How do I assign a static IPv6 address to a Thread border router?

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How do I assign a static IPv6 address to a Thread border router?

Contributor I


I am using the USB-KW41Z with a Raspberry Pi 2B, running Ubuntu MATE as a border router for my Thread network. I need to send data from the USB to the Raspberry and to do that I am trying to use the socket API provided with the demos. Using the shell socket demo on my FRDM-KW41Z REEDs I confirmed that I can send data over UDP sockets back and forth between the devices and the RPi, therefore I assume I should be able to do so between the USB and the RPi as well.

My problem is, I don't know how to get the dynamic IPv6 address, assigned to the network adapter on RPi, during runtime. My first idea was to make that address static but I can't figure out how to do that. However, if there is a way to get the dynamic IP address while the border router is running, that would most likely be a better solution.

So, I would like to know either how to make the border router use a static IP for the network adapter on the RPi or how to read the IP of the adapter during runtime.

Edit: I have tried assigning a static IPv6 address to the RPi through both the network manager and the /etc/network/Interfaces file. I also tried telling the Ubuntu network manager to ignore the specific mac address and interface. However, whenever I assign the IP, I lose all connectivity to the Thread network. I can neither ping nor send data through sockets to the devices from RPi and vice versa.

Thank you very much for any advice you can offer.

David Piškula

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2 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi David.

as I correctly understand you are looking for communication interface between your RP and KW41 as border router. There is more methods how to communicate between two devices. What is your preferences ?

Best regards,


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Contributor I

Hi Pavel,

my preferred way of communication would be through the sockets, the way I have it right now. However, if you have a better way in mind, I would be glad to look into it, although I am not in a position where I could spend a long time redoing it anymore.

As it is right now, I start the Thread network, read the assigned IP address, give that address to an FRDM node through its shell interface and have it pass it over to the dongle. After doing this, all socket communication works fine. It is very far from an ideal solution but it will be enough for my purposes.

The simplest solution would be to assign a working static address to the network adapter created on RPi after starting the Thread network but, as I mentioned in the edit of the original post, doing that somehow breaks the network completely.

Thank you for your answer,

David Piškula

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