Kitkat support for EPD in i.mx6slevk

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Kitkat support for EPD in i.mx6slevk

Contributor II

Dear all,

       We are using Freescale i.mx6SLEVK kit. And we downloaded kitkat android but in that EPD Support is not there. So what are the things to be done for making EPD support on i.MX6SL Evk kitkat version. If any document is there that will be helpfull for us.


Ranjith Hebbar V S

Labels (2)
3 Replies

Contributor II

Hello Ranjith,

I am also trying to run KitKat on the sololite EVK board with the EPD daughter board. Variations on the bootargs suggested by gusarambula and included in the preconfigured EPD SD card that came with the board have not been successful.

Were you able to get the EPD display working with Android KitKat? If so, how did you get it working?

Thank you,

Nicholas Saulnier

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

I apologize for the confusion. The latest Android BSP that supported the i.MX6SL EPD is Android Ice Cream Sandwich (R13.5).

That being said it should be possible to use the EPD on Android Kit Kat as Linux does support it. One option would be to disable all other display support in Kernel so it would be forced to use the EPD.

The other option depends on setting the boot arguments correctly so the EPD framebuffer is used but unfortunately I do not have this configuration. The example given was from the ICS release.

Hopefully someone can help with their own experience with EPD and Android. However, perhaps you may have a better result posting a new thread as it will show up on the communities more promptly.

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

The latest Android BSP that supported the i.MX6SL EPD is Android Ice Cream Sandwich (R13.5).

That being said it should be possible to use the EPD on Android Kit Kat as Linux does support it. One option would be to disable all other display support in Kernel so it would be forced to use the EPD.

Another option would be to set the boot arguments to choose the EPD. Unfortunately there is no much information on this as it’s no longer supported but you may find some on the release documents from ICS. Taking these ICS documents as reference it would look something like:

bootargs=console=ttymxc0,115200 init=/init max17135:pass=2,vcom=-2030000 video=mxcepdcfb:E060SCM,bpp=16 androidboot.console=ttymxc0 androidboot.hardware=freescale csi

I hope this information helps. Please let us know of your progress in this regard!

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