IMXRTEVK - CMSIS DAP debug too slow and often fails

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IMXRTEVK - CMSIS DAP debug too slow and often fails

Contributor II


We are developing a new project based on IMXRT1050 because its features has a good fit to our requirements, so we buyed a IMXRTEVK which features a CMSIS DAP / DAPLINK debugger on board. I performed the SDK installation steps on MCUExpresso, and created a simple hello world on FreeRTOS application built with no errors, good!

Time to debug, but when I tried to start debug, it failed with  the attached message, it basically takes time then it report error on redlink. I tried then to download a application to QSPI Flash changing the boot source in the onboard switch SW7, the daplink connects but the firmware gets stuck on ROM bootloader and never reach main.

After this, I tried again to boot from HyperFlash changing SW7, and the daplink connected, but, it is too slow, a simple step takes about 6-7 seconds to complete, turning the debug almost impossible. Using a Jlink was not worked as well, the firmware gets stucked.

My question given this scenario: Is it possible to debug the code using the IMXRTEVK?

Please note:

SDK: SDK_2.x_EVK-MIMXRT1050 v2.3.0

Thanks in advance for any hint about this problem, I really want to proceed to use the processor.



3 Replies

Contributor II

Hello Guys, I found the issue.

To speed up the debug you need to disable the CPU cache (both I and D), this solved my issue.
For debug failing this was a the SDRAM not being initialized during system init, after provide this snippet

the debug functions now is stable and fast as expected from daplink used in Kinetis parts.

Please mark it as resolved.



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


   >>Is it possible to debug the code using the IMXRTEVK?

Yes, it is.

--For debug: you will have 2 method to debug IMXRTEVK

(1) Using OpenSDA based on K20 MCU(DAP link debugger) to debug it.

But firmware of OpenSDA only supports HyperFlash by default, it can't be use to program QSPI .

(2) Using J-LINK Plus.

You can use J-LINK Plus to debug the board, but the debugger doesn't support program HyperFlash or QSPI Nor Flash.

--For Programing HyperFlash: you wil have to 2 methods to program HyperFlash.

(1) Using DAPLINK debugger on board.

After connecting usb otg of the board to PC USB HOST, you will find a new disk on your PC explorer, copy your images to the new disk, burning will be done.

(2) Using MFG Tools.

Released in Flashloader packages, this the manufacturing tools for customer.

Have a nice day!

TIC Weidong Sun

Contributor II

Hi Wigros, thanks for the fast reply.

I understand now the ways to reach on the debug, it also worked, but the speed stills too low, I know the daplink probe is slow I've used it on kintetis and LPC MCU some months a go, but in the current IMXRT a single step takes too much time, as I said in previous post it takes 5--6 seconds to complete.

Is there any explanation about the debug too slow?

EDIT: Is there also some planning to debug through the QSPI Flash?



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