I have a custom IMX6ULL board. I am using the following u-boot and linux kernel:
LINUX_BRANCH = "4.1-2.0.x-imx"
LINUX_REPO = "https://github.com/Freescale/linux-fslc.git"
UBOOT_BRANCH = "imx_v2016.03_4.1.15_2.0.0_ga"
UBOOT_REPO = "git://git.freescale.com/imx/uboot-imx.git"
UBOOT_CONFIG = 'mx6ull_14x14_evk_defconfig'
Issue: Using mfgtool, I can download successfully a u-boot, kernel, and rootfs directly to an eMMC connected to usdhc1. When I switch to internal boot mode and boot from the eMMC, u-boot does not detect the MMC. I am confused why the mfgtool u-boot detects the mmc, however, the production u-boot does not.
Attempts to solve:
1. Completed DDR stress tests and added calibration values to u-boot
2. Modified the pins for usdhc1 to match schematic (this is likely correct since mfgtool uboot works properly)
3. Modified the uboot environment to point to mmc0, mmcblk0p1 (partition contains linux kernel and dtb), modified mmc load image partition to 1 to match mmcblk0p1
Any ideas on what could be different between running the mfgtool and booting from the emmc?
Hi Ali
linux-fslc is community linux release supported by community, difference between
official nxp releases (which use mfg tool) and community bsp (does not support mfg tool)
described on
difference between Yocto Community BSP and Freescale BSP Release
FSL Community BSP Release Notes 2.3 documentation
One can try official nxp releases described on
i.MX Software|NXP
linux-imx - i.MX Linux kernel
Issues with community linux (linux-fslc) can be posted on meta-fsl-arm mailing list
meta-freescale Info Page
Best regards
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