Coordinator channel switch non-beaconed mode

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Coordinator channel switch non-beaconed mode

Contributor I

I am using the JN5148 (but I also tested it on JN5168) to build a wireless 802.15.4 network. I have a coordinator and end device in the network that can communicate with each other. 

I now want the coordinator to switch to another channel (because the system detects lost packets or interferance) so I do an energy scan and start the network with a new channel. From this moment, the coordinator is not responding to the active scan of the end device anymore. The end device has not received a beacon during active scan. I have to reboot the coordinator in order to fix this.

I am using the example code of AN1174 ( as my main source code. 

Basicly what I do is vStartEnergyScan(); after I received a user action.


How is it possible that the coordinator is not responding to the active scan request? Is this a bug in the SDK?

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4 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport



Hope you are doing well. Could you please clarify what SDK version are you using? Also, what AN version are you using?

Do you mean that after the coordinator changes to another channel, the coordinator does not respond to the ed device? Did the end device change from channel too?

By any chance, do you have any sniffer logs of your network where we can see this behavior?


Also, we highly recommend moving to the JN5189 Wireless MCU for Zigbee® and Thread, as is our focus part for ZigBee/Thread. It is supported by our MCUXpresso IDE and MCUXpresso SDK. There are several SDK examples, like driver examples (GPIO, UART, SPI, I2C), RTOS examples, and Wireless examples (ZigBee and Thread).

If you are looking for a multiprotocol MCU, then I would recommend the K32W061/41 or the K32W041AM/A.




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Contributor I

Hi Ricardo,

I am using the JN-SW4030-SDK version 1.5 and custom files of the AN1174. I have added a code snippet from the coordinator and enddevice and the logging during the test.

What I see is that the coordinator is not responding to the end device after it has done a 2nd energy scan and started a 2nd network on a different channel. The end device is not changed to the new channel (I don't trigger it manually) but I make it do an orphan scan first and afterwards periodically do active scans to get associated on the new network channel.

In the logging, you can notice that the end device is receiving a deferred scan response but the status of the scan confirmation is MAC_ENUM_NO_BEACON. It is not returning MAC_ENUM_SUCCESS in order to start the association request.

I am aware that the JN5148 is obsolete and there are other modules available (which we use in newer products).


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport



Thank you for the extra information, but could you please provide sniffer logs (air logs)? This can help us to understand your network behavior.

Without this log, it would be difficult to try to identify the issue.




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Contributor I

Coud you explain how I can make the sniffer logs?

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