Bt656 NTSC interlaced video support in imx6ull

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Bt656 NTSC interlaced video support in imx6ull

Contributor II

Hi Team, 

I am trying to get BT656 NTSC video(as per ITU BT.656-4 ) with imx6ull. I have few questions in this regard.

1. In the Refernce Manual, it is explained as CSI will put the field 1 and 2 back to back in the framebuffer, and from software , we have to recreate the original image, but in that it is also described as there is option to enable deinterlacing from the CSI .Could you please confirm whether deitnerlacing support is there in the imx6ull ?

2. In the mx6s_capture.c driver, for interlaced case, BASE ADDR SWITH EN bit is enabled. What is the necessitty of this particularly for interlaced video ?

3. As per BT656 standard (ITU BT.656-4) field0 has 244 active lines and field 1 243 active lines and there should be some option to skip these extra 7 lines to get actual 720x480 video. But in imx6ull how can we do this? if that can be done by using VSC field, how I can skip 7 lines ( 4 from field0 and 3 from fileld1) ?  For imx6solo there were a IPU TV IN Application note which explains about this, but I couldn't find any doc for imx6ull. Please clarify this.

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Contributor II

Please check below, 

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi abeeshmp_dct


>BASE ADDR SWITH EN bit is enabled. What is the necessitty of this
>particularly for interlaced video ?


for this question one can look at explanation on


Best regards

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi abeeshmp_dct


one can look at patches on


Best regards


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Contributor II

Hi igor, 

Thanks for the reply, I refered the same patch only, But I am getting vide as shown in below figure.

Note : The actual video file is attached for your reference




YUV image getting from v4l2 driver

If I deinterlace it using an external application( I used Vooya player in Linux PC), we will get actual frame as shown below, 



after deitneralcing using an exrenal application

Please have you comment on this issue. 


I have put asked 3 questions in first query, out of that first two are related to this, and last one is related to the line skip option, Please answer those questions. If question is not clear, please let me know.

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Contributor II

Hi Igor, 

I checked the link

But, there it explains about the Base adress switching error, I didn't find any answers for the necessity of base address switch enable for interlaced video , and also that discussoin is about csi-mipi. In my case, it is 8 bit parallel video.

Could you please help me to solve the issue I mentioned in last answer ( about deinterlacing)?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

in interlaced video one buffer is used for even data, another for odd.

Discussion is about CSI module which is similar to i.MX6ULL, i.MX6SX.




Best regards

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Contributor II

Hi Igor, 

As per the driver, we are giving two frame buffer's address to BUF1 and BUF2 base address registers and once we get the dma completion interrupt, then check for he BUF1 and BUF2 ineterrupt seperately and changes the corresponding base address registers accordingly, 

So the DMA completion interrupt comes when we get the odd and even field contents into the frame buffer. And deitnerlacing is enabled and its stride is set from the driver for interlaced mode, I guess it is for the weaving method of data filling by the DMA for interacled mode.

And the critical thing is we are getting proper video with PAL format, the issue is with the NTSC video and from analysis,  I guess it is due to some miss in configuratoin..


Did you have any information of testing NTSC video capture using the imx6ull CSI module ?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

The FBUF_STRIDE means after DMA filled one line to target buffer, it can skip FBUF_STRIDE bytes to fill the next line to target buffer.


The use case can be followed:

Input camera video is 720*480, in normal case, you can use 720*480 size of buffer to capture it. Then FBUF_STRIDE is 0; and you can also use 1440*480 size of buffer to capture it and set FBUF_STRIDE to 720, then after captured one frame to the 1440*480 buffer, the left 720*480 of the 1440*480 buffer is the camera video.


The DEINTERLACE_STRIDE is similar as FBUF_STRIDE. In de-interlace mode, after received one line into target buffer, it will skip FBUF_STRIDE, the skip DEINTERLACE_STRIDE to save next line into target buffer.

For NTSC interlaced input from camera, we used 720*480 size of buffer to capture two 720*240 fields data, we cat set FBUF_STRIDE to 0 and DEINTERLACE_STRIDE to 720, so after received one line, the DMA will skip 720 words, then save to buffer again, so for first field, after received into target buffer, its data is in line 1, 3, 5, 7,....; and for second fields, its data will be save to target buffer line 2,4,6, 8,.....


Best regards

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Contributor II

Hi Igor,


Thanks for the detailed explanation.

On our case video input is as per ITU BT656-4 standard. We have used same video for imx6 based board and its working fine , we actually followed the steps mentioned in for that case.

There we could use skip option to get 480 lines to buffer. But in case of imx6ull, we didn't find any guide like that. 

So as per ITU-656-4 standard, there will be 244 lines for first field and 243 lined for second do we need to have any extra configuration to get proper video for this standard.

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Contributor II

Hi Igor, 


One more information adding to this, I am getting PAL video properly with the same settings ( only height is changed to 576 instead of 487). 

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