0x01d-0x01f] Configure Mode Type, similar as deviceModeTpe
        configCmdSeqs[3]; //!< [0x020-0x02b] Sequence info for Device Configuration command, similar as deviceModeSeq
    uint32_t reserved1;   //!< [0x02c-0x02f] Reserved for future use
    uint32_t configCmdArgs[3];     //!< [0x030-0x03b] Arguments/Parameters for device Configuration commands
    uint32_t reserved2;            //!< [0x03c-0x03f] Reserved for future use
    uint32_t controllerMiscOption; //!< [0x040-0x043] Controller Misc Options, see Misc feature bit definitions for more
    //! details
    uint8_t deviceType;    //!< [0x044-0x044] Device Type:  See Flash Type Definition for more details
    uint8_t sflashPadType; //!< [0x045-0x045] Serial Flash Pad Type: 1 - Single, 2 - Dual, 4 - Quad, 8 - Octal
    uint8_t serialClkFreq; //!< [0x046-0x046] Serial Flash Frequencey, device specific definitions, See System Boot
    //! Chapter for more details
    uint8_t lutCustomSeqEnable; //!< [0x047-0x047] LUT customization Enable, it is required if the program/erase cannot
    //! be done using 1 LUT sequence, currently, only applicable to HyperFLASH
    uint32_t reserved3[2];           //!< [0x048-0x04f] Reserved for future use
    uint32_t sflashA1Size;           //!< [0x050-0x053] Size of Flash connected to A1
    uint32_t sflashA2Size;           //!< [0x054-0x057] Size of Flash connected to A2
    uint32_t sflashB1Size;           //!< [0x058-0x05b] Size of Flash connected to B1
    uint32_t sflashB2Size;           //!< [0x05c-0x05f] Size of Flash connected to B2
    uint32_t csPadSettingOverride;   //!< [0x060-0x063] CS pad setting override value
    uint32_t sclkPadSettingOverride; //!< [0x064-0x067] SCK pad setting override value
    uint32_t dataPadSettingOverride; //!< [0x068-0x06b] data pad setting override value
    uint32_t dqsPadSettingOverride;  //!< [0x06c-0x06f] DQS pad setting override value
    uint32_t timeoutInMs;            //!< [0x070-0x073] Timeout threshold for read status command
    uint32_t commandInterval;        //!< [0x074-0x077] CS deselect interval between two commands
    uint16_t dataValidTime[2]; //!< [0x078-0x07b] CLK edge to data valid time for PORT A and PORT B, in terms of 0.1ns
    uint16_t busyOffset;       //!< [0x07c-0x07d] Busy offset, valid value: 0-31
    uint16_t busyBitPolarity;  //!< [0x07e-0x07f] Busy flag polarity, 0 - busy flag is 1 when flash device is busy, 1 -
    //! busy flag is 0 when flash device is busy
    uint32_t lookupTable[64];           //!< [0x080-0x17f] Lookup table holds Flash command sequences
    flexspi_lut_seq_t lutCustomSeq[12]; //!< [0x180-0x1af] Customizable LUT Sequences
    uint32_t reserved4[4];              //!< [0x1b0-0x1bf] Reserved for future use
} flexspi_mem_config_t;

/*  */
#define NOR_CMD_INDEX_READ        CMD_INDEX_READ        //!< 0
#define NOR_CMD_INDEX_ERASESECTOR 3                     //!< 3
#define NOR_CMD_INDEX_CHIPERASE   5                     //!< 5
#define NOR_CMD_INDEX_DUMMY       6                     //!< 6
#define NOR_CMD_INDEX_ERASEBLOCK  7                     //!< 7

#define NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ //!< 0  READ LUT sequence id in lookupTable stored in config block
    CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READSTATUS //!< 1  Read Status LUT sequence id in lookupTable stored in config block
    2 //!< 2  Read status DPI/QPI/OPI sequence id in lookupTable stored in config block
    CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_WRITEENABLE //!< 3  Write Enable sequence id in lookupTable stored in config block
    4 //!< 4  Write Enable DPI/QPI/OPI sequence id in lookupTable stored in config block
#define NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_ERASESECTOR 5 //!< 5  Erase Sector sequence id in lookupTable stored in config block
#define NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_ERASEBLOCK  8 //!< 8 Erase Block sequence id in lookupTable stored in config block
    CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_WRITE                //!< 9  Program sequence id in lookupTable stored in config block
#define NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_CHIPERASE 11 //!< 11 Chip Erase sequence in lookupTable id stored in config block
#define NOR_CMD_LUT_SEQ_IDX_READ_SFDP 13 //!< 13 Read SFDP sequence in lookupTable id stored in config block
    14 //!< 14 Restore 0-4-4/0-8-8 mode sequence id in lookupTable stored in config block
    15 //!< 15 Exit 0-4-4/0-8-8 mode sequence id in lookupTable stored in config blobk

 *  Serial NOR configuration block
typedef struct _flexspi_nor_config
    flexspi_mem_config_t memConfig; //!< Common memory configuration info via FlexSPI
    uint32_t pageSize;              //!< Page size of Serial NOR
    uint32_t sectorSize;            //!< Sector size of Serial NOR
    uint8_t ipcmdSerialClkFreq;     //!< Clock frequency for IP command
    uint8_t isUniformBlockSize;     //!< Sector/Block size is the same
    uint8_t reserved0[2];           //!< Reserved for future use
    uint8_t serialNorType;          //!< Serial NOR Flash type: 0/1/2/3
    uint8_t needExitNoCmdMode;      //!< Need to exit NoCmd mode before other IP command
    uint8_t halfClkForNonReadCmd;   //!< Half the Serial Clock for non-read command: true/false
    uint8_t needRestoreNoCmdMode;   //!< Need to Restore NoCmd mode after IP commmand execution
    uint32_t blockSize;             //!< Block size
    uint32_t reserve2[11];          //!< Reserved for future use
} flexspi_nor_config_t;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#ifdef __cplusplus
 * Copyright 2020 NXP
 * All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

#include "evkmimxrt1024_flexspi_nor_config.h"

/* Component ID definition, used by tools. */
#define FSL_COMPONENT_ID "platform.drivers.xip_board"

 * Code
#if defined(__CC_ARM) || defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) || defined(__GNUC__)
__attribute__((section(".boot_hdr.conf"), used))
#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
#pragma location = ".boot_hdr.conf"

const flexspi_nor_config_t qspiflash_config = {
    .memConfig =
            .tag              = FLEXSPI_CFG_BLK_TAG,
            .version          = FLEXSPI_CFG_BLK_VERSION,
            .csHoldTime       = 3u,
            .csSetupTime      = 3u,
            .sflashPadType    = kSerialFlash_4Pads,
            .serialClkFreq    = kFlexSpiSerialClk_60MHz,
            .sflashA1Size     = 4u * 1024u * 1024u,
            .lookupTable =
                    // Read LUTs
                    FLEXSPI_LUT_SEQ(DUMMY_SDR, FLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x06, READ_SDR, FLEXSPI_4PAD, 0x04),
    .pageSize           = 256u,
    .sectorSize         = 4u * 1024u,
    .blockSize          = 64u * 1024u,
    .isUniformBlockSize = false,







0 Kudos

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @davenadler 

1. The code, I suggest you use the SDK project at first, after it works OK, then you can try to generate your own project.

2. Please Note: MCUXpresso bug - failed to properly set up XIP in generated project.
The complete buggy generated project was attached to the original post above.

=>Answer: You need to add the XIP, and assign it to the FCB linker file.


I've attached the nor config files below. Can you tell me:
Are the settings in the code below correct for MIMXRT1024CAG4B (different processor from 5B on EVK)?

=>Answer: RT1024 is using the internal QSPI flash, do you use your own flash or other memory?

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Senior Contributor I

1. Have done that; trying to generate real project fails.

2a. I found no way to specify execution from internal QSPI flash in teh configuration tools.
Exactly how does one configure this project to run from internal flash?
Have you tried doing this with the project I provided?

2b. I found no way to add XIP - It is not listed in peripherals tool.
Exactly how does one add XIP to this project?
Have you tried doing this with the project I provided?

3. We are using MIMXRT1024CAG4B internal QSPI flash and internal RAM only in this project.
Again: Are the settings in the code I copied (above) correct for MIMXRT1024CAG4B (different processor from 5B on EVK)?


0 Kudos

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @davenadler 

1. Have done that; trying to generate real project fails.

2a. I found no way to specify execution from internal QSPI flash in the configuration tools.
Exactly how does one configure this project to run from internal flash?
Have you tried doing this with the project I provided?

2b. I found no way to add XIP - It is not listed in peripherals tool.
Exactly how does one add XIP to this project?
Have you tried doing this with the project I provided?

=>Answer: SDK code need to modify the clock from 500M to 400, as your chip can't up to 500Mhz.

3. We are using MIMXRT1024CAG4B internal QSPI flash and internal RAM only in this project.
Again: Are the settings in the code I copied (above) correct for MIMXRT1024CAG4B (different processor from 5B on EVK)?



4B, 5B, the core frequency is different, if you are using 4B, the max core frequency is 400Mhz.

But, the SDK define:

#define BOARD_BOOTCLOCKRUN_CORE_CLOCK 500000000U /*!< Core clock frequency: 500000000Hz */

You need to change this code.


Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Senior Contributor I

SDK code need to modify the clock from 500M to 400, as your chip can't up to 500Mhz.
But, the SDK define:
#define BOARD_BOOTCLOCKRUN_CORE_CLOCK 500000000U /*!< Core clock frequency: 500000000Hz */

That is incorrect.
The SDK expects BOARD_BOOTCLOCKRUN_CORE_CLOCK to be defined.
Definition of this symbol is created by clocks tool in generated code clock_config.h

In the example provided, in the original question, this symbol is already set to a low value in clock_config.h

Again, Please, answer 2a, 2b, and especially 3 above.

Also, please confirm you have reported as a bug:
MCUXpresso new project wizard and config tools fail to generate a running project for RT1024.

Best Regards, Dave

0 Kudos

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @davenadler ,

  Maybe some misunderstanding.

  I mean, the SDK is used for the RT1024 which is 500Mhz, but your select chip is the 400Mhz, so you need to modify the SDK clock config which change the system clock to 400Mhz instead of 500Mhz.

  Not just the define for 500Mhz, that just an example to indicate the sdk is 500Mhz core clock.

  Answer your:

2a. I found no way to specify execution from internal QSPI flash in the configuration tools.
Exactly how does one configure this project to run from internal flash?
Have you tried doing this with the project I provided?

=>The SDK is running from the internal QSPI flash, not the external flash.

FlexSPI interface:





So, if you refer to the sdk, that project is put in the internal flash.


2b. I found no way to add XIP - It is not listed in peripherals tool.
Exactly how does one add XIP to this project?
Have you tried doing this with the project I provided

=>XIP, you need to refer to the SDK, FCB, after you add the FCB then it works.

Do you try to use the debugger run the code from internal RAM, whether that works OK or not?

If yes, I think you can testing the flexspi polling code, just to check the internal flash write, read, erase situation.

BTW, you also need to check your BOOT_CFG, BOOT_MODE pins, make sure it is the correct settings.


Best Regards,


0 Kudos

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @davenadler 

we are in the May Day Vocation now, if you have any updated information, I will reply you after back to work from 5.4, thanks a lot for your understanding.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Senior Contributor I

Does he mean vocational training???

0 Kudos

Specialist V
May day vacation
0 Kudos

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @davenadler ,

  Why your BOOT_MODE0 is unconnected? That is not correct!

  Please connect it to GND if you want to enter the internal boot mode.

BTW, if you want to test it in the serial download mode, you need to set BOOT_MODE[1:0]=01;


Wish it helps you!

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Senior Contributor I

@kerryzhou- You wrote:
BTW, if you want to test it in the serial download mode, you need to set BOOT_MODE[1:0]=01;

That's not correct; as MJB has pointed out if the flash image is not recognized as valid, the ROM bootloader then tries serial mode - as was illustrated by my problem above.

0 Kudos

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @davenadler ,

   Yes,If an error occurs during the internal boot, the boot code jumps to the Serial Downloader.

  That's correct.

  Can you use the debugger download code to the internal RAM or not?

  If yes, I suggest you test this SDK code at first:


Just to check, whether the flash operation works or not.


Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Senior Contributor I

As I already explained below, my project works when I add boot header initialization...

0 Kudos

Senior Contributor I

Thanks @kerryzhou - I thought the BOOT_MODEx pins have internal pull-downs? Is that not correct?

Also, can someone explain how the boot sequence operates on RT1024-EVK board, where pins 141 and 142 are connected to memory?

Best Regards, Dave

0 Kudos

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @davenadler ,

    Normally, we add the external pull resistor for the stable working in the production.

   how the boot sequence operates on RT1024-EVK board, where pins 141 and 142 are connected to memory?

=>Why you need to use pin 141 and 142?

The internal QSPI is connect to:


About the boot, it will boot from the internal QSPI flash.Winbond W25Q32JV.


Best Regards,




0 Kudos

Senior Contributor I

@kerryzhouwrote: "Why you need to use pin 141 and 142 ?"
Because these are BOOT_MODE1 and BOOT_MODE2 pins we are discussing.
To clarify my question:
Given the EVK connects boot mode pins to a SEMC_A1 and SEMC_A0 (memory address pins),
how does the boot process work on EVK?
Do boot pins read '00' because of internal pull-downs?

0 Kudos

Specialist V


I doubt that a simple imported SDK program will not operate (either in XiP or in RAM mode) so I wonder whether you have set the MODE inputs to that it boots from flash and doesn't always start in ISP mode?
i.e. MODE00 = '0' and MODE01 = '1'.




0 Kudos

Senior Contributor I

@mjbcswitzerlandwrote: I doubt that a simple imported SDK program will not operate...

The issue here is a project generated by NXP's new project "wizard" and configuration tools doesn't function. Probably I should have started with a representative project and made incremental changes, but I couldn't find anything close to my board... In the end I used a non-NXP makefile project as a template to get my skeleton up and running.

Anyway thanks as always for the help!

0 Kudos

Senior Contributor I

Thanks @mjbcswitzerland, Hopefully I've set the boot mode pins correctly...

0 Kudos

Specialist V


I don't know what a non-connected MODE00 defaults to - I would try pulling it to 0V (or via 10k) to be sure.



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