Has anyone got bluetooth on SD8787 working on a recent Android? 4.2 or 4.3?

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Has anyone got bluetooth on SD8787 working on a recent Android? 4.2 or 4.3?

8,721 次查看
Contributor I

Hello everyone, following the discussion here, I was able to get wifi running.

And I was wondering if anyone has succeeded in getting bluetooth to work in Jellybean.

I will begin working on this tomorrow, and I will post all my findings here. Hope you can do the same.

Thank you!

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37 回复数

2,861 次查看
Contributor I

So far I am stuck at here:

Bluetooth on Pepper · Issue #5 · gumdroid/manifest · GitHub

E/bt_hw ( 713): !!! Failed to load libbt-vendor.so !!!

All my .ko are building fine.

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2,861 次查看
Senior Contributor I

If you required ,you can send to me your private mail. I can share all bluetooth vendor implement with you.

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2,857 次查看
Contributor I

hi, Raymond, can you share me  the vendor library source too, my platform is android JB4.3. Currently, the A2DP is OK, but SCO cannot work.

myemail: sntree@gmail.com

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2,857 次查看
Senior Contributor I

All my source code is open sourced on xhteam · GitHub

You can find bluetooth relevant code in

hardware-imx/wlan/marvell at hostpadfix · xhteam/hardware-imx · GitHub


device-common/libbt-mrvl at imx_jb · xhteam/device-common · GitHub

Hope this can help you.

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2,857 次查看
Contributor I

Hi, I used Marvel SD8782 module (88W8782-NAP2).

Is it compatible with 8787 driver and firmware(sd8787_uapsta.bin)?

Because I don't find any driver and firmware named "sd8782".

Thanks a lot!!

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2,857 次查看
Senior Contributor I

I know nothing about 8782,please contact Marvell partner.

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2,857 次查看
Contributor I

Hi , we now have AOSP running the galaxy tab 3 7in I would like to also recieve bt source android.c357@gmail.com

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2,857 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Check your mailbox! I think everything your need attached.

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2,857 次查看
Contributor I

Hello Raymond

using the correct drivers I manage to use the bluetooth port (/dev/mbtchar0) using bdt (bluedroid test tool)

however when I try to activate bluetooth using settings-->bluetooth GUI I receive the following errors on logcat:

E/BluetoothAdapter(: Bluetooth binder is null

E/DeviceListPreferenceFragment: Bluetooth is not supported on this device

so apparently bludroid works fine with my definitions but GUI will not , any idea?

* I have already added


# Bluetooth



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2,857 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Please start a new thread for your issue. And more technical details required for your issue. e.g.

More logcat of bluetooth service. Paste your ps output and find out if proccess com.android.bluetooth


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2,857 次查看
Contributor I

posted question at: Bluetooth android GUI

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2,857 次查看
Contributor I

ok , thank you!

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2,857 次查看
Contributor I

Hello Raymond

can you please send me the all SD8787 WIFI + Bluetooth needed files ?

thank you!

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2,857 次查看
Contributor III

Hi, Raymond ! Could you share the vendor stack with me too ?

I'm bringing up sd8787-based bluetooth in JB 4.3, and these pieces is just was I miss.

Thanks !

Andrey [segfalta@gmail.com]

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2,857 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Check your mailbox! I think everything your needed was attached.

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2,857 次查看
Contributor III

Thanks very much, your help is invaluable !

I would like to point out, that MarvellWirelessDaemon / libMarvellWireless are actually optional (having role much resembling that of wifi.c), and can quite safely be left out.

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2,855 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Raymond, I am also trying to enable bt on sd8787 after integrating the driver. i am getting below error

E/bt-btif ( 45): ...preload_wait_timeout (retried:0/max-retry:0)

I am still using default athros lib-vendor library, Can your please share your vendor implement for bluedroid stack?

It will be really helpful for me.

my private mail id is riteshraj21@gmail.com

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2,856 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Please check your mail box.

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2,857 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Raymond, we are using the same module for our customized imx6 board, we didn't use Marvell's libbt-vendor.so for the bt module, instead we ported 'Bluez+bt8xxx.c' to replace the original 'Bluedroid+char device' for Android 4.2.2. We almost get there, but we always encounter a timeout issue while bring up the BT module. The error message list as belows: BT: module_cfg_cmd (0xf1): timeout sendcmdflag=1, and then the BT won't bring up. It must happen after several times of BT off-on status reversed. Once it happened, nothing but reboot can bring up the BT module again. So, have you ever encountered such timeout issue? What about the current status of your stacks porting? My mail address is 'xj.gan@vantrontech.com', I am expecting a further discuss with you about the Marvell BT issue, thanks!

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2,857 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Check your mail!

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