I am having iMX8M Miini EVK and I am trying to build Yocto for it.
I am following all the steps given in user guide -
Rev. L4.19.35_1.1.0, 11/2019
i.MX Yocto Project User's Guide
and I am able to build - core-image-minimal yocto image for iMX8M Mini.
I even followed the steps given in community - Task #10 - How to create a custom layer and I am able to create a sample hello world layer in my yocto build.
But Now I want to add MySQL 5.7 in my yocto build but I am not sure how can I do that.
Please help me or suggest me what all changes or steps I need to do to add MySQL in my Yocto Build for iMX8M Mini.
Have you tried adding the following recipe in your local.conf
IMAGE_INSTALL_append += " mysql-python"
Best regards,
Hi @Diego Adrian Cuevas,
Thanks for your reply.
if I add below lines in conf/local.conf file =>
IMAGE_INSTALL_append += " mysql-python"
And After that I run below command then it start building MySQL.
bitbake mysql5
But what I found that under:
there is MySQl folder but instead of MySQL, the recipe refers to MariaDB which is
a kind of a drop-in replacement
But I need to use the "real" MySQL in my yocto build
And looking into history log of mysql in the meta-openembedded git, it can be
seen the the switch between MySQL and MariaDB was made at 2013 and from
then on-wards it's MariaDB. And last supported MySQL version was 5.1
So can you suggest me what changes or steps I need to do to build and update latest MySQL such as - MySQL 5.6
Unfortunately, In our BSP we only provide that recipe. You could search on the internet and see if you could find the recipe for MySQL 5.6. However, I could not find it I only have found the MariaDB recipe.
Best regards,
Thanks for your reply.
I will check on internet for MySql Issue.
But I am facing some issue with another recipe so is it possible if you can provide me some suggestion or solutions .
I have already asked that question in different thread in this forum -
Any suggestion will be very helpful .
Thanks & Regards,
I need to add mysql in maaxboard too,
but after I searched on Internet,all suggestions are mariadab ,
do you find some solutions for mysql?
Thank you