Inflexion for iMX53 questions

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Inflexion for iMX53 questions

Contributor II

I'm planning to use Inflexion to develop the UI for a new iMX535-based project. I'm currently using the IMX53 Quick Start Board as a development platform. I've watched the Inflexion training videos and read the Inflexion UI Express documentation, but still have some unanswered questions regarding the use of Inflexion with the iMX53:


1) Are there limitations on the LCD panel I choose for my system, such as pixel dimensions, bits per pixel, or any other limitations I should know about before choosing my target LCD display? I'm using the Quick Start Board's Seiko LCD right now but plan to replace it with a different one with better brightness and viewing angle, and a capacitive touchscreen.


2) Will Inflexion support multi-touch gestures (like two-finger zoom) on my capacitive touchscreen? 


3) Does Inflexion for iMX53 come with plug-in elements I can use to play videos and display photos in my Inflexion-based UI?


Any help is much appreciated,


Jim Hollister

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2 返答(返信)

Contributor II



Thank you for your response. Since I posted my question, I've found the LCD screen I want to use. It's a 4.3" LCD with 480x272 resolution and 24 bits per pixel. It also has a projected capacitive touchscreen and I want the touchscreen to respond to touches and to horizontal or vertical one-finger swipes. I have no plans to make use of multi-finger selection or multi-finger touchscreen gestures. Do you anticipate that I'll have any problem configuring the Inflexion runtime to use this LCD and touchscreen?


Regarding the plug-in elements, am I right in assuming that the Inflexion for iMX53 product already includes video player and picture display plug-ins, that will work on the iMX53 Quick Start Board with attached LCD?



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Contributor I

Hi Jim,

See my comments on your questions


1) Are there limitations on the LCD panel I choose for my system, such as pixel dimensions, bits per pixel, or any other limitations I should know about before choosing my target LCD display? I'm using the Quick Start Board's Seiko LCD right now but plan to replace it with a different one with better brightness and viewing angle, and a capacitive touchscreen.

[Awais]  From Inflexion point of view, if you change the LCD screen, then following factors needs attention:

  • Screen BPP (4.3 inch screen support 24 BPP and has good quality as compared to 7 inch screen which supports 16 bpp)
  • Screen Resolution (theme depends on this)
  • Touchscreen (all standard  event should be passed, missing events may cause problems)
  • Framerate (if the driver is slow/buggy, it would affect Inflexion performance)


2) Will Inflexion support multi-touch gestures (like two-finger zoom) on my capacitive touchscreen?

[Awais]  There is not any built-in gesture recognizer in Inflexion runtime. The Inflexion runtime is event driven, so if you write your own mechanism to read the gestures then you can pass that event to Inflexion runtime to perform the action against the event.



3) Does Inflexion for iMX53 come with plug-in elements I can use to play videos and display photos in my Inflexion-based UI?

[Awais] Yes Inflexion support plugin elements and you can use them to show videos or photos or anything from any other application. You can see the plugin Sine/cosine wave screen of the Inflexion default demo on Linux and for Android you can see the IFXPhotopicker example that shows the thumbnails of photos from the sd card by using plugin element.



Awais Anwar

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