H264 video enc/dec API

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H264 video enc/dec API

Contributor II

Hello and greetings.

I hope you are all doing well! My first post and it is already a big one :smileyhappy: .

I recently bought NXP MX 8M MINI board and had a few side projects in mind. Before owning this board I have never set my foot in the world of embedded devices. I guess I am one of those people that learns swimming by jumping in the deepest parts of the ocean. It has been a blast thus far! I got myself familiar with Yocto, built my first linux image, and now... well, now I'm stuck.

Last year I spent a few months studying video codecs and, in particular, H264 video encoding/decoding. What I would like to do now is write a C application that would take video frames from MIPI camera and feed them into hardware encoder and then maybe save s raw h264 file somewhere on disk.

What do you suggest is the right path for tackling this project? Where should I start? Any pointers, good resources or tips?

Thank you in advance!

2 返答(返信)

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello Matja,

Good point to start is reading the proper documentation of the yocto BSP for MX8MMini, there is the user guide that comes with some video notes and how to use it. you can download it from:



Contributor II

Thank you! I will take a look.

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