Latest BSP porting guide not valid for Zeus?

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Latest BSP porting guide not valid for Zeus?

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Contributor II

I'm trying to follow the Linux BSP porting guide and build an image for a design I have. ( )

Currently we have a working environment based on an older version of Yocto. However I'm trying to move to Zeus and am struggling. 

In the BSP Porting Guide, there are numerous references to custom configuration for boards (eg Take an example for the i.MX 6Quad custom board. Open the file: board/freescale/ mx6/imximage.cfg to mx6q.cfg)

However in the zeus source tree I cannot find these files

I am also trying to build u-boot. Previously the recipe was u-boot-fslc. However if I build that with Zeus, I get 

ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'u-boot-fslc' u-boot-fslc was skipped: PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/bootloader set to u-boot-imx, not u-boot-fslc

The image that I build with u-boot-imx doesn't work and I am not able to modify it.

I wonder if

1. Zeus is supported for iMX6 targets (like the SabreBoard)

2. Is there any documentation to support this?



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Diarmuid,

The latest BSP Release, L5.4.3_1.0.0, is released for Yocto Project 3.0 (Zeus) and does support the i.MX6 Processors, although I can see that maybe the BSP Porting Guide has not been thoroughly updated.

There is some work on the Community BSP on the Zeus branch as well, although last time I checked they were ironing some details as it’s a recent branch.

If you are using the BSP Release you would need to use the u-boot-imx recipe. The Community BSP do uses the u-boot-fslc recipe for the bootloader and there were some patches addressing some problems some weeks ago so it should work correctly, although I’m not sure how mature this branch is.


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Contributor II


I'm wondering if it's possible to get the README or the build script that is used to build the images for the sabreboard that Freescale provide

i.MX 6Quad SABRE Development Board | NXP 

I am trying to recreate the images for this particular tar file but currently failing to do so 

L5.4.3_1.0.0_MX6QDLSOLOX (REV LF_L5.4.3_1.0.0 ) 

I have taken the most recent zeus build and tried to create the core-image-minimal based on the community BSP (as that's the one the seems to work)

repo init -u -b imx-linux-zeus -m imx-5.4.3-2.0.0.xml
repo sync

DISTRO=poky MACHINE=imx6qdlsabresd source -b build-qdl

bitbake core-image-minimal

This goes quite far into the process but fails at the WIC generation stage. It also fails to create a .imx file and instead leaves an SPL and u-boot.img file which uuu will not boot


ERROR: _exec_cmd: install -m 0644 -D /home/diarmuid/imx-yocto-bsp-zeus/build-qdl/tmp/deploy/images/imx6qdlsabresd/make_dtb_boot_files /home/diarmuid/imx-yocto-bsp-zeus/build-qdl/tmp/work/imx6qdlsabresd-poky-linux-gnueabi/core-image-minimal/1.0-r0/deploy-core-image-minimal-image-complete/core-image-minimal-imx6qdlsabresd-20200428180305/tmp.wic.7g2tvax0/boot.3/make_dtb_boot_files returned '1' instead of 0
output: install: cannot stat '/home/diarmuid/imx-yocto-bsp-zeus/build-qdl/tmp/deploy/images/imx6qdlsabresd/make_dtb_boot_files': No such file or directory

At this stage I'll take anything that generates a base image successfully


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Diarmuid,

My apologies for the trouble generating the images.

It seems the imx-5.4.3-2.0.0.xml might have problems. However, the imx-5.4.3-1.0.0.xml manifest, which is the latest BSP Release (not community BSP) is working correctly.

Please use this manifest:

$ repo init -u -b imx-linux-zeus -m imx-5.4.3-1.0.0.xml

For more details please refer to the BSP Release Documentation (link below, you may need to login to download this document bundle). This BSP Release is the one used to create the images you mentioned [L5.4.3_1.0.0_MX6QDLSOLOX (REV LF_L5.4.3_1.0.0 )]

I hope that this information helps!


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3,857 次查看
Contributor III

I get the same error as Diarmuid eventhough i used:

repo init -u -b imx-linux-zeus -m imx-5.4.3-1.0.0.xml

I've already mentioned this here, because this is the next error i'm trying to fix. I didn't downgrade from Ubuntu 20.04, but unsure if it's related.

diarmuidcollins‌ Which OS are you running on your host machine?

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3,857 次查看
Contributor II

I used 18.04 and I would recommend using it. It's difficult enough process without adding in the headache of using an unsupported Ubuntu version

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Contributor III

Well i gave in and installed 18.04, because i was stuck at "make_dtb_boot_files': No such file or directory" using Lubuntu 20.04 and imx-5.4.3-2.0.0.xml

But same issue persist on imx-5.4.24-2.1.0.xml (on 18.04).

Could you confirm you managed to get it working in the end and if so, using which xml? 

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3,857 次查看
Contributor II

I have the same issue on Suse Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1 with Zeus:

ERROR: _exec_cmd: install -m 0644 -D /home/wdobbe/yocto/flownode_zeus/build-flownode-acu/tmp/deploy/images/dynniq-flownode-acu/make_dtb_boot_files /home/wdobbe/yocto/flownode_zeus/build-flownode-acu/tmp/work/dynniq_flownode_acu-poky-linux-gnueabi/dynniq-image-flownode-acu-default/1.0-r0/deploy-dynniq-image-flownode-acu-default-image-complete/dynniq-image-flownode-acu-default-dynniq-flownode-acu-20200714141156/tmp.wic.x9bvyej0/boot.2/make_dtb_boot_files returned '1' instead of 0
| output: install: cannot stat '/home/wdobbe/yocto/flownode_zeus/build-flownode-acu/tmp/deploy/images/dynniq-flownode-acu/make_dtb_boot_files': No such file or directory

Did anybody find a solution ?

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3,857 次查看
Contributor III

No, and seeing there's no response from NXP i doubt they know what is causing it.

Seems like only option is to wait for a future version that does work properly...

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3,857 次查看
Contributor II

Thanks for the update.

Since we use only ext4 images I disabled all the wic images and that solves the problem (for us at least).

3,856 次查看
Contributor III

Oh, didn't think of that. Don't really need the .wic but do wan't something i can write to the emmc rootfs.

Could you tell me how to disable wic generation? Saves me the trying to figure it out.

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3,857 次查看
Contributor II

I checked in the lower layers what kind of wic images they add to SOC_DEFAULT_IMAGE_FSTYPES and IMAGE_FSTYPES and then removed the wic ones in my machine conf file with the following lines: 

IMAGE_FSTYPES_remove = "tar.bz2"
SOC_DEFAULT_IMAGE_FSTYPES_remove = "wic.bmap wic.gz wic.bz2 tar.bz2"

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Michiel TJampens,

Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04 are the recommended Ubuntu releases as some packages and dependencies may change on older or newer releases. Hopefully they can conform on the other thread whether the downgrade fixed the issue definitely or not.


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3,857 次查看
Contributor III

Hello gusarambula‌,

Well i wasn't going to wait for an answer here nor am i going to downgrade to a two year old release. So i just started reading the porting guide to do it without bitbake. That way i might learn something which might even be better in the long run (which it's probably going to be). But the issue addressed in this topic is caused by a make file not being made during the wic creation script, so if someone could shed some light on what is needed during that step it might be possible to have a workaround (like for qemu) which will have to be addressed at some point anyway.

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